Wintergreen privet as a solitary plant or as a hedge: this is how to properly care for the shrub

For many people, hedge plants are simply part of their garden design and in pretty much every garden style. And as well as looking great, natural hedges also provide a great shelter or source of food for insects, birds and other animals that visit our gardens. But with the large selection of species and varieties, the decision can be difficult. Recommended specimens are the privet plants. How is a wintergreen privet cared for? And what location conditions does it require?

Plants that decorate the garden with beautiful greenery even in winter are clearly favorites when it comes to garden design. After all, we're happy when our outdoor area doesn't look quite so dreary during the cold winter months.

Easy to care for, versatile and beautiful – these are the privet plants that are the highlight in the gardenin the form of a solitary plantor can represent a privacy screen in the form of a hedge. The leaves are dark green and relatively small, the flowers are a beautiful creamy white in June or July. Then the privet berries appear, which are slightly poisonous but are welcome food for birds. What are the requirements of the wintergreen variety to thrive?

What is the difference between wintergreen and evergreen?Both types of plants definitely retain their leaves or needles throughout the winter season. However, wintergreen ones lose it in spring and then sprout again, while evergreen varieties start the new season without shedding leaves.

Growth of the privet hedge or solitary plant

Due to its generous growth height, a wintergreen privet (Common privet 'Atrovirens') the ideal plant to form a hedge that offers sufficient privacy. The plant is also wonderfully opaque, making it a wonderful choice in any case. Depending on the conditions, a height of between 2 and 4 meters can be achieved, which you can easily regulate using cuts, although different shapes are also possible.

And how fast does privet grow?

With a growth of 25 to 50 cm per year, one can definitely say that it is onefast growing plantswhich quickly reaches a sufficient size for hedge design, especially if you buy larger plants from the outset. However, keep in mind that a little of the growth mentioned is used every year for maintenance and shape pruning.

Wintergreen privet: Which location does the hedge plant prefer?

We have really great news here too. Because this beautiful plant feels comfortable in all lighting conditions. It tolerates the blazing sun very well, but also the darker shade. And if you only have a location under the light shade of the trees or can offer a few hours of sunshine, that's no problem, because the wintergreen beauty also thrives in partial shade.

What should you pay attention to when it comes to flooring?

The shrub is just as undemanding when it comes to soil. It can be a little damp, but even if it gets drier, it doesn't matter. The only thing that should be avoided at all costs is waterlogging, as this leads to root rot and sooner or later the death of the plant. If the soil is calcareous, that is a plus point.

How to properly care for the shrub

When is the best time to plant wintergreen privet?

A wintergreen privet is planted in either spring or fall, although fall may be slightly more advantageous because the soil is still warm and there are more frequent periods of rain. Immediately after planting, generous watering is recommended to make it easier for the plant to grow. A good idea would also be to cut back the new plants. In this way you promote bushier growth, which is particularly beneficial for the hedge. But it also promotes easier growth.

Once the plant has gotten used to the new place, care is really simple:

  • PourOnly when necessary. Wintergreen privet has even long periodsDry periods do not require any special water, so you don't need to worry about it.
  • FertilizeOnly if the soil is very poor in nutrients (you can do a test). Otherwise, additional nutrient intake is unnecessary.
  • If you fertilize, it is best to use compost. Leaves that you spread as a layer of mulch are also well suited.

Cutting the privet: in autumn or spring?

We have already mentioned that the bushes can grow very tall at 4 meters. But regardless of whether you are forming a hedge or a specimen plant, we do not recommend exceeding the 2 meter limit. The reason is quite simple: the shoots become very long and sooner or later open to the side. So the plant falls apart and the compact, orderly growth is lost. Instead, it is an advantage to carry out regular cuts and this is child's play even for beginners due to the good pruning tolerance of these plants.

Since the privet grows quite quickly, pruning is necessary a little more often, namely up to three times per season. To the question above whether springor at least autumn betterfor this work, we answer: neither, nor. The best time is between the end of June and August, because then you stimulate new shoots and thereby promote growth.

Bare plantsyou can cut it down to ground level without harming it. Thanks to its willingness to grow and its tolerance for pruning, it will not only recover quickly, sprout and grow back, but will also regain its lush shape.

A notice:As you probably know, radical trimming of hedges is prohibited between March and April to protect birds. However, light shaping and care cuts may be made after the breeding season. In any case, check the bushes beforehand and whether there are any residents who could disturb you and postpone your gardening if necessary.