How to make seahorses with children for an underwater world to play with

The underwater world is particularly interesting for many children. After all, you don't see fish, crabs, octopuses and the like every day and it's no wonder that the topic is also very popular for crafts.

Would you like to make a seahorse with your children? We can understand that, because these sea creatures are extremely interesting. With our craft templates and some simple materials you can create the funniest projects!

You can find printable seahorse stencils at the end of the article.

Tissue paper idea for toddlers

Those:@ticketyboo_childcare/ Instagram

With the help of tissue paper you can make a colorful seahorse and it's so easyeven small childrencan take part in it. Depending on your age, simply prepare a seahorse figurine. Even small children can do the rest.

  • Print out a template, cut out the design and transfer it to paper of any color.
  • Cut the animal out again.
  • Take tissue paper of any color and tear it into smaller pieces.
  • Crumple the pieces of paper into small balls and glue them onto the seahorse until it is completely covered.
  • You can also draw an eye or glue on googly eyes.

Make a woven seahorse with strips of paper

Those:@mansiambaliya/ Instagram

A great oneIdea for kindergartenis also this seahorse, for which it is best to prepare the individual elements. You need:

  • Paper in two colors
  • white paper and felt-tip pen for the eyes
  • Glue
Those:@mansiambaliya/ Instagram

How to make the seahorse:

  • Draw the body on paper and cut it out. You can toouse this template.
  • Cut out the dorsal fin from a different coloras well as some stripes.
  • Make cuts along the body at equal intervals. The spacing should be the same as the width of the paper strips to create an even pattern. Also pay attention to the right amount: both ends of a strip should end up on the back of the animal.
  • Then insert the first strip of paper from the back through the first slot and then again through the next. Continue alternating until you reach the slit and with the other strips.
  • Cut out a white circle and draw a pupil with a felt-tip pen.
  • Glue the eye to the body and draw a mouth.
  • Glue the dorsal fin to the body.

Make seahorses out of shells or sea glass

Those:@4plusmama/ Instagram

If you still have a few sea treasures from your last beach vacation (or from the craft store), you canreally maritimemake.

  • Cardboard or cardboard
  • Parcel cord or thin rope
  • Shells and/or sea glass
  • Craft glue and hot glue
  • optional: picture frame without glass
Those:@4plusmama/ Instagram

This is how you can make the cute water animals:

  • Using the string, place a seahorse shape on cardboard. You can also print out one of our templates and use it as a stencil.
  • Quickly check whether the size you have chosen offers enough space for the mussels. If you are happy with the shape, attach the string with craft glue.
  • Now distribute shells as desired inside the string shape.
  • Attach them with hot glue.

What else can you make with shells?Take a look here.

Those:@florence_and_rose_seaglass/ Instagram

Not only shells, but also sea glass are suitable for crafting:

  • Put sea glass of different sizes together to form a seahorse. You can also use a template as a template for this.
  • Glue the glass pieces in place with hot glue.
  • You can create an entire underwater world by adding seaweed, fish, coral and/or other glass motifs.

More ideas with sea glasscan be found here.

Make seahorses out of paper plates Instagram

The ridged edge of a paper plate is the perfect base for a seahorse. Draw it out and cut it out. After that you can design it. Here's how you can make seahorsesMake paper plates:

  • Paint the body in any colors and using any techniques. Brush strokes or splashes of paint from an old toothbrush, for example, are nice to look at.
  • Glue on a googly eye once the colors are dry.
  • Decorate with any materials such as glitter, sequins, beads, buttons or mini felt pompoms.

For this idea, you can of course also use normal construction paper instead of paper plates, as in the following example:

Those:@abcdeelearning/ Instagram

Make your own sea creatures out of toilet paper rolls

Crafting on the theme of “water” worksalso with toilet rollswonderful. You just need a little imagination. But if you don't have that, a few suggestions and instructions are sufficient.

  • The claw role
  • Acrylic paints and brushes
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Googly eyes
  • Popsicle sticks, wooden sticks, pipe cleaners, sticks, or any other material that can be used as a stick to hold onto
Those:@thecrafttrain/ Instagram

You make the seahorses as follows:

  • Flatten a toilet roll.
  • Draw a seahorse body in pencil (the back is on the closed side, i.e. the fold).
  • In the same way, only smaller and slightly different shaped, draw a head.
  • Cut out both elements.
  • You can now cut out a dorsal fin from the cardboard scraps.
  • Paint all elements and let the colors dry.
  • Glue the head to the body and then add wiggly eyes to both sides of the head.
  • Glue the wooden stick into the body.

A few seahorses to print outcan be found herein a PDF file.