Build bird house yourself - 9 interesting ideas with instructions

Spring is the perfect time to relax in the garden and enjoy the beautiful singing of the birds. With a bit of manual skill, you can easily and quickly build a bird house yourself, which also becomes a nice accent in the garden design. Take a look at our ideas with instructions and make your own bird house.

Build yourself from an old boot sweet bird house yourself

Do not throw the old boots away because you can build a beautiful bird house yourself. In addition to boots, you still need wooden slats, scissors, rope, two small wooden boards for the roof, screws and drilling machine.

Build a construction from the wooden slats and the two wooden boards, as shown in the picture. Cut a hole in the lower third of the boot - this is the opening for the birds, and two more for the rope. The wooden structure has to go into the boots and the two are tied together with the rope. Hang the finished bird housea tree in the gardenwhere you can look at and enjoy it.

Idea from a table clock

Change the old table clock in a small sweet bird house. You need a table clock, a piece of plywood, adhesive, vineyards to us wooden coil.

First you have to remove the mechanism of the table clock - however, you only need the box. The hole for the dial serves as the entrance to the bird house. If it is larger than necessary, you can make a smaller hole in the plywood and glue it on the back in the table clock, as shown in the picture. Don't forget to paint the plywood in the right color first if you want.

Order wine cork in the table clock, cover them with straw and leave a little food. Glue a wooden coil on the hole - the birds land there and hang up the bird house.

From teapot and wooden box

For this idea you need a teapot, a wooden box or old drawer and rope. Drill two holes in the wooden box, tie the teapot as shown in the picture and the bird house is ready. You can also remove the wooden box in the desired color and insert straw and feed for the birds.

Let yourself be inspired by the picture and make a unique house made of old teapot and metal wire. Bend the wire until there is a similar construction. It is best to use copper wire - it is easy to bend and can withstand the weight of a small teapot.

Bird houses made of calibration for the garden

Such a fairytale bird house can be easily made from calibration. You need calibration, painting colors, hot air gun, hot glue, two wooden boards for the roof, sponge, brush and sandpaper.

Cut the calibration as shown in the picture and edit the edges with sandpaper. Paint the entire surface with white paint paint.

Use a hot air gun for a faster drying out. After the white paint color is dry, you can paint a pattern or picture.

Experiment with the nuances and shadows to create a fairytale picture. Paint branches or colorful flowers in strong colors so that your bird house becomes an eye -catcher.

First paint the two wooden boards with brown and let them dry out. Then create a natural effect with sponge and a color mixture as shown in the picture.

Paint all parts so that the image on the calabasia becomes weatherproof and put the bird house together with the help of a hot glue. You can also only make a house out of the calibration without the roof - then you simply need to make an opening for the birds.

Made of wood and a book

An old book serves as the roof of this beautiful bird house. Make sure that the sizes of the house and the book fit together.

Attach the book on the construction as a roof and decorate the facade with a few sides. If desired, you can make some figures from colorful kneading mass and decorate the bird house.

Have a lot of fun and make a colorful bird house like thisan empty milk box. Beverage cartons consist of composite materials and great bird houses can be put together from them that are waterproof and weatherproof. All you need are dairy boxes, scissors, painting colors or colorful construction paper and adhesive.

From beverage boxes

Cut out a hole for the birds and decorate the milk box according to your wish. Be creative and paint a funny picture or decorate it with construction paper. Attach a small branch or stick to the hole so that the bird can land there.


Adorn your garden or balconyWith this bird house, which can be easily put together from wood. A small garden of moss and succulents can be designed on the roof.

You can easily build such an attractive bird house yourself from a rubber ball. Cut out a hole in the rubber ball and glue it with a few layers of a mixture of paper and adhesive.

Let the glue dry out - a white surface is created, which you can paint in the desired colors. So that the layer of glue and paper weatherproof we have to paint the ball.

Make four small holes in the rubber ball and attach a plastic cup with threads, as shown in the picture. Tinker colorful hot air balloons and hang them in the garden as a beautiful decoration.

*Full guidance for the bird house from boots can be foundhere

*You can find complete instructions for the bird house from a table clockhere

*Complete instructions for wooden bird house with roof made of book can be foundhere

*Complete instructions for wooden bird house with greening can be foundhere

*You can find complete instructions for hot air balloon for small birdshere