Make your own Christmas cards with buttons – 28 great ideas

Buttons come in a variety of colors. For this reason, you can not only decorate your clothes with them, but also make a variety of crafts. If you want to give your friends and relatives a special surprise this Christmas, you can make pretty Christmas cards yourself using buttons. You can use this to create entire figures or just add accents – depending on what you like and what you feel like doing.

For this pretty idea, you can either simply glue the buttons on or you can take a little more time and sew them onto the paper. Create pretty Christmas trees, Christmas balls or snowmen and complement the buttons with fabric, paper,Washi-Tapeand any other materials. You will receive impressive and individual cards that will make everyone happy.

We have put together original ideas that you can use as a template or inspiration. Get started now and spend a fun afternoon crafting with your children. Even the little ones can create many of the ideas.