When temperatures are cold, people tend to spend more time at home, especially when the weather doesn't really allow for walks. That's why you should provide yourself with enough activity ideas so that your children can have fun within their own four walls. Crafts with typical winter animals are perfect for the season! When you think of winter, which animals come to mind most? Probably waddling penguins andgraceful polar bears. But you can also choose the classic fox in the shape of a snow fox, as well as deer, snowy owls and even the walrus. So all arctic animal species fit. We have collected a few suggestions so that you can make your own winter animals.
Winter animal crafts with paper plates
For crafting animals in winterPaper plates are suitableSimply wonderful as a base, especially since they are usually white in color, like most “snow animals” and their shape is similar to the natural body shape. So penguins, owls, polar bears and baby seals are a piece of cake if you make winter animals out of paper plates. For a walrus, you can either buy gray paper plates or paint white ones gray.
In principle, no special explanation is required to be able to make these winter animals. All you have to do is cut or paint the plates into the right shape depending on the animal and then add all the rest of the elements. Some of them are simply done with a sharpie (e.g. the feathersthe owl) painted on, others you cut out (beaks for example). You don't get the owl shape by cutting or painting it. To do this, fold the two side edges of the plate inwards and then the upper part. Glue everything down well.
In many cases you can also use the cut parts. For example, once you've cut the seal, use the excess edges of the plate to cut out round or oval ears for the polar bear.
If you want to make animals in winter, you can tooUse popsicle sticks. To do this, place 5 stems next to each other and glue two more across them (you have to shorten these first). This side will be the back. Then paint the stems the animal color you want. Acrylic paints are wonderful for this purpose. Cut the remaining elements out of craft cardboard, foam rubber or felt. Simply draw them beforehand with a sharpie and let the children do the cutting.
Depending on the age of the children, you can also prepare the elements and then just have the children glue them together. Therefore, the craft project is also wonderful if you have animals in wintercrafting in kindergartenwant.
Also interesting:Make a penguin with cotton wool, toilet roll, paper plates and cups
Cool arctic animal ideas with clothespins
You could also have such cute winter animalscrafting with clothespins. For theCrafting the animalsIn winter, all you have to do is paint the clothespins white (acrylic or spray paint is ideal) and you can then decorate them with other materials. The easiest way to get eyes is with googly eyes, but you could also draw them yourself if you're organizing an impromptu craft afternoon and don't have any googly eyes on hand.
For the owl you will still need white and yellow felt. Cut two identical teardrop shapes in white for the wings. You still need two white circles and two smaller yellow ones for the eyes. You can cut out the beak from black felt or draw it with a sharpie. You can also use this to design the feathers on the clothespins with simple U shapes. Glue the eyes and beak to the front and the wings to the back. Then fold the wing tips forward and glue them in place.
You can quickly create a fox head from three triangles, also made of felt. While this is orange for autumn crafts, of course choose a white color for the arctic snow fox. Then all you need is a bushy tail in an S or U shape when you make these cute foxes as winter animals. You can design the face with bobbles and wiggly eyes or draw it completely. The mountain hare, in turn, consists of two rabbit ears made of felt, a black bobble nose and whiskers made of pieces of wire or string.
You don't need much for the polar bear either: two small circles for the ears, googly eyes and a black pom-pom for the nose. Glue everything to the white clip and the bear is ready. The seal consists of a bushy schnauzer made of black yarn or any other suitable material, which you attach to the clip together with a pom-pom. Add two more googly eyes and you’re done!
Craft arctic animals in winter