Planting flower pots in the garden – tips & arrangements

Once the last frost is a thing of the past, you can start sprucing up the garden with some new and fresh flowers. After all, you want to get into the spring mood there too. Apart from the flower beds, you can also plant and design the flower pots in the garden. Arrangements made up of different flowers, plants and flower colors are particularly pretty.

Of course, any types of are suitable for thisflower potsn. Whether made of plastic or clay, in a round or square shape, colorfully designed, as a plant pot or hanging flower pot, a great effect is always achieved. You can also combine different types when planting the flower pots.

In principle, there are no limits to the arrangement. There are just a few rules you should follow. Choose different types or combine one type in different colors. The idea of ​​putting together different shades of a color is also interesting. You can also create contrasts: design one flower pot with warm color nuances and one with cold blue tones. The choice of color also depends on the color of the pot.

We have put together some tips that can help you when planting the flower containers. There are also some great ideas for the arrangement, or what types of plants and flowers you can use. We hope this gives you great inspiration that you can also implement in your garden. Don't forget to fertilize your flowers at least twice a week. This will ensure you have lush blooms and healthy plants throughout the season.

An important point that you should consider when choosing flowers and plants is of course the requirements that the selected plants place on their environment. For example, sun-loving flowers cannot be planted together in a pot with shade-loving ones, as you cannot guarantee both at the same time. The same applies to flowers, which require less or more water. The right partners play an important role for every plant.

Once you have selected all types of plants and flowers, you should also find out about the pot size they need. Some like it a little tighter, while others need wide or deep pots to develop well. Combine the flowers accordingly. Now you can take care of the arrangement with which you will plant the flower pots in the garden. As with a bouquet of flowers, an irregular number of plants and flowers is recommended. How many exactly depends on the space that the respective flower pot or box offers.

If the flower pot is only viewed from one side, you can use plants of different heights for the arrangement when you plant the flower pots in the garden. In this case, arrange them in stages, with the tallest plant at the back and the lowest at the front.

If you want the flower pot to be in a central location later, you need to come up with an arrangement that can be viewed from all sides. In this case, it is best to choose a ring-shaped arrangement. The tallest plant is in the middle. Towards the outside, the flowers become lower and lower.

Whether you use annual or perennial flowers is up to you. You can also combine both variants. You can replace annual plants every year to keep implementing new ideas. The perennial plants also serve as decoration in winter, provided you can find a warm place in the house.

Since annual plants usually bloom at a certain time, you can also replace them after flowering and replant the flower containers every season. For example, plant bulbous spring flowers such as daffodils or tulips in spring and combine them with perennial flowers that also bloom in spring. These include pansies, forget-me-nots and daisies. In the summer, replace them with summer flowers.

When choosing plants, you should also consider the shape and color of the leaves. A great idea, for example, is to plant plants with large leaves together with those with small ones in a container. You should follow this rule even if the leaves have a different color or pattern. Otherwise they will compete with each other and none of the flowers can really come into their own.

Various grasses are increasingly being used for garden design. And they also look really good in pots, especially when combined with other plants. In principle, all types are suitable for this purpose. Popular and visually pretty types you can use include the following:

The New Zealand flax has wider leaves (A tenacious fungus). Here you also have the choice between reddish and multicolored leaf colors if you want to plant your flower pots in the garden. You can get yellow-green leaves with any variety of Variegata, while American pampas grass (Cortaderia weep) is very suitable for very large flower pots or even planters.

Remember that grasses love the sun. So the flowers you choose should do the same. Since the grasses grow very tall, you need to find other tall plant species in order to create an even transition from the grasses to the low flowers.

Have plants with needles crossed your mind? No wonder, because they provide an interesting variety in your arrangement. A very suitable, evergreen variant is the juniper (Juniperus). This is available in green, gold or silver color.

Particularly popular for planting flower pots in the garden are petunias, surfinias, verbena, fat leaves, marigolds, marigolds, leather balms, fairy mirrors, magic bells, lobelias, two-tooths, purslanes, fairy spurs, but also others. All of these are annual plants that you can replace next year. The perennial pelargoniums and ivy pelargoniums are equally popular. They can be seen both individually and in combination with other flowers and plants.

If you would also like to decorate the shade with flowers, you also have a large selection. Choose, for example, the purple bells, the splendors or hostas. These are particularly suitable for more lavish arrangements. As a gap filler or for smaller pots, the busy lilies, nettles, the juggler flowers and fuchsias are very suitable.

Hanging containers are a great choice if you want to plant on multiple levels. Hanging plants in particular are a great option and look very pretty. Another great idea is to design the pot with the same type of flowers in this case. But then choose different colors and mix them together.

If you have decided to distribute the flower pots on a wall or a fence, you have another attractive option available and that is climbing plants. These are very suitable for forming the background. You can then plant any other types of flowers and plants in front of it. Clematis are a pretty climbing plant for sunny areas. The ivy does very well in the shade.

If you're not too fond of colorful things and would rather have something simpler in terms of color, rely on plants that impress with their leaves when you plant the flower pots in the garden. The ivy, the hornworts with their silver-gray leaves, the harp bushes, which are available in silver and green, or the irises with their red leaves are very effective.