Spongebob Squarepants is one of the most popular cartoon series ever, not just among children, but even among adults. This of course also makes the heroes from the film favorites when it comes to choosing costumes for Halloween, carnival or another costume party. If you are looking for costume ideas like these and would like to save money and attract everyone's attention with homemade versions, you have come to the right place. We have put together the main characters for Spongebob Squarepants costumes for you with instructions and tips. It doesn't always have to be expensive to make an impression!
Spongebob Squarepants Costumes – Putting together the main character
Spongebob is the main character from the series and therefore one of the most popular for Spongebob Squarepants costumes. It's really easy to put together a successful Halloween or carnival costume from everyday items of clothing that is suitable for both men and women. If you want to make the Spongebob costume yourself, you will need:
- brown or beige shorts (alternatively short skirt for women)
- white, short-sleeved shirt
- red tie
- white knee socks with blue and white stripes
- black shoes
- black belt
- crafted hat
All you need to do to put together such Spongebob Squarepants costumes is to put on the listed clothing items. However, a few other accessories are recommended so that you look even more like the cartoon hero. For one thing, you can get Gary as a plush toy or a pineapple (Spongebob's house is a pineapple). You can draw the hat on cardboard, cut it out and glue it onto a headband. If you really want to include the yellow sponge color, you can also wear a yellow shirt instead of the white shirt. But it would be even better to combine the white shirt with a yellow knitted vest. If you can't find socks with stripes, use white ones that you simply add stripes yourself.
Also typical of Spongebob are the freckles and the reddened cheeks, which you can get with ordinary rouge and eyeliner or other black make-upmake-up quick and easycan. Fake eyelashes are also a great idea as Spongebob's eyelashes are quite long and noticeable.
Dress up as Patrick Star
Many people are no less happy to choose the goofy starfish Patrick when it comes to choosing Spongebob Squarepants costumes. The main color here is pink (pink if necessary). The following list will show you which simple items of clothing you can use to put together the Spongebob costume for adults or children:
- pink t-shirt, shirt or long-sleeved shirt
- green trousers with a floral pattern (alternatively just green and a skirt or tutu for girls)
- pink tights, leggings or trousers
- Shoes that are as inconspicuous as possible, since Patrick doesn't actually wear any
- Crafted cone made of pink cardboard as a hat
Wear the green pants over the pink leggings. If it is too warm for a long-sleeved shirt, you can also wear a short-sleeved one instead. Make a cone out of pink craft cardboard, put a rubber band on it and wear it like a hat to imitate the starfish spike. If you want to go all out, you can also apply pink make-up to any visible skin and dye your hair just as pink with a coloring hairspray. By the way, you can also paint the flowers on the pants yourself or make them out of paper and stick them on the pants if you can't find any with floral motifs.
Squidward as a costume idea
- light brown or beige shirt or T-shirt
- Pants or leggings in light blue or gray
- Long-sleeved shirt also in light blue or light gray if it's cold
- Cap to create a bald headorHomemade Squidward mask
- optional clarinet as an accessory
In principle, you only need two items of clothing for “Squidward” Spongebob Squarepants costumes: the shirt and the pants. Jeans are more than perfect as trousers. Women can also wear leggings. If the weather is rather cool, you can wear a long-sleeved shirt under the shirt, which should preferably be the same color as the trousers or leggings.
If you don't want to walk around with a cap on your head all day or evening, you can wear oneMake a mask. Don't forget to draw a grim face. If you attend the party without a mask, you will often make a bored face yourself in order to remain loyal to the comic hero. You are welcome to color your skin with carnival make-up in a suitable color.
Gary B. Schneckerich as a funny carnival costume
The Spongebob Gary costume also requires a bit of crafting as you need a snail shell. For this and the rest you will need the following clothing and materials, which may vary depending on availability and for Spongebob Squarepants costumes:
- light blue romper with hood
- Pipe cleaners
- light blue fabric
- light green fabric
- fiberfill
- Felt in different colors (for snail shell and eyes)
- PVC plate (alternatively cardboard, Styrofoam or double-layered felt)
- Rubber band
If you don't have a hood, you can also attach the antennae to a headband. To ensure that they can stand upright, incorporate the pipe cleaners. The eyes themselves are made of the green material and are filled with fiberfill, sewn shut and equipped with pupils and irises made of felt. Sew the antennae onto the hood. A quicker and easier option is to make eyes and feelers out of pipe cleaners and paper.
The snail shell can be made of different materials as desired, with the PVC plate being the most stable. Cut out the shape of the house and the other elements from the felt and glue them to the panel. If you are using cardboard, you can also paint the patterns. Attach two loops of elastic to carry the finished snail shell on your back.
Tipp:Need oneLast minute costumeIf you don't have time to make a snail shell, you can just wear light blue pants and a pink T-shirt (or long-sleeved shirt). Then simply draw a red spiral and the purple dots on the shirt with felt-tip pens. If you are painting shirts for Spongebob Squarepants costumes, place a piece of cardboard under the front fabric so that the paint doesn't bleed through and color the back as well.
Sandy from Spongebob
- Astronaut suit (or simple white romper/long sleeve jumpsuit)
- graue Eskimo-Stiefel
- transparent, spherical shell
- white gloves
- felt
- artificial squirrel tail (or fox tail)
If you want, you can add a red felt dot to the gray boots to make them look even more like Sandy's. Since Sandy often carries her helmet under her arm, you don't necessarily have to look for a model that fits your head. But if you want to wear it on your head, you can make a helmet out of thicker foil instead of a ball and cut out a hole in the front so that you can get enough air. If you use a spherical plastic bowl like in the picture, you will have to enlarge the opening even further. Avoid sharp edges.
You can then quickly and easily make the flower and the acorn picture on the chest out of felt. You can get the red and blue stripes on the suit either by cutting them out of felt and gluing them on or by using textile pens to paint them on. You can glue the tail to the back. This is particularly practical if you are going to carry the helmet under your arm and don't want to constantly have to make sure that the rubber bands on the tail don't slip off your shoulders. As you can see, different alternatives can be used for all Spongebob Squarepants costumes.
Mr. Krabs with red face paint
Red and blue are the main colors when putting together Spongebob Squarepants costumes for the character Mr. Krabs. There are different options for the scissors, as we will explain in a moment.
- light blue shirt
- white undershirt
- dark blue trousers (short or three-quarter length) and red tights or leggings and brown shoesor
long dark blue pants and red shoes - black belt with gold buckle
- Scissors, made or bought ready-made (several ideas in the instructions)
- red carnival makeup
- optional: purse, red hat (or red spray for hair)
You only unbutton the shirt at the top so that the white shirt underneath can be seen. Boxing gloves are very suitable as scissors. But you can also buy scissors from a costume store. Another option is to make the scissors yourself. You can do this with felt or paper. Red oven mitts are also perfect. Dye your hair red or hide it under a red hat, which you can also decorate with Mr. Krabs eyes (e.g. made from painted kitchen paper rolls). Don't forget to paint your face red, otherwise the Krabs costume won't look so great.
You have two options for clothing your legs: Either you wear red tights (leggings) and shorter dark blue trousers over them, or you choose long trousers and combine them with red shoes. The color red should definitely appear in legwear. Optionally, you can take a wallet with you or attach a bank note somewhere.
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy are particularly popular Spongebob Squarepants costumes and are particularly suitable for partner costumes. Let's start with the mermaid man:
- orange shirt (preferably long-sleeved, but short-sleeved or a tank top are also suitable)
- green leggings or tights
- schwarze Boxershorts
- yellow belt
- purple shells (or mermaid bra from a costume store)
- long green gloves
- pink slippers (alternatively other pink shoes)
- optional: white wig or white spray for hair
- purple face makeup
If you choose the mermaid man as your Spongebob Squarepants costume idea, the disguise can be put together quickly. Just put on the items listed, just like the mermaid man does. Instead of a bra, you can simply make shells out of paper and stick them on the shirt. You can wear a wig or color your own hair with a spray. The starfish, which is located in the middle of the Mermaid Man's face, shouldn't be missing either. You can paint his face with regular purple carnival makeup. You can decorate the belt with the letter “M” (e.g. made of orange felt).
Spongebob Squarepants Costumes – Barnacle Boy
- long sleeve shirt
- schwarze Boxershorts
- Fins
- blue knee socks
- long blue rubber gloves
- blue silk scarf or shawl (long enough to tie)
- Mask
- white sailor hat
- optional: white tights or leggings
The Barnacle Boy wears black boxer shorts. You can also wear white tights or leggings underneath if you feel too cold without them. There are different versions of the shoes: instead of the specified fins and socks, blue rubber boots can also be used. If necessary, normal shoes will also work, as long as the rest of the clothing is correct. Normal shoes can also be covered with improvised felt fins.
Instead of the mask, glasses with a black frame are suitable. So it's the perfect option for people who wear glasses. You can buy a sailor hat at a costume store or simply make one yourself out of paper. These Spongebob Squarepants costumes look best when worn together as partner costumes. So it's best to find a partner!
How to assemble plankton
Khaki, olive green or green are in demand if you have chosen Plankton for Spongebob Squarepants costumes. If you would like to make and put together this Spongebob costume, you will also need:
- long sleeve shirt
- long pants
- Shoes in matching color
- felt
- Cap
- Pipe cleaners
- optional: silver remote control or controller
All other examples as well as Plankton are great as a Spongebob costume for children. You can make plankton's big eye out of felt and glue it onto the shirt. Add pipe cleaners to the hat for the antennae. These also have small strips of black felt. A controller is a great additional accessory, but not mandatory. So if you can't find one, that's no problem.