The time for foolish activities is already here and the festive mood prevails everywhere. Children and adults are preparing for the upcoming carnival and are waiting impatiently for the carnival parade. This is also the perfect time to make beautiful masks, accessories and decorations with the children. Making carnival crafts in kindergarten is certainly a lot of fun for the little ones and the resulting crafts can be used as a beautiful carnival decoration. In the article we have collected many wonderful craft ideas that you can try with the children in daycare.
The craft projects for kindergarten should not be complicated and should take into account the abilities of the little ones. These can vary depending on age and are usually unique to each child. That's why we've collected craft ideas that are really simple and can be done well by smaller children. To make the children's task easier, you can cut out the small elements in advance and prepare them.
Since carnival masks are one of the most popular carnival accessories, below you will find a variety of beautiful DIY ideas for masks that are perfect for children aged 3 to 6 years.
Make simple carnival masks with children
Small children can also make beautiful masks for carnival if they have a suitable template. If you would like to make masks with small children in kindergarten, then first print out several templates and let the children decorate them with different materials. If the children are older, they can cut out the masks themselves using children's scissors under the supervision of the teacher.
The choice for decorating carnival masks is as large as you want: from colorful scraps of paper, decorative stones, beads and sequins to natural materials and foods such as small pasta. These can be glued to the mask templates using a child-friendly glue and then painted in any color with acrylic paints, colored pencils or crayons.
Handprint ideas
The children's handprints are also used to create wonderful carnival masks that the little ones can decorate as they wish. To do this, you should first draw the contours of the hands on colored paper and then cut them out. Alternatively, white paper masks can be decorated with colored handprints. For example, the children can make a handle for the masks out of drinking straws or pipe cleaners.
Make animal masks for carnival in kindergarten
Animals are without a doubt one of the most popular ideas for carnival costumes. In addition to the costume, the children can make their own animal mask. Whether it's a cute owl, a tiger, a cat, a rabbit or another idea, the mask completes the costume wonderfully. If some of the steps in our craft instructions seem too complicated for you, then do them and leave the easier tasks to the children.
A cool alternative to an owl mask for carnival is matching face painting. So you can do thatMake up child as an owland put on a suitable costume. There are many other make-up instructions and tips available for you on our website.
Make original masks yourself
However, it shouldn't always be animals. Carnival masks in bright colors and with fun decorations are just as popular and beautiful. Simply find suitable templates, cut them out of paper or cardboard and let the children's creativity run wild.
Pirate mask made of paper plate
Monster eyes with egg cartons
Making carnival hats in kindergarten
And what is carnival without a colorful headdress? Different hats and headgear go perfectly with many costumes. That's why, in addition to masks, the children can also make different hats for carnival in kindergarten. A princess or pirate hat, a crown or the antennae of an insect, you are spoiled for choice.
Decoration with clowns
The clown's colorful, funny face is very popular with children. And since bright colors are very popular at carnival, so is the clown. In the kindergarten, the little ones can try out different craft ideas: whether oneMake a clown out of any materials, painting with bright colors or sticking on paper, these ideas guarantee smiling children's faces.
Pirate decorations and accessories
Pirate costume and make-up is a popular idea for both boys and girls. The most important accessories are the hatBinoculars, the eye patch and possibly a parrot on the shoulder. Below we have provided two instructions for pirate accessories that the little ones can imitate in daycare. You can also find simple craft ideas for a pirate in the picture gallery.
musical instruments
We associate carnival not only with costumes and masks, but also with lots of dancing, singing and playing. Since music is simply part of Carnival, the children can make these simple rattles. For a rattle you will need two plastic spoons, a plastic egg, a few beans or a handful of rice and washi tape.
Make rattles with plastic eggs and spoons – simple instructions
1. Fill the plastic egg with beans, rice or something similar.
2. Glue the plastic spoons together with washi tape so that the curvature of the spoon bowls faces outwards.
3. Place the filled plastic egg between the spoon bowls.
4. Stick colorful washi tape on the rattle. Complete!
Also read:Make funny clowns & masks for carnival with children