Every birthday is something very special for children. In addition to the gifts and sweets, they are also looking forward to an exciting party with lots of great games. A scavenger hunt is particularly well received. A nice walk in nature, clues in the form of puzzles and a cool prize at the end: adventure is guaranteed with a treasure hunt for a child's birthday.
Of course, you can also plan and carry out a scavenger hunt yourself. But we think the effort is too great for the parents. That's why we decided to save ourselves the trouble this time and instead test a ready-made treasure hunt from Ausgefuxt.
Treasure hunt for a child's birthday: How to organize a stress-free and exciting scavenger hunt!
What we think is great:Ausfuxt offers the opportunityto organize a treasure hunt as quickly and easily as possible. At the same time, parents can also let their imagination run wild and make some materials for the treasure hunt themselves.
Each print-ready treasure hunt is suitable for children of a certain age. There is a wide range of themes: superheroes, unicorns, pirates, detectives that suit the interests of different age groups. We decided on a forest treasure hunt - on the one hand because we like to spend our free time in nature, and on the other hand because the topic is gender-neutral. Perfect for the birthday child and his guests.
The PDF package contains a treasure map, signs with puzzles for the various stations, a template for the “treasure” and special forest certificates. The tips for preparation and the ideas for hiding places are particularly helpful.
Treasure hunt for a child's birthday: the preparation
You need to allow about an hour to prepare. We planned two or three hours as neither of us are particularly skilled. But it happened faster than expected. The documents and the map are very well marked. The treasure map can be printed in A4 or A3 format - depending on the printer available. You will still need scissors and glue to put the individual clues together.
By the way, there are also instructions on how to design the game using real forest materials. At first we thought it was too complicated. But in retrospect we actually find it more exciting and would like to try it.
Organizing a treasure hunt for a child's birthday: How to carry it out
After the documents are ready, you can think of suitable hiding places for the clues. There are five stations in total and each station is dedicated to a forest animal. At each station, the children are supposed to solve a puzzle, then choose the corresponding symbol from a template, cut it out and stick it on the treasure map. For each station there is a puzzle for smaller children and one for older children. Our birthday child is 5 years old, his guests were all six years old (except for a three-year-old cousin). That's why we chose the puzzles for small children.
The tasks are structured logically and the children actually solved them faster than we did. Among other things, they should count natural materials and compare the numbers, help a hedgehog find the right way through a maze and logically put together a puzzle.
We planned the different hiding places so that we could reach each station in 5-6 minutes. However, it took less time than planned because the children were very excited and ran quickly. Once they even caught us hiding. Since the preparations at the stations can take a little longer, we recommend extending the routes a little.
At the final stop, the children had to look for the tree with the correct code and then found the prize. We have prepared a small gift and a forest certificate for each child.
All in all it was a very pleasant walk that both we and the children enjoyed. Even the three-year-old girl took part with enthusiasm. The games were really age-appropriate and varied. There was something for everyone, so every player could solve a task. We think treasure hunting is a good way to keep smaller groups of children busy, especially in Corona times.
Organize a treasure hunt for a child’s birthday at home
The weather basically cooperated on the birthday because it was a really beautiful autumn day. Since it rains almost every day now, we would like to organize a treasure hunt at home next time. Fortunately, the majority of topics are ideal for this. We would like to nextthe spaceor theMuffin treasure hunttry out.
Photos: Paul Glaser /