Green tea for weight loss – helpful tips, varieties and their effects

It just sounds brilliant: just drink green tea to lose weight and get rid of those extra few kilos. In fact, the bitter substances contained in green tea (secondary plant substances and catechins) have an appetite-suppressing effect and help suppress the desire for sweets. In addition, the caffeine in the tea stimulates the metabolism and also has an invigorating effect. This increases the body's energy turnover and thus also fat burning. But what is in green tea and how does it work best?

What does green tea contain?

Green tea from Japan or China is differentblack tea, which is drunk here by the liter, is not essential. The tea leaves are the same, but they are fermented and thereby lose their phytochemicals. In Asia, on the other hand, green tea is usually only roasted and steamed, so the catechins and the typical green color are better preserved. These same ingredients have a strong effect on appetite and protect against Alzheimer's, colon and prostate cancer. They are also said to have an anti-inflammatory effect, protect the body from free radicals and slow the rise in blood sugar levels after eating. Green tea also contains vitamins C and E, as well as caffeine and theanine.

The special combination of ingredients in the drink has been shown in several studies to have a reducing effect on fat absorption in the stomach and intestines. The basic energy metabolism is increased and thus theMetabolism stimulated. The bitter substances reduce sugar cravings and promote liver function. This leads to a promotion of weight loss.

Green tea for weight loss – how does it work best?

Basically, every green tea has a positive effect on the diet and on healthy weight loss. But only high-quality green teas are good for your health. Green tea drinks in tetra packs usually contain additional sugar or other sweeteners and are therefore not really dietary. To ensure that tea contains as much of the valuable bitter substances as possible, leaves should be preferred and not bags or capsules. Green tea should be successfully integrated into your daily diet to support your diet. If you want to lose weight with green tea, it is recommended to consume 2, 3 to 5 cups preferably in the morning and at noon.

A scientific study has proven that the amount of phytochemicals increases the longer you let green tea leaves steep in water. Pour at 100 degrees and let it steep for seven minutes is considered optimal. Other preparation recommendations contradict this information and advise that you pour the green tea with slightly cooled water, around 80 - 85 degrees, and only let it steep for five minutes. Otherwise the tea will taste too bitter and become inedible without sweetener.

Which varieties are suitable for this?

To promote weight loss, a combination of different types of green tea is particularly effective. High-quality Sencha, Gyokuro, Bancha, Matcha or Benifuuki powder are particularly suitable for this. You should regularly consume around 5 cups of this daily for at least 2 - 3 months. If you don't want to decide on a variety straight away, you can try out a few first.

It is not uncommon for people to suffer from damaged intestinal flora. Intestinal fungi require a lot of sugar to survive and can even trigger hunger pangs for sweets. The different types of green tea help to strengthen and, in the long term, heal the intestinal mucous membranes. The main thing is not to fight the intestinal fungi directly, but to fundamentally improve the metabolism. That's why taking green tea regularly can be a very effective measure. Certain varieties, such as Bancha and Sencha tea, can be very helpful. They lead to a decrease in hunger attacks. South African Hoodia tea is a powerful appetite suppressant. Below we will give you useful information about the different varieties.


Sencha tea is a type of Japanese tea that is generally very harmonious and comprehensive. It improves the function of the liver, cardiovascular system and immune system.


Gyokuro has special active ingredients that have a positive effect on sugar metabolism. It is also considered one of the best natural remedies for kidney diseases.

Bancha Tee

Many people don't know that excessive acidity in the body severely disrupts fat metabolism and can lead to obesity or make losing weight extremely difficult. Bancha tea can be very helpful against intestinal fungi and for healthy intestinal flora.

Matcha – the strongest antioxidant

A poor diet or toxins cause many free radicals to be absorbed into the body, which severely impair metabolism. The antioxidants work against this and one of the strongest is the green powder matcha. Taking matcha can have a very good effect on metabolism. It also increases the basal metabolic rate - the number of calories burned per day with the same amount of exercise.

Benifuuki powder – for the liver and against sugar cravings

Benifuuki has special bitter substances that cannot be found in this form in any other plant. The powder is also extremely useful for the liver and for the entire metabolism. It is also helpful against allergies.

Hoodia-Tee –Appetite suppressant

Hoodia is a plant that was ingested by the indigenous people of the Kalahari Desert in South Africa and Namibia to suppress appetite. It was an effective remedy in times of famine or when food was not possible. Hoodia tea is also considered to improve mood. However, the plant is very rare, grows very slowly and is a protected species. It is advisable to mix Hoodia with another milder tea and not drink it straight.

Special combinations of different teas throughout the day have a significantly greater effect than just consuming one type of green tea. Another factor is how the tea is prepared. The correct dosage, the water temperature and the brewing time are of great importance for the desired effect. Below we present you a few concrete combinations:

Secha + Gyokuro – Promotes fat and sugar metabolism
Bancha + Matcha + Benifuuki – for the intestinal flora, against fungi and hyperacidity, strong antioxidant
Hoodia tea as a complement to another type of tea for a good mood and as an appetite suppressant

Depending on the type of tea, the ingredients vary greatly. You can benefit from the best effects of green tea if it is of high quality. It is advisable to choose a premium quality that guarantees an efficiency of >90%. If you have severe metabolic problems, you should take a super premium quality (>95% efficiency).

The positive effect of green tea on losing weight or curing illnesses has not been scientifically proven. In Germany, the Institute for Nutritional Research in Potsdam has also conducted research into green tea. It is undisputed that green tea contains many bitter substances, which gradually inhibit the appetite for sweets and promote the melting of body fat. But you should be aware that there is no magic bullet in the fight against calories. Green tea can only greatly support a diet, but sufficient exercise and a conscious diet are also extremely important. For optimal effect, you need to consume unsweetened green tea regularly. After all, it tastes good and if your metabolism benefits from it, that's even better.