The scaryest time of the year is just around the corner! If you with theHalloween Deko 2021If you want to start in time, you will find plenty of ideas on our site as inspiration. In today's post we have collected many ideas and tips on how to make a cool Halloween wreath. Whether child-friendly, eerily beautiful or really creepy-everyone will find the right DIY project here!
The Halloween wreath - wall decoration or cool greeting for guests and candy collectors
The wreath is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful decorative ideas for inside and outside. He lets himselfAdjust any occasionAnd can beautify any wall or door. Since Halloween will come soon, we have collected many great ideas for Halloween wreaths in this article that you can do at home or use it as inspiration for your own projects. You can then either hang the finished Halloween wreath on the entrance door and welcome the candy collectors, or use it as a wall decoration.
DIY ideas for Halloween wreaths that are not creepy
The Halloween decoration doesn't always have to be gross. If you don't want to frighten the children, you can have a cute oneTinker Halloween wreath. Pumpkins, smiling spirits, Disney motifs, not creepy witches etc. are perfect for this. On someeasier projectsthe little ones can even take part.
Halloween wreath for children with Mickey Mouse
If you have children, you certainly don't want to scare them with creepy Halloween decoration. There are many cool decoration ideas that symbolize the spirit of Halloween without being creepy. A good example is this Mickey Mouse wreath with carved pumpkin in the middle. If you don't want to carve the pumpkin, you can cut out the parts for your face made of yellow paper and glue them directly on the pumpkin.
Then cut out the ears from Mickey from black construction paper and attach it to the pumpkin. You can then arrange the mouse in the middle of a simple autumn wreath and the child -friendly door decoration in Halloween is ready.
Door wreath made of colorful pumpkins
We already showed you a decoration with pumpkins in rainbow colors last year. It was oneLarge pumpkin archthat adorned the area on the doorstep. Here we present a nice idea, this time for a colorful door wreath made of mini-pumpkin. To do this, first paint the pumpkins in the desired colors and let them dry. Then the decoration is attached to a paper wreath using hot glue.
Black cat door wreath
Halloween motifs like the black cat are a great idea for the child -friendly decoration. And here you will find a super simple idea how you can make a black cat from a simple wreath. You need a wreath shape (e.g. made of wood), which you first wrap with black wool or black fabric. Then make two cat ears made of black felt and glue them on the top of the wreath together with six black pipe cleaners as a mustache on the sides (3 on each side). Use a piece of volume to make a hanger and hang up the Halloween wreath.
Boxwood wreaths with DIY decoration made of cardboard rolls
With the children you can, for exampleCrafts simple Halloween decorationAnd use the finished creations to decorate a neutral wreath like this in the picture above. How about black cats or bats from toilet paper rolls, for example?
Tinker Halloween wreath-ideas for an eerily beautiful door decoration
DIY ghost wreath
A spooky ghost wreath like this looks really cool on the front door and is made in just 10 minutes! It all starts with a simple metal wreath shape, styrofoam bells and a cheese cloth. First paint the bells with a black marker ghost faces and then wrap them with a piece of the cheese cloth. Then glue the finished ghost decoration to the metal wreath, which you painted black in advance and decorated with black pipe cleaners.
Spukhaus Kranz for the front door
You can tinker with this spooky Halloween wreath in one afternoon. Empty kitchen paper or toilet paper rolls are used to handle the small houses. If you use kitchen paper rolls, cut them into 10 cm rolls. Fold a role along the middle and fold it up again. Repeat on the other side so that you give the round role a square shape. As soon as you have the square shape, measure about 4 cm from the top of each corner and cut along the fold. Fold the parts to the outside and then glue two opposite upper edges together to get a roof shape. Then bring the two opposite folds up to meet the roof shape, stick it and cut the excess. Repeat this process to produce as many miniature house forms as you want.
You can then make small gravestones and a fence yourself from old mueslikartons. Then use some moss, plastic spiders, the homemade figures and further decoration of your choice to decorate a willow wreath in Halloween.
Make mummy wreath yourself
You can also design a creepy mummy wreath for Halloween with just a few, inexpensive materials. To do this, cut Musselin or cheese cloth into strips. Wrap the fabric strips around a styrofoam wreath shape that you completely cover the shape, whereby a small part of the shape remains free. Cut a triangular strip of black adhesive tape. Place the adhesive tape on the uncovered part of the wreath shape. Glue shaky eyes onto the tape. Pull or wrap the stripes so that you cover both edges of the band. Then attach the strips with hot glue to the mold.
A cool mummy wreath can also be made from wool thread and toilet paper
Decorate a finished wreath for Halloween
Large manual skill is not always necessary for tinkering. There are also ideas such as this creepy spider wreath that look complicated but are not. The trick is to find a nice finished wreath in the decorative shop and only provide it with a few suitable details. For the spider motif, for example, you only need decorative spin weaving and some plastic spiders in different sizes. Simply distribute something from the spider web on the wreath. It can be easily caught in the branches of the wreath so that they do not need a glue, etc. As soon as the wreath is covered with the spider web, simply put the plastic spiders in. You should also stick without glue.
Halloween wreath tinker from branches
For this cheap Halloween door wreath you have to go briefly into the garden and collect a few sticks in different lengths. As soon as the sticks are available, you just have to glue them on a wreath shape made of cardboard and decorate them with a spider web and plastic spiders.
Halloween wreath decorated with a spider web
You can also use a embroidery frame to make the spider wreath yourself. Carefully tighten the spider web into the embroidery frame and decorate with spiders in different sizes.
Minimalistic Halloween wreath with crow
Sometimes you do not need expensive materials, no special tools and no manual skill to make an original Halloween door decoration yourself. You can make this Halloween wreath from only 3 things - a picture frame, a suitable branch and an artificial crow. Simply glue the branch and bird on the frame and hang up your DIY door wreath.
Woll yarn wreath with bats as decoration
With bats you can also make a cool decoration for Halloween yourself. You only need a suitable template and you can cut out many black paper bats. Then wrap a styrofoam wreath with wool thread and decorate it with the paper decoration.
Of course, the decoration on Halloween can also be really creepy. For the fans of an eerie decoration that looks deceptively real, we also collected some ideas for tinkering Halloween wreaths below. How about this natural wreath of succulents, for example, decorated with the bones of a skeleton? The idea is very easy to imitate - you use some fishing line or craft wire to tie the bones to the wreath. A skull in the middle of the wreath rounds it downcreepy decoration perfectab.
Creepy door wreath with large insects
In order to make the decoration for Halloween really gross, cockroaches and other large insects are exactly the right choice. You can find this cheaply made of plastic or rubber in craft shops or 1 euro shops. The only thing you still need is a willow wreath that you can spray black as desired. You can also leave the insects in black or paint for a glow effect in the dark with phosphorescent color.
Spider web wreath decorated with bright insects
Halloween wreath tinker with creepy eyes
In order to further increase the scary factor of your decoration, you can decorate your Halloween wreath with nasty augic. You can of course buy these or turn table tennis balls yourself and paint yourself with colorful pens. Better use a dark base for the wreath so that the eyes come into its own.
Crafts Monster Halloween wreath
The monsters that hide in the shade are the most frightening. This is also this monster wreath for Halloween, which can give your front door a creepy note. The yellow eyes lurking in the dark will surely hunt a horror.