Make your own Halloween decorations for outside: A colorful pumpkin arch!

Halloween is almost upon us and you can hardly wait to decorate your garden and terrace in an original way this year? If you're lacking inspiration for outdoor Halloween decorations, we have a great idea that's sure to help you get inspired andto start the fall creatively. This DIY colorful pumpkin arch project is guaranteed to bring lots of color and cheerful vibes to your front door!

Halloween decorations for outside don't always have to be scary

Do you want an outdoor Halloween decoration like no other? Then this idea for an original and colorful pumpkin arch is perfect for you. Forget traditional decorations and make a Halloween pumpkin arch that will delight your family, friends and all the neighbors. This colorful Halloween arch will bring a breath of fresh air to your outdoor space and stand out from standard fall decorations. This sculpture in bright rainbow colors is a real eye-catcher in every front garden.

How do I make a pumpkin arch as an outdoor Halloween decoration?

To ensure your Halloween bow can withstand whatever the weather throws at you, you need to choose your material well. Styrofoam pumpkins are the perfect solution for this! They are very light, which means they put little strain on the construction and are very durable. They are also very easy to drill and easy to paint. Another advantage of Styrofoam pumpkins is that they are available in a variety of different sizes and shapes.

Materials and tools required:

• 34 Styrofoam pumpkins in different sizes and shapes
• Spray paint in different colors
• PVC pipes (the number depends on the size of your arch); 2 pipes of 3 meters each were used for this project
• 1 PVC pipe connector
• 1 bag with 25 kg of dry concrete
• 2 large buckets that serve as weights for the construction
• 2 metal rods
• 1 drill
• 1 hole drill (attachment with the same diameter as the PVC pipes)
• Metalldraht


1. First, determine the color palette for your pumpkin arch and sort your pumpkins.
2. Cover the stems of all pumpkins with tape.

3. Now you can spray the Styrofoam pumpkins evenly with the spray paint of your choice. It's best to work outside. After the first spray, apply one or two more coats so that the white Styrofoam does not show through and creates a smooth surface.
4. Allow the pumpkins to dry for at least 24 hours before moving on to the next step.
5. Prepare the concrete mortar and pour it into the two buckets that will serve as weights for the arch.
6. Insert a metal rod into the middle of the concrete mass and ideally let the whole thing dry overnight.

7. Once the pumpkins are dry, arrange them in the order you want them to go on the arch.
8. To make this task easier, number your pumpkins with a pencil!
9. Measure the diameter of the PVC pipes to get an idea of ​​the size of the hole you need to drill in each of the pumpkins.

10. Now take a pumpkin and drill a hole at the top and bottom. Then put the PVC pipe on the metal rod and insert the first pumpkin. Continue following this principle.
11. Be particularly careful when installing the two tubes at the top of the arch. Here you should use the PVC connector. This step will be a bit tricky as you will have to bend the pipes to get the pieces to fit together.

12. If there are unsightly gaps somewhere, you can add a few small pumpkins. Simply drill two holes next to each other, pull the wire through the holes and attach the pumpkin to the arch in the desired location.
13. Finally, all you have to do is hide the buckets with a few more pumpkins.

A few more useful tips for Halloween decoration

To create a typical Halloween decoration, you should use spray paints in orange, black and white. You can also draw faces on the pumpkins for an even prettier effect.In this articlefind some cool pumpkin face templates.

However, if you want to create a modern Halloween decoration, it would be nicer if you use several bright colors, such as pink, purple, orange, red, yellow, blue and green. Another great idea for those who prefer modern and dramatic looks would be to make a pumpkin arch in just black and white.

* A project from:

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