Painting stones with glow paint – 3 cool ideas for Halloween

Halloween offers the perfect opportunity to get creative with glow paint becauseDecorations that glow in the dark, fascinate young and old. Today we're going to show you some great ideas on how you can paint rocks for Halloween and give them away at a Halloween party. If you want to organize a Halloween hunt for children, you can also hide the glowing stones in the garden.

Painting stones with a cat and mouse gravestone

Materials required:
Luminous color
Stones (2 for the cat and 1 for the tombstone)
Acrylic paint in white and black
a thin and a thicker brush
black felt
E6000 glue

Instructions for the cat:
– Paint the two stones with the black paint.
– Use E6000 glue to glue the two bricks together.
– Cut two small triangles out of black felt and glue them to the top of the cat’s head as ears.
– Now you should paint the cat’s face. If you want to use the template, you can transfer the contours to the black painted stone bythe method shown here with chalk and stencilapply. However, you must adjust the size of the template exactly to the size of the stone. Otherwise, you can try simply drawing the motifs freehand.
– Using a thin brush and white paint, paint the eyes, nose and mouth. Then apply two coats of the glow paint to make it glow.

Image instructions

Instructions for the mouse gravestone:
– Paint the stone white with the thicker brush. Then wipe them immediately with a paper towel. Allow the paint to dry and apply two coats of the glow paint.
– Now transfer the gravestone template to the stone and paint the mouse and the RIP inscription with black paint.

And here's another idea you can try: a skeleton with his four-legged friend

And this is what it looks like in the dark:

Painting stones like glowing monsters

These glowing monster bricks are super cute and really fun to make. Due to the drying time, this is more of a weekend project. Therefore, plan some time accordingly. Using colorful acrylic paints means your glow in the dark monster bricks will look cool even during the day!

Materials required:
Bright fabric paints
Acrylic paints in different colors
Black marker
Black fineliner

– If you are using stones that you have collected outside, first make sure that they are well washed and dried and completely free of dirt.
– Optionally, you can prime the stones with white acrylic paint. This step is especially helpful if your pebbles are very dark, almost black. If you don't, you may need to apply more coats of paint to completely cover the dark stones.
– Paint each stone the desired color. Let it dry and then apply a second coat. Now let the stones dry completely.

– Use the transparent glow paint to make the eyes and teeth of the monsters.
– You will need to support your stones on something that will prevent the glow paint from dripping before it dries. Just make sure the surface is flat.
– Now you can get creative with the different glow colors. Make dots, stripes and zigzag lines. If you make a mistake, you can gently wipe off the paint with a cotton swab.
– Once you are happy with your designs, you will need to let the stones dry overnight. Depending on the thickness of the fluorescent textile paint applied, it may even take longer. Once it's dry enough to have a solid surface, use a black marker and fineliner to paint the details like eyeballs, teeth, etc. This means your monster stones will look good even during the day.

Ideas for a great Halloween party

The whole fun of painting the rocks is sharing your art with others! You can hide your rocks somewhere in your neighborhood. Whether on the sidewalk or in a flower bed, just make sure they are visible and easy to reach.

Witch on broom

These painted stones also make great Halloween party favors. We're not saying you shouldn't give out candy! But such a magical stone would no less delight and captivate children!

Spider and web

Jack O Lantern and bats


Scary pumpkin