ToChildren put on makeup for Halloweenextremely happy. After all, that’s what makes every costume special. An extremely popular classic among young and old is the vampire and it also fits wonderfully into this spooky festival. Although the costume can work without make-up if necessary with the right accessories, it still gives it the finishing touch. And you can achieve effective Halloween make-up yourself using a few simple means and techniques. Today we would like to give you a few simple make-up tips for children's make-up for Halloween of vampires and Dracula. No matter whether you want to make up a boy or a girl – our Halloween make-up ideas for vampire make-up for children are ideal in both cases – even for beginners!
Simple vampire makeup for kids
3 colors and 2 tools - that's all you need for this cute vampire make-up for children. It isabsolutely suitable for beginners, so get started now!
- white makeup
- gray make-up
- black make-up
- sponge
- Paint brush
- optional fixing spray
Use a sponge to dab the white make-up over the entire face. Avoid your mouth and eyes. Once the white paint is dry, add some shading using the edge of the sponge and gray paint. To do this, dab the make-up around the eye sockets, forehead and below the cheekbones. Use black make-up to apply the remaining details for the vampire make-up for children: use a brush to add the tapered Dracula hair and the bushy eyebrows as well as spider websand teethand again with a sponge the shades on the cheeks.
If youfor a girlWhen doing makeup for a vampire, you can add a small but important detail to give the whole thing a more feminine touch: eyeliner. Another great idea is to choose red makeup for the vampire makeup for children instead of the gray colors for the shades from the instructions above.
- white makeup
- red make-up
- black make-up
- Sponge brush
For this vampire make-up for children, first apply the white make-up all over the face (except the mouth and eyes). Use the sponge again for this. In the area of the eye sockets and a little on the lower eyelids, apply the red make-up again in an almond shape and above that, directly above the upper lash line, apply the eyeliner (with a brush). You can also extend the eyeliner to the lower eyelids. Using a brush and red make-up, paint your lips red and, if you like, add a drop of blood to one or both corners of your mouth.
Here you can see another variant for girls: green eye shadow and an eyeliner on the lower eyelids with an upward curve. This example is also proof that the small, inconspicuous details make the difference. Here the nostrils were also highlighted with black make-up. This vampire makeup for children is suitable for both genders.
Vampire makeup for children with veins under the eyes
Anyone who has ever watched vampire films has probably seen how the veins around the eyes suddenly appear before the vampires attack. Well, you can also add these veins to the vampire makeup for children. To do this, use purple, pink, red and/or gray make-up as desired and apply it in a flash around the eyes using a brush. Then carefully blur the lines so that they are only slightly visible, as if they were shining through the skin.
If you want to be really creative and demonstrate your talent, you can of course also try your hand at more complicated details and facial features. In principle there are no strict rules. They can be particularly fierceDracula face paintingor for smaller children choose a cute Halloween vampire makeup. The latter is also good if you are looking for light Halloween makeup. In the following picture on the left you can see such a variant:
Cute vampire for girls
A wide, red eyeliner and a classic black one on top, a few long eyelashes painted on the outer corners of the eyes, a little lipstick, two curved vampire teeth and, as a cute accent, a little heart on the cheek - that's all you need for cute vampire make-up for children not. Whether a vampire face looks loving or evil is largely influenced by the eyebrows. If you want to create a grim look, change the brows accordingly, as the picture on the right shows.
Apply dark makeup to the eye sockets
Idea with bloodshot eyes
Vampire makeup for children with different faces
Add cool shades with makeup
Idea with scar and matching wig
Grimmier Dracula with Stirnfalten