Crafting with tree slices for Easter – exciting craft projects for young and old

Easter crafts are exciting and a lot of fun for both children and adults. That's why we're continuing with our articles on the topic of “Craft ideas for Easter” and inspiring you to do crafts with tree slices today. The natural material is not difficult to find and gives your decoration an elegant, natural touch. What you get from this materialcraft for EasterWe'll show you what you can do in this article using some interesting craft projects.

Make coasters with tree slices for Easter

The first craft project we present is aboutatmospheric coasters, which you can create with the children. Tree discs with a diameter of approx. 10 cm are used and painted with colorful Easter egg patterns. You can find such tree discs for crafting in any well-stocked craft store.

To make these coasters, you should first sketch an egg shape on the tree disk. Then simply paint the desired motif with any acrylic paints and brushes and let it dry thoroughly. Finally, apply a layer of napkin glue to it, let it dry again and the coasters are ready for the Easter table.

Tip: The children can paint tree slices with a beautiful, oval shape like colorful Easter eggs for the Easter tree.

Easter bunnies make crafts with tree slices

Of course, the Easter bunny should not be missing as a motif when decorating for Easter and spring. Below you will find a few original ideas for a bunny made from tree slices. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced crafter, we have a suitable craft project for everyone.

Craft ideas for cute wooden chicks

If you paint a tree slice with yellow acrylic paint and decorate it with a beak and eyes, you will create a cute chick for your Easter decorations.With feathersor yellow craft paper can be used to round off the craft perfectly.

Make spring decorations on a tree disc

This year, instead of a door wreath, you can decorate the door with a beautifully decorated tree disc. For this you need a disc with a slightly larger diameter - from 30 cm. Fresh or artificial flowers, butterflies, insects, etc. made from any material are suitable for decoration. There are no limits to creativity!

Practical craft projects for adults: DIY egg plates and vase made from tree slices

A cool project for adults are these beautiful egg plates. To do this, you need a suitable tool with a hole saw to cut the holes for the eggs. If you want to create a natural Easter decoration this year, you can consider this project. Another nice idea for crafting with tree slices for Easter is the beautifully decorated vase below.

Table decoration

Tree slices are perfect as decoration for the Easter table. Whether as a serving plate or saucer, your table immediately gets a natural touch.

We wish you a nice Easter time!