In autumn they can be found everywhere and offer us the perfect material for decorating and getting creative. We're talking about chestnuts, of course! The shiny, brown balls are just falling from the chestnut trees and you can collect them not only in the forest, but also on streets and in parks. Crafting with chestnutsis definitely a lot of fun for children, but there are also many creative projects for adults to imitate. Here we have collected some cool ideas for DIY fall decorations with chestnuts that you can try today!
Crafts with chestnuts for adults – make your own wall decorations
Are you looking for a beautiful wall hanging to brighten up your bedroom wall? Then look no further, but collect some chestnuts and a few twigs and make this beautiful autumn mobile yourself.
To thread the chestnuts onto the string, you first need to drill a hole in each chestnut, which is easy to do with a large needle and a hammer. Alternatively, you can also use a hand drill. Then cut three or four strings of equal length and tie a knot at the end of each string. Then thread a chestnut and tie another knot where you want the second chestnut. Add as many chestnuts as desired and tie a piece of wood here and there to the string. Finally, attach the cords to a suitable branch to complete the mobile. Then just attach a hanger and hang the decoration on the wall.
Find more ideas for chestnut mobilesin this article!
Stylish autumn decoration – make your own chestnut ball
In the fall one canDecoration made from natural materialsBring nature into your own home. For example, you can make some decorative balls out of chestnuts and other natural treasures, which look very nice when placed in a large bowl or on a round tray. This natural decoration also looks particularly good on the mantel or console table.
All you need to make this project is a Styrofoam ball, a hot glue gun and of course the natural materials. You can make a minimalist ball with just chestnuts or take your creation furtherwith other materials such as acorns, autumn leaves, corn, berries etc. beautify. The procedure is simple - you put a dab of glue on each chestnut and stick it to the ball. Then continue until the whole ball is covered with chestnuts. Finally, use the smaller natural materials to fill in the gaps.
Make little chestnut trees as a gift or decoration
You can also use the chestnut ball to make a small tree yourself as an alternative to a bouquet of flowers. In addition to natural materials, you can also use bows, ribbons, beads and artificial flowers to decorate the ball. And how is the tree made? Before sticking chestnuts on the ball, you should stick a stick in the middle of the ball. Place the other end of the stick in a suitable pot (e.g. on floral foam or Styrofoam) and then decorate it with suitable decorations.
Make a decoration for a cake stand with chestnuts
This chestnut craft idea for adults requires no tools or expensive craft materials. All you need is a cake stand or cupcake stand and a collection of natural materials in contrasting colors. In this example come chestnuts, acorns, hydrangeas andfresh rose hipsas well as a raffia bundle for use. You can make a small wreath out of the raffia and arrange the natural decorations around it.
Make a natural wreath for a lantern
With a beautiful chestnut wreathYou can not only decorate the front door. Here you will find a simple craft idea for a pretty wreath with a lantern in the middle, which is wonderful for an autumn table decoration. This is how it is done:
Use a straw wreath as the base for this DIY project. First stick this with natural raffia and then gradually start sticking chestnuts to it. You can leave small gaps so that the bast can be seen. You can then further decorate the wreath as desired with beechnuts, rose hips, acorns and whatever you have on hand. Then put some raffia in the middle of the finished wreath and then attach the lantern. To make the table decoration even more original, you can wrap the lantern with a small string of lights.
Decorate the glass lantern with chestnuts
Hanging lanterns are a wonderful autumn decoration for outside. They look very decorative in the evening and create a cozy atmosphere even outdoors. To make the hanging lantern look beautiful even during the day, you can tie a simple chestnut wreath over it. Simply thread some chestnuts onto a piece of wire, leaving some wire free at both ends. Then make a circle and wrap the loose ends around the glass lantern. Add a hanger and hang the lantern in a suitable place.
Make a simple lantern with chestnuts
To oneChestnut decoration in a glassYou don't have to be a great craftsman to make crafts. This decoration idea is simply brilliant because it looks really beautiful and is so simple at the same time. For this you need a glass lantern or a wide glass vessel. Place a candle in a glass in the middle of the lantern and then fill the area between the candle and the glass with chestnuts. Simple, quick and very beautiful!
Check out more ideas with chestnuts and candlesin this articlean.
Autumn decorations to hang up – make a heart with chestnuts
TheCrafting with wireIt's a lot of fun because you can make various simple shapes out of this material. How about a heart, for example? You can easily make this shape yourself from thin steel wire and then decorate it with chestnuts. The result is a simple yet pretty hanging decoration that you can hang on the window, wall or front door.
Make baskets out of chestnuts
A basket made of chestnuts would also be great for autumn decorations. For example, you can fill this with natural materials and only use it for decorative purposes or use it as a beautiful fruit bowl for the table.
The easiest way to make a basket out of chestnuts would be to stick the natural material onto an already available basket. The hot glue gun would serve you well for this project. Alternatively, you can try drilling through the chestnuts and using flexible wire to make a basket just out of chestnuts.
DIY fall decoration ideas made from chestnuts and rabbit wire
This idea for beautiful autumn decorations with chestnuts is also very simple. All you need is some rabbit wire, which is known for being able to be molded into any shape you want. You first create the shape you want from this - be it a tree, a ball, a heart, a wreath or something similar - and then fill it with chestnuts. It really is that simple! To make the decoration even more original, you canPainting chestnutsor fill the mold next to the chestnuts with other decorations.
Chestnut weaving for a beautiful autumn decoration
This idea is suitable for both adults and slightly older children. You use a chestnut and some wool to make a beautiful pendant for decorative purposes.
The first thing you need to do is drill six holes evenly around a chestnut (e.g. with a hand drill) and insert a toothpick into each hole. Then the wool comes into play. Choose wool yarn in a color that matches your fall decorations. You can make the pendants in either a single color or a colorful one.
Now it's time to weave. Take a long piece of wool thread and tie it to one of the toothpicks. Then start weaving the wool from the inside out, working in circles. You always have to wrap the thread around a toothpick before passing it to the next one. If you want to continue with a different color, tie the thread to one of the toothpicks and repeat the steps with the next color. You can then hang the finished pendants anywhere. To do this, tie on another piece of wool as a hanger. You can find more inspirationin this article!