Make your own games with chestnuts – this is how you can bridge the rainy autumn weather

Who onCrafts in autumnthinks that's probably the first thing that comes upall the chestnut figurescome to mind. Sure, it's a lot of fun, especially for the little ones, to put the chestnuts, acorns and beechnuts together and come up with the most unusual animals and figures. But the same old thing gets boring after a while... So what else could you do on a rainy fall day? How about trying out some chestnut games? Here's how to keep the autumn spirit by using the beautiful fruits, entertain yourself and your children and do something new at the same time. We have found and put together 3 cool games with chestnuts for you.

You can play the games with chestnutsin kindergarten, at a child's birthday party or on any free afternoon, craft or prepare and then play together. Fun, creativity and exercise are guaranteed!

Make your own games with chestnuts – cool comets for fun movement games in autumn

For funOutdoor throwing gamesYou can make such colorful and cheerful comets when the weather is not suitable for outdoor activities. And when it finally stops raining, you can try out your homemade toys straight away. You need:

  • Crepe paper tape in any color (or tissue paper)
  • Chestnuts
  • Ribbon or string/yarn

Cut the masking tape to the desired lengths: If you want a 30 cm long tail, then the paper strip must be about 65 cm long, as you will have to double it and allow for a little space for the chestnut. But of course you don't need to strive for exact lengths. Place three or four such strips staggered on top of each other. They should cross in the middle. Place a chestnut in the middle.

Then take the strips upwards so that they enclose the chestnut, twist the paper a little and tie it tightly together directly above the chestnut with string or a ribbon (with tissue paper, do not pull the string too jerkily as it is more sensitive and will tear could). You have already completed the first comet and can use it for games with chestnuts.

Alternative variant for the comets

Another option is to drill a hole in the chestnut and then simply stuff the strips into that hole. You can also add a little glue to fix the whole thing better. How about you also draw a target with dots on a piece of cardboard and then a small oneOrganize competition?

English game with chestnuts

The British have come up with a really fun game that you can play anywhere and is also very quick and easy to prepare. You need yarn or string and chestnuts. Poke a hole in the middle of each chestnut, thread the string through it and tie a double knot at the bottom so that the chestnut can no longer slip off the string. Then the chestnut game can begin and we are sure that adults will quickly enjoy it and play along too!

Playing with chestnuts – the rules of the game

Two players line up facing each other (or in any other position). One lets his chestnut hang freely on the string, while the other tries to hit it with his own. If he doesn't hit, he gets two more attempts and then it's the other person's turn (or the players take turns after each attempt). If he hits, it's the other person's turn. Sooner or later, the chestnuts will break due to the impacts. The player whose chestnut breaks first loses.

You can also choose this game idea if you are looking for games with chestnuts for several children. Then the players simply stand in a circle and take turns. Players whose chestnuts break are eliminated until only one remains (the winner). You can also play alone. All you have to do is hang the chestnut somewhere and the “fight” can begin.

Autumn game for kindergarten and toddlers - learn to count

You can also do thatCelebrate autumn in kindergartenby using the chestnuts to learn in a playful way. For example, how about using games with chestnuts to teach children to count or practice what they have already learned?

For children who can already read numbers, simply write the numbers on a piece of paper or on cards. The child then has to match the correct number of chestnuts. Young children who cannot read numbers yet can practice this in other ways. Instead, simply draw dots on the paper or cards (like on dominoes). The child then has to arrange the chestnuts in the same way. You should count out loud. You can find similar game ideas with clothespinsin this article.

Or how about the idea at the bottom left of the picture? Paint the dots on the chestnuts and have the children sort them into the correct cups by comparing the dots with each other. This would also be a great option if you are looking for ideas for kindergarten in the fall. The children can take turns: the first person steps forward, takes a chestnut, looks at the number of points and puts it in the correct cup. Then it's the next person's turn.