Wedding planning – 8 tips to avoid mistakes

As with all other things in life, mishaps or mistakes can occur when preparing and planning a wedding. This can happen to even the most experienced organizer. That's why it's completely normal if the bride makes some mistakes. In order to keep the risk of mishaps as low as possible, we have put together a few tips for planning the wedding for you. They will help you avoid mistakes.

1. The list of guests

You should definitely plan the number of guests yourself before planning the wedding. Likewise, you shouldn't deal with themWedding preparationsStart before you are sure of the number. Bad surprises can arise if you have planned and are expecting a small, cozy wedding and suddenly twice as many guests show up who were invited by other family members, for example. So decide on the number of guests and plan the rest of the wedding accordingly.

2. Find out what your future partner wants

As much as you would like to discuss every detail with your future husband, remember that men are simply not designed to absorb tons of information. However, you should try to find out how exactly he imagines the details. Ultimately, despite the stressful planning of the wedding, your husband should still feel like you are present and there for him. To do this, you can, for example, set a day of the week on which the...Weddingis discussed and discussed. This way everyone can contribute their opinions and ideas without getting on the other person's nerves and everyone can be sure that they have been heard.

3. Last moment changes

Every woman has an idea of ​​the perfect wedding in advance in terms of colors, decorations and dress. However, it often happens that these ideas change during the planning of the wedding. For example, if you imagined a pink wedding with a pink dress and roses as flowers, you may find that after a few weeks you actually want more variety in terms of colors, flowers and decorations want. To ensure that such last-minute changes are possible, it is important that you give yourself enough freedom when planning the wedding. This way you won't have any problems or stress if you still want to change something. On the contrary! You'll even be amazed at how easy it can be.

4. The size of the wedding dress

Which woman doesn't know this: You like a piece of clothing for a special occasion and buy it in a smaller size. The plan is to diet and exercise until you reach the appropriate size. But let's be honest. Most of the time, this plan ends in disaster and with the search for a new outfit at the last moment. You should also avoid this mistake when choosing a wedding dress to plan the weddingtnot to be confused. So it's better to buy it straight away in the right size. Of course, we don't want to stop you from doing something for your figure. But calm down and remember that you are marrying someone who loves you for who you are.

5. The budget

Even with the most precise planning of the wedding, it can happen that you suddenly find yourself exceeding the strictly set budget. And this despite the fact that you have taken everything into account, compared prices and already made compromises. It's not without reason that the budget is one of the most dreaded things in wedding planning. Still, don't despair. Sit down with your fiancé and go over everything in detail. Think about what planned things you can still do without or replace. Each of you can make one or two more compromises so that no one feels disadvantaged either.

6. Don't shed tears over trivial things

The fact that the invitations after printing or perhaps the table decorations don't quite match your expectations is really no reason to panic. Consider this: Will this hardly fatal mistake still matter to you a year from now? Hardly! So before you fall into a nervous crisis, you should think about it and then realize that most discrepancies of this kind are not really important. Of course, it can also be the case that a serious problem arises while planning the wedding. In this case, you should do everything you can to fix it.

7. Divide the work

Planning a wedding is a stressful affair. For this reason, you don't necessarily have to do everything alone, but you can involve several people. This could be your mother, sister or friends. But of course they shouldn't overwhelm you with work either. Make sure that everyone only has one specific thing to plan (e.g. the table decorations, the flower arrangements, etc.) so that your loved ones can also enjoy the preparation have.

8. The bridal shower and bachelorette party

These two parties, which usually take place the evening before the wedding, are full of emotions and are real energy consumers. A common companion is, of course, alcohol. We recommend that you do not postpone this event to the last evening, but rather celebrate it a week before the wedding. Otherwise, you will feel tired and weak on your wedding day. As a bride, you also risk dark circles under your eyes, which may not be well hidden even by make-up. Instead, you should go to bed early the night before the wedding so that you feel and look fresh and refreshed the next day.

Even if the preparation for the wedding is hectic, then comes the honeymoon - discover the world together!

Happy wedding day – celebrate your love