To prepare for the upcoming Easter, you can dye original Easter eggs and try out the following interesting techniques.
creative possibilities at a glance
1. Paint with watercolors
Watercolors are very popular with children, but also with adults. They are easy to handle and cleaning after unwanted spills is not difficult at all.
Coloring Easter eggs with cactus motifs
You can do thisinteresting technologyhappy to use. With the help of watercolors you can design interesting motifs and create unique Easter eggs.
Romantic butterflies
The great thing about watercolors is that perfection isn't necessary for the pictures to look pretty. Quite the opposite! Small flaws and blurred colors make every motif even more likeable.
Owner mit Ombre-Effect
A great idea for this coloring option is the ombre effect. You can use a wide variety of colors and combine them with each other. This will also be easier for your children.
Design colorful eggs
2. Make your own spotty egg
This may look difficult, but it's not. All you need is a sponge to apply the color to the egg. Use colorful acrylic paints or white ones that you mix with the usual egg paints. Finally, dab a little white paint on the egg to create the white spots.
Marble Owner
3. Marble eggs of different colors
You will need egg paint and 1 spoonful of oil and 1 spoonful of vinegar for each container of paint. Dip the egg in any color for a few minutes. When you take it out, you will notice that the egg has not taken on the color everywhere. Dry it with a napkin or paper towel. After that, place it in the next color and keep doing this until you get the desired effect.
Pretty patterns
4. Eggs painted with wax
This method is widespread. A special pen is used for this that has a wax tip. If this is now heated with a candle, you can draw wonderfully with it. The eggs themselves must be raw. You can also use wax and a needle instead of the pen. After coloring the eggs, excess wax can simply be scraped off.
Try different coloring techniques!
5. Ukrainian eggs
The wonderful Easter eggs are also worked on with such a pen.
6. Eggs with homemade drawings
This technique is more suitable for those who are good at painting. Different colors and contours are used: acrylic paints or ceramic paints. They should also be as waterproof as possible so that they last longer. Such eggs make good gifts for friends and relatives. The base color is applied with a thick brush. Then use a thin brush to draw various patterns and ornaments on the egg. The eggs should be cooked and cool. You can also use normal egg colors as a base color. Or you can first draw a figure with wax, then color the egg and finally draw additional figures with contour colors or further edit the figure from the wax. The eggs will be just as pretty if you decorate them beforehand using the decoupage technique and then trace the contours.
In the end, all you need is a lot of imagination and patience for these original egg coloring techniques.