Easter is coming soon and now is the right timekreative Osterdekoto do crafts with the children. We'll show you several ideas on how you can make a cute Easter sheep. They are the perfect activity for toddlers on rainy days. These DIY ideas promote fine motor skills, creativity and are a lot of fun for parents and children.
Making an Easter lamb: The children will definitely like these ideas
Children really look forward to celebrations like Christmas and Easter. Treat yourself to a little foretaste of Easter and make an Easter lamb with the childrenfrom paper plates. For this craft idea you need the following materials:
- a paper plate
- black paint
- Cardboard in white, pink and black
- a white paint pen
- a pair of scissors
- Glue for paper
First, have the children paint the paper plate (upside down) black. Then you can cut out the details for the face from cardboard. As soon as the paint is completely dry, you can glue the individual details in place. You can also attach a magnet to these sweet sheep and attach them to the refrigerator.
Making an Easter sheep: DIY idea with pompoms
The next craft idea is for a cute fluffy sheep made of pompoms. You need the following materials:
- four small black pompoms for the feet
- a large white pompom for the body
- adhesive
- a white marker
- Black cardboard
- Glitter
- Googly eyes
Instructions: First make a large white pom-pom and then attach the four smaller black pom-poms. Cut the head out of black cardboard and decorate it with glitter. Add the googly eyes and paint a mouth. Now is the time to attach the head. Depending on how much time you have for crafting and how quickly the children master the task, you can make one or more Easter sheep and turn them into oneTie a pompom garland.
Make an Easter lamb out of paper
The next Easter lambs made of cardboard don't just look likeTable decoration for Easterlook good, but also attract attention as greeting cards in the Easter bouquet. For the Easter lambs you will need the following materials:
- Cardboard in white and pink/peach
- a marker in black and pink
- a fineliner in silver / gray
- a pair of scissors
- Glue for paper
Craft instructions: Make a template for the ears and head of the Easter lamb and transfer it to the white and pink cardboard. First cut out the head of the Easter lamb and then the ears with scissors. Now also cut out a 4 cm x 6 cm square from the pink cardboard and a 4 cm x 14 cm square from the white cardboard. Then assemble all the details and glue them together. Then paint on the face, ears and fur with the markers and fineliner. You can also use the cute Easter lambs as bookmarks after Easter.
Make an Easter lamb out of toilet paper roll
AEgg cups with Easter motifensures a good mood at the festive table. We offer you an idea that you can recreate together with the children. All you need is a toilet paper roll and you don't have to buy any extra craft materials. It is therefore the perfect last minute DIY idea for the Easter table. You need the following materials:
- a toilet paper roll
- an Easter lamb template
- a pencil
- a black fineliner
- green paint or green cardboard
- a cutter knife
Craft instructions: If you want to use cardboard, first wrap the toilet paper roll with it. If you want to paint the outside of the toilet paper roll, let the kids do it. In the meantime, you can print out a template with an Easter lamb silhouette, cut it out and, when the paint is dry, transfer it to the toilet paper roll. Then cut out the Easter lamb silhouette from the toilet paper roll and fold the sheep's head down. Then paint the sheep's face and its fur. Complete!
Making an Easter lamb with the children: idea for Easter decorations made from buttons and felt
Below we will explain to you how you can make a stylish Easter decoration for the wall in the living room in a vintage style. You need the following materials:
- a wooden picture frame
- Linen fabric in beige
- black felt fabric
- self-adhesive googly eyes
- Buttons in different sizes in beige
- four wooden handles
- Sandpaper
- white color
- a flat brush
- adhesive
Craft instructions: First sand the picture frame with sandpaper and paint it with white paint. This is how you can fake the old look. Then cut the linen fabric and attach it. Now you can cut out a sheep's head from the black felt fabric. Cover the four wooden handles with black felt fabric and glue them to the linen fabric. Now attach the buttons one by one to form the sheep's body.
Make an Easter sheep out of paper plates and cotton wool
The next craft idea is perfect for preschoolers. You can hang these cute Easter lambs as wall decorations in the children's room. For the project you will need the following materials:
- white paper plates
- self-adhesive googly eyes
- Tonkarton in Grau
- Cotton wool
- a pair of scissors
- a template for the sheep's head
Craft instructions: First cut out the sheep's head from the gray cardboard with scissors. Then cut out four legs (4 strips each 2 cm x 10 cm) from the gray cardboard. Fold each strip of cardboard like an accordion. Have the children drape cotton wool on the plates and then tape them in place. The cotton wool should cover the entire plate. Then glue the legs in place and then attach the head and the googly eyes.
Make your own Easter lamb out of popsicle sticks and cardboard
Children don't need much to imagine themselves in different roles. Role-playing games are particularly popular between the ages of 4 and 8. They give children the opportunity to interpret the reality of their lives in a playful way. Above all, various everyday situations are re-enacted. Especially at Easter, it's a good idea to explain the festival in a playful way. For this purpose, a cute family of Easter sheep comes to the rescue. You need the following materials:
- Cardboard in white and gray
- Coloring pencils in pink, purple, yellow and red
- self-adhesive eyes
- a black fineliner
- three wooden ice cream sticks
- a pair of scissors
- adhesive
Craft instructions: Cut out the body, head and details such as flowers, a bow tie and horns from the cardboard. Then put the sheep family together and glue the three figures to the wooden sticks.
Simple and quick craft idea for Easter lamb made of paper
The next idea combines several craft techniques and is sure to appeal to children between 4 and 6 years old. It is also perfect for large families with several children or for children's parties at Easter. You need the following materials:
- white cardboard
- green cardboard
- a pipe cleaner
- Googly eyes
- black paint
- Cotton wool
- a pair of scissors
- Glue for paper
Craft instructions: Wrap half of the pipe cleaner around your finger to create a spiral. Pour black paint into a cup and dip the spiral into the paint. Use this to stamp motifs onto the white cardstock. Let it dry and cut out a square. Then make the head: Then cut out a circle and two smaller triangles for the ears from the white cardboard. Paint the ears black, glue the googly eyes and cotton wool onto the head. Then attach the Easter lamb figures to the green clay cardboard and let the children paint flowers, Easter eggs and trees around them.
Make an Easter lamb: DIY idea without a template
You don't actually need a template to make a beautiful Easter lamb. We'll show you how you can make the cute Easter animal together with the children. You need the following materials:
- a toilet paper roll
- Cotton wool
- four black pompoms
- a small white pompom
- a black pipe cleaner
- black cardboard
- self-adhesive googly eyes
- a white fineliner
- adhesive
Craft instructions: Make balls out of the cotton wool and stick them on the toilet paper roll. Use two black pom poms for the feet. Cut two 4cm pieces of pipe cleaner and glue the other two black pom-poms to them to make the front legs. Cut out the face and ears from the black cardboard and paint a mouth. Finally, attach the white pompom to your forehead.
Make an Easter lamb: Paint a 3D picture with the children
A fluffy Easter lamb will bring a lot of joy to the children. To make the cute Easter animal you will need the following materials:
- Cardboard in light, dark green, black, white and sky blue
- a pair of scissors
- Cotton wool
Craft instructions: Form small balls out of the cotton wool. Cut grass out of the light and dark green cardstock. Cut out the body of the Easter lamb from the white cardboard and the head from the black cardboard. Glue the cotton balls to the sheep's body and assemble the figure on the sky blue cardboard.
Make an Easter lamb with the children
The children will surely be attracted to the next Easter decoration suggestion. Make an Easter sheep out of white paper, black cardboard and a drinking straw. This craft idea is suitable for children in elementary school. You need the following materials:
- white paper
- black cardboard
- a drinking straw
- Googly eyes
- a pair of scissors
- adhesive
Cut a sheet of white paper (lengthwise) into 1cm thin strips. Fold the strips very slightly in half and glue the ends together to form rings. Then glue these rings to a drinking straw so that you end up with a “flower”. Cut out the head from black cardboard and glue the googly eyes on it.
An Easter lamb looks good as a decoration, and not just on the Easter table. You can tie the homemade Easter sheep together into a mobile and hang it in the children's room. The pictures can decorate the refrigerator door and free-standing decorations are best arranged on the windowsill. Below you will find several Easter lamb templates that you can print out and use for crafts.
Make an Easter lamb: template for Easter sheep
Free printable Easter lamb template
Making an Easter lamb: template for the head
Make an Easter sheep: template to cut out