There are actually several ways you can implement this final important step. The wreath is not complete without the lights, because after all, they make it up. But it is important that the candles are well secured, especially if you use real candles. Luckily, there are suitable accessories to buy that you can use to attach candles to your Advent wreath. But you can also make them yourself.
Usually you make the wreath and decorate it first, while the candles are the last step. Once you have completed your Advent wreath, you can proceed to this step:
Use ready-made candle holders and stands
There is such a wide range of options for candle holders these days that it is simply impossiblenotto find something suitable. It doesn't matter whether it's a whole stand that you simply place in the middle of a separate wreath, or the classic plates with pins for sticking. The advantage of a full stand is that they often display the candles at different heights, adding a little extra dimension.
For a classic Advent wreath, simply use the plug holders. These are incredibly easy to use:
- First put the candle on the needle on the surface.
- You can also heat the needle a little in a flame first, as this makes it easier to pierce the wax of the candle and as soon as the wax hardens again, it holds the needle even better, like glue, so to speak.
- Once you have fixed the candle, just insert the holder into the desired location. This should work with almost all types of wreath blanks (floral foam, Styrofoam, straw, wicker, etc.). Plug-in candle holders are only not suitable for wire wreaths. But there are those in which holders are already integrated.
Note: You can of course also put the candle holder into the wreath first and then attach the pillar candles.
- Brackets for the long onesTable cherriesThey usually do not have a needle to hold the candles in place. In this case:
- Light another candle.
- Allow the melted wax to drip into the holder.
- Immediately press the stick candle into the holder and onto the still liquid wax. Hold on for a few seconds.
If you have oneUse a floral foam wreath blank, you can also stick the candles directly into the foam. To do this, cut a small hole in it beforehand that is just a little narrower than the width of the candle so that it can stand stably.
Make your own holder out of wire
A slightly thicker wire is perfect for tying candles to a wreath. The hardness of the wax determines whether you can get started right away or whether you should pre-drill: colored wax candles in particular can be quite stubborn (which of course also means that they will burn longer). In this case, you may not be able to simply insert the wire even if you preheat it. Then it may be a good idea to pre-drill a hole with a drill. Make sure you have the correct attachment size. The pre-drilled hole should under no circumstances be larger than the thickness of the wire.
To summarize again how to attach the Advent wreath candles with wire:
- If necessary, pre-drill two holes.
- Heat the first piece of wire in a flame (leave it a little longer at first) and insert it into one of the holes.
- Repeat with a second piece of wire.
- Now cut the wires to the desired length using pliers.
- Now you can attach the candles to the arrangement.
Tipp:If you are worried that the two wires will not be stable enough, you can also attach three pieces, in the shape of a triangle.
Attach candles to the Advent wreath with hot glue
If you choose this option, you have to start with the candles, after which all the other elements are distributed around them. This gives you a flat adhesive surface that you would be missing after designing the Advent wreath. Be generous with the glue and it is best not to use candle models that are too heavy.
- It's best to first mark the places where you would like the candles.
- Apply a generous dab of glue to either the bottom of the candle or directly to the wreath blank. Really don't be too frugal.
- Press the candle in place immediately. Hot glue hardens very quickly and the cooler it gets, the worse it sticks. So work quickly here.
- Once the pillar candles are well fixed, you can continue with the further design.
You can also use hot glueAttach moss for your Christmas decorations.
Tips for LED candles
And how do you attach LED candles to the Advent wreath? You can't or at least shouldn't puncture it, because then you'll ruin the battery compartment (if you can even muster that much force).
The simple solution:Candle holder for pillar candles that do not have a needle on the surface. Tape the candles with double-sided tape or Velcro for sticking.
ATTENTION: No matter which variant you choose, always let real candles burn under supervision and never leave them alone in the room for long periods of time! It can always happen that a holder, homemade or not, gives in and accidents occur.