Until the end of this week, the Christmas decorations will bring cheer and color to the garden. Starting next week, the time has come – a new winter decoration is needed! Or not – with a little creativity, the vintage sleigh can stay. We'll tell you in the article how you can give it a new shine and decorate it appropriately for the coming months!
Sleigh decoration for the outdoor area
Do you have a wooden sleigh that you decorate for Christmas every year? Even after the holidays are over, you can leave it outside and adjust the decorations a bit. Instead of Christmas tree decorations, the sleigh is now decorated with pine greenery and berry branches. Add pine cones and voilà – thatWinter decoration for the garden entranceis finished. By the way, it looks just as great when the arrangement is covered in snow.
A vintage sleigh gives the entrance to the house a very special flair and can be easily staged with numerous decorations.Together with natural materialssuch as fir branches, flowers and berries, a matching bow and old ice skates, the decorative piece forms a special arrangement.
Some decorative pieces can stay even after Christmas. White bells and wooden snowflakes create a harmonious winter decoration even when the snow has already melted. Whether as a creative decoration for the entrance to the house or as an eye-catcher in the flower bed, this sleigh will bring winter magic to the outdoor area.
Upcycling idea for the front door: stage ice skates effectively
Would you like to spice up your house entrance with a long-lasting decoration? Then the next idea is just right for you! As simple as it is ingenious: a vintage sleigh, old ice skates and a wooden snowman form a charming ensemble and welcome guests and family members!
Outdoor decoration with natural materials:
Would you like to make your winter decorations as natural as possible? A sleigh with fir greenery, berry branches or rose hips and simple decorative ribbon looks just as good at the entrance to the house as it does on the terrace. You are also welcome to illuminate the arrangement - for example with LED candles or fairy lights.
Magical winter decorations with elves
Winter elves bring magic to the garden - and are therefore allowed to continue decorating the sleigh even after Christmas. Matching: Spray pine cones with artificial snow and rose hips and pine greens with a red bow. The winter decoration is ready, which both adults and children will be happy about!
Spice up the garden table
Sometimes less is more: a loose arrangement of dwarf spruce in a pot, fir branches, a decorative sleigh and a beautiful lantern with an LED candle creates a happy atmosphere and lets you dream of next Christmas. Discreet, but very effective and simply perfect for the transitional months from January to March.
Decorate the apartment door with a door wreath made of natural materials
An effective door wreath made of pine branches and pine cones and a large bow can be perfectly staged on a decorative small-format sleigh. Perfect for the front door and can stay there all January long. Tip: Tie the fir branches individually to a metal ring so you can replace them with new ones later.
Let Scandinavian flair enter your outdoor area: a sleigh, a vintage wooden stool and a cast iron lantern with a rope handle bring a touch of the past into the garden. The Scandinavian decoration is ideal for purists: it is reduced to the bare essentials. No fairy lights, no bow, no glitter. A dwarf fir in a pot adds a natural touch.
Something more modern is a freshly painted sleigh with a dwarf conifer and a cozy decorative cushion. A white star on the pot creates a visual connection to other decorative elements - for example a door wreath made of fir green. You can also paint certain decorations white or spray them with fake snow to add a wintry touch to the ensemble.
Decoration with fairy lights for the balcony or terrace
A decorative sleigh can be displayed just as well on the balcony as on the terrace. Drape a string of lights around the sleigh so that the arrangement creates a good atmosphere even in the evening. Also perfect for dark garden corners that need a bit of pizzazz!
Winter decorations can make the outdoor area look inviting. Colored bows and various decorative figures – elves, snowmen or simply stars and snowflakes ensure a happy atmosphere even after Christmas. Fairy lights brighten up dark corners and the sleigh brings a vintage flair to the ensemble. In just a few steps you can create a beautiful and effective winter decoration for your balcony, terrace, garden or house entrance!