Table of contents
- Losing 10 kilos in the long term is only possible with a change in diet
- A nutrition diary helps with weight loss
- Losing 10 kilos without complete waiver
- Achieve the goal: lose 10 kilos - and that also permanently!
- Losing 10 kilos: tips for a healthy and balanced diet
- Losing 10 kilos in the long term: it has to click in the head!
- How often a week?
- Make yourself a heroine of your story!
Anyone who takes care of taking 10 kilos has made a lot. But you have to free yourself from all diet promises. Promises such as "10 kilos in just four weeks" are unrealistic and, on the other hand, very unhealthy.
What you need instead to achieve your goal is a sophisticated plan. Two words should be your mantra if you really want to take 10 kilos:patienceanddiscipline.
Losing 10 kilos in the long term is only possible with a change in diet
Of course, it would be nice to get rid of the superfluous pounds as soon as possible. But it is worth considering that they did not arise overnight.
The real goal is not only to lose 5 or 10 kilos, but to reduce body fat and to keep the weight in the long term. TheBMI (Body-Mass-Index)Can offer an initial orientation, but the ratio of muscle mass and body fat is more important. A sustainable change in diet and more movement are the key to not only seeing success on the scales, but also to improve the body composition healthy.
A nutrition diary helps with weight loss
The first step on the way to a new, slim body feeling is an inventory of the current state. Where are the weak points in the previous diet? In which calorie traps do I tap? And which foods cannot do without despite the weight loss request. The easiest way to analyze is with the help of a nutritional diary, either actually handwritten or digitally as an app.
Losing 10 kilos without complete waiver
Bans and complete waiver of favorite dishes lead to the notorious cravings. You usually not only throw all good resolutions overboard for a meal, but often lose all motivation. There are so many situations- whether in everyday life, because of boredom or in stress or frustration moments- in which food is the easiest solution for many.
The secret of how to stay tuned is initially to recognize the bad habits and learn how to get against them to finally reach your dream weight.
Get rid of bad habits in everyday life: the 5 best tips
1. Eat only three times a day and defeat the hunger in between with a maximum of two healthy snacks instead of nibbling around the clock.
2. When walking out, pay attention to the quantities and better grabs light dishes such as salads or tomatoes instead of cream sauce.
3. Cooks fresh instead of buying.
4. You can't do without the pizza? Then choose the smallest size and eat a large salad.
5. In the case of cakes and & co.
Sliming tips for frustration eaters
First you miss the train, you pour coffee over your pants. The tasks in the job fulfill a boredom rather than with joy and flirting has not been flirted for eternity.
Sometimes you have the feeling that the whole world has conspired against you and you just want to escape on the sofa under the ceiling and eat chips and chocolate. As is well known, chocolate and other sweets help against almost everything. Incorrect! After all, the goal is to lose 10 kilos, don't let yourself be pulled down.
The solution:With frustration and anger, a conversation with friends or family usually helps, in which you can talk to the frustration of your soul - so it sounds. But there are other good opportunities to cope with frustration:
- Relaxing exercises (e.g. yoga) help to concentrate on yourself and hide the world.
- Watch your head: drive the frustration with a really hard workout in the studio or on the running track. (After that it is even more comfortable on the sofa.)
- The waiver of chocolate becomes a torment? Set boundaries, helps: instead of eating a table of chocolate a day, the chocolate toportions distribute you to a whole week
Also read:
Sliming tips for boredom eaters and sweet tooth
For many people who quickly get bored, food is almost a hobby. Others are absolute sweet tooth, for which sweet or greasy treats are a real stimulant. These behavior patterns are happy to go hand in hand and make a bored sweet tooth. As a memory, chips and chocolate should also be recorded in the nutrition diary. Do not lie yourself!
The solution:End with it! There are so many beautiful things about the pastime. And by the way, you can even install movement.
- Take a walk or turn a round around the block.
- Tall on the phone with friends or family.
- From outside onto the balcony or in the garden, let your green thumb work (gardening also burns a lot of calories).
Sliming tips for stress eaters
Everyday life is often shaped by stress. Just stupid that many tend to reduce the stress with food.
Sure, there are some people who can no longer eat anything on stress. In the end, however, this may mean that you eat far too little and the body gets completely mixed up. Or you shovel in giant fast food meals.
The solution:No matter which group you belong to, try to eat regularly and balanced, this is better for weight and health. If you want to lose 10 kilos, you should also consider what is good for him. Help yourself to control your eating behavior better, then you no longer grip into the bad meal traps.
- Pack everything edible nearby so that you do not unconsciously reach into the open bag.
- It is best to replace chips, chocolate and Co. with healthier alternatives such as fruit, vegetables and nuts.
- Get used to prepare for your meals. WithCan you determine exactly what you eat.
- Tries to find the cause of the stress. If it is up to yourself, you can rethink your time management again.

Achieve the goal: lose 10 kilos - and that also permanently!
If you want to lose weight, you have already tried one or the other diet. Lightning diets deliver the greatest promises with quick and high weight loss. Such fairy tale promises are impressed much too easily.
Possibly you even get success and take a few kilos, but then the notorious yo-yo effect follows and the kilos come back as quickly as they were lost. In order to remove permanently and keep your desired weight, a change in diet helps in the long term.
Losing 10 kilos: tips for a healthy and balanced diet
If there are now 5, 10 or 20 kilos that you want to lose weight, the best way there is a change in nutrition. With the nutrition diary you can already see the weak points and know what you eat. Now it is important to emerge the weaknesses.
It makes sense to get the recommendations of theGerman Nutrition Societyto keep. Eat one portion of vegetables three times a day and one serving of fruit twice a day. Both are low in calories, but contain many vitamins and minerals.
Weighted the composition of your meals: get used to eating vegetables for every meal. Especially build your warm meal around the vegetables. Reduce the pasta and meat portion in favor of vegetables. If you think you don't like vegetables, you should take the time and try all vegetables, individually and combined - there is certainly something delicious.
Regardless of whether you want to lose 10 kilos or not, everyone can adhere to these guidelines. People who have been trying to lose weight for a long time are completely mixed up due to the many tips and hints that they should reflect back. Take the time to lose weight and first set yourself smaller goals.
A little tip:The drinks are often forgotten. Juice, soda, coffee with sugar and the after -work beer are small fatteners. Alternatively, drink water and coffee and tea less sweet.
Reading tip:Drink you slim!
Dispensed with "empty calories" such as fast food, fat, sweet particles and white flour in general. Instead, grabs fully -fledged foods, they keep full and also deliver important nutrients. If the desire overwhelms you and you still eat a burger, it is not too tragic, only try not to make these exceptions to the habit.
Reading tip:What is a balanced diet?
Are bread & noodles taboo?
Carbohydrates are the great enemy image in times of trendy nutritions such as low carb. Rightly right? No, you shouldn't demonize carbohydrates that deliver pasta and bread. The only problem is the so -called "simple carbohydrates", which are placed in sweets, bright pasta, bread, rice and other white flour products such as cakes or fast food.
These foods should only occur in small quantities and rarely in the menu. However, there is no objection to complex carbohydrates, which are in whole grain bread, whole grain pasta or rice.
Immediate measures for changing the diet
As is so often the case, breakfast falls by the wayside in the morning because things have to go quickly. So that you at least have breakfast, there is quickly the sweet piece of the baker. This is exactly what is part of the bad habits that should no longer be part of your life if you want to take 10 kilos.
There she is again this discipline ...
Losing 10 kilos: nutrition tips for breakfast
Get used to sacrificing 15 minutes of your morning for a sugar -free muesli, whether you eat it or only prepare it to take away, it doesn't matter.
The so -called are also popular and tasty, as the name suggests, you can prepare this the evening before. The main thing is that you don't stuff empty calories in your mouth.
Recipe tip:

Nutrition tips for lunch
The same applies to lunch break. Instead of having to choose with fries in the canteen between a sad salad or schnitzel, it is worth preparing lunch at home.
So you know exactly what food you eat and it usually tastes better. This makes it easier for you to keep your nutrition in mind and to get closer to your request to get 10 kilos closer.
Recipe tip:
Nutrition tips for dinner
The dinner should also not come from the freezer or from the delivery service in the form of a pizza. A light meal with lots of vegetables, some fish or meat and potatoes are good variants.
If you don't feel like cooking in the evening, you can also eat a filling lean curd with delicious fruits. A slice of whole grain bread with a little cheese and a few radishes also tastes good.
Recipe tip:
Losing 10 kilos in the long term: it has to click in the head!
One thing has to be clear to anyone who wants to lose weight: you have to consume more energy than you notice.
Therefore ensures more movement in everyday life. Take the stairs instead of elevator or escalator. Ride a bike to work or get out of a train station earlier and run the rest.
Sport can be extremely helpful. If you don't do any sport at all, you can do it firstTry if you are not ready yet, then start with daily walks. Ideally, a real workout is completed, whether at home or in the gym is not decisive.
The only important thing is that you swing your hooves and move. With the resulting muscle building, the afterburn effect can help with melting the fat pads.
Start a life with more movement:
How often a week?
Once better than not even - but if you want to lose weight and want to support your body as best as possible, the best way to build muscle should work three times a week. Ideally always with a day break in between so that the body can recover.
Make yourself a heroine of your story!
If you take care of taking 10 kilos, you want to re -shape your body. Defining this goal is the first step. But many people who dream of finally getting rid of the annoying 10 kilos are intimidated by their own wish.
As if the goal was "Losing 10 kilos" a kind of magical hurdle that can only overcome fairy tale hero in the dream world. Make yourself a heroine of your story and you will achieve your goal!
Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which training form suits you best. Don't let others put you under pressure. Basically, however, the following applies: a active lifestyle with a balanced diet and a lot of movement is still the best way to stay fit permanently and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. If it is difficult for you to achieve your ideal weight or if you suffer from health consequences of your overweight or below, please let yourself be supported by your doctor or nutritionist.