It is not without reason that the exotic root called ginger is so praised. Its positive effects, in addition to its extravagant aroma, are known worldwide, which is why it is so popular in the kitchen. But ginger is not only wonderful for food. It also proves to be a true miracle cure in cosmetics and has been used in the form of ginger oil for various purposes for thousands of years. But where is the oil used and what effect can this miracle oil have? We would like to explain this to you in this article. Find out what you can use the essential oil for. There is also a recipe that you can make yourself at home and use as a basis for other recipes to pamper yourself and your body with.
The basic recipe for ginger oil
Of course, you can buy ready-made ginger oil, but if you feel like it, you can also make your own and use it for various purposes. If you would like to make the oil yourself, you can follow the following recipe:
- 250 ml olive oil (preferably organic)
- 100g fresh ginger
Preheat the oven to 60 degrees. Peel and grate the root. Then put this in a pot (or other fireproof vessel) with the olive oil and stir everything well. Now put this mixture in the oven where it should simmer for 2 hours. Now fill a suitable glass container with the finished oil and run it through a fine sieve to catch the pieces. Let the homemade essential oil sit for 2 weeks before using it.
Effect in medical terms
As already mentioned, the oil is a true miracle cure, which is also proven by its versatile use in medicine. The reason for this is its immune-boosting and antibiotic properties as well as the fact that it is a good antioxidant. The natural remedy is particularly highly valued in China and is used, among other things, to treat obesity, nausea (which can be very beneficial when traveling), diarrhea and toothache. But this is only a small selection of illnesses and complaints for which the oil provides relief. Ginger also proves to be a helper for complaints in the gastrointestinal tract, concentration problems, arthritis or menstrual cramps, but can also be a good help for flu or a simple cold, because the oil has an expectorant and antiseptic effect.
Another beneficial property of the oil is that it stimulates blood circulation, which can help with headaches. This property and the fact that it is an aphrodisiac also make ginger oilvery effective for impotence. The remedy has also proven effective for rheumatism and muscle tension. And as if that weren't enough, ginger can even be used to treat psychological problems. It can help with anxiety, depression and other problems.
Areas of application in cosmetic terms
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With all of its great health properties, it's no wonder that ginger oil is also very popular in cosmetics. There it can be used for a wide variety of applications. Not only can you expect more beautiful skin, but your hair can also be strengthened with this oil. Below you will find out exactly what ginger oils do and how exactly you can use them:
Effect on the skin
The oil can help, especially with impure skin and inflamed pimples, as it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. For this reason, it is often used in the fight against acne, where it can even reduce existing scars. The detoxifying properties of ginger also contribute to the success in the fight against pimples. With its help, the body can more easily excrete pollutants and toxins, which also influences the appearance of the skin, as pimples are caused by clogged pores, which then become inflamed.
Oil for pimples
In order for ginger oil to really help with pimples, you should support it by consuming ginger in the form of tea, for example. Because if the ginger can work from the inside and outside, a positive result is more certain. Treat the pimples themselves with a cotton pad that you first soak with the oil. Then dab the oil on the pimples after you have done so in advancethe face cleanedhave.
Prevent wrinkles
You can use the oil against wrinkles. However, this should be the last step after removing make-up and cleansing your skin every evening. Because only clean skin can recover and look good. The oil then represents, so to speak, the last care before going to bed. As for treating pimples, put some of the ginger oil on a cotton ball and dab it onto the areas around the eyes. But be careful not to get anything in your eyes. Then wash the dabbed oilnotoff again. Instead, it remains on the skin to work at night.
Face mask recipe
Do you want yours?Pamper and care for your skin with a mask, you can easily make one yourself by using ginger oil too. Here is a recipe:
- 3 cm ginger
- 1 tbsp ground oats
Grate the ginger or use a garlic press and pour a quarter cup of hot water over it, stir everything together well and let the ginger steep for a few minutes. Then add the remaining ingredients, stir and let the mask steep for about 10 minutes (if it is too thick, you can dilute it with a little water). During this time it also cools down sufficiently. After that you can apply it on the face. Leave the face mask there for 20 minutes.
Fragrance oilfor the hair
Dandruff occurs as the scalp sheds its old cells. Although this is a completely normal process that is usually not even noticed, various external influences can cause the cells to shed too quickly, causing them to clump together and appear as flakes. The reasons for this can be dry air or inadequate care as well as yeast fungus. But before you panic and resort to expensive products, you can try ginger oil first. This simple remedy can help with all causes.
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Ginger oil for dandruff
In addition to oil from the roots, you also need cold-pressed olive oil or jojoba oil. Mix 10 ml of it with 3 drops of ginger oil. Simply wash your hair every two days for four weeks. Then rub ginger oil into the still damp hair and especially into the scalp. Massage your head for 15 minutes. As soon as the material begins to take effect, you should feel warmth on your head. Then leave the oil on for another 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Oil for hair loss
Have with strongto fight hair loss, this can also be stopped with ginger oil. All you have to do is rub the oil into your scalp every day. Since blood circulation is stimulated, the hair roots are strengthened and hair growth is stimulated. In addition, ginger vinegar can also be used as a rinse. You should still consult a doctor beforehand to rule out more serious health problems as the cause of hair loss.
Hair oil and ginger vinegar recipe
- 2 tbsp freshly grated ginger
- 2 tablespoons cold-pressed sesame oil (alternatively olive oil)
- 1 splash of lemon juice
The ingredients are mixed and then applied to the scalp. Finally rinse well.
Make ginger vinegar as a rinse by diluting it in equal parts with water (e.g. 50 ml water and 50 ml ginger vinegar).
For massage
If you want to do something good for your body from the outside, you can also use ginger oil to rub in during a massage. It doesn't matter whether it's for the back, face or other parts of the body, because the miracle oil is good for you everywhere. In addition to stimulating blood circulation, it also contributes to a healthier metabolism, which can help you lose weight and detoxify. Tension is relieved really well and a massage has also proven useful for rheumatism. For headaches and migraines, massage your head again to provide relief.
Massage oil recipe
- 60 ml vegetable oil (e.g. sesame oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, etc.)
- 20 drops of ginger oil
- A few drops of other essential oil (e.g. lavender oil) if desired
The ingredients are simply mixed together well and then used for a pleasant massage. Make sure that the massage takes place in a warm room.