9 sun-drought perennials that will transform your garden into a lush oasis despite the summer heat

Summer is the favorite season for many of us. But as summer temperatures rise, heat can become a challenge, both for humans and most plants. And every gardener wants a blooming and fresh-looking garden in summer. Fortunately, there are drought-tolerant perennials that you can plant in full sun and with minimal maintenance. In this article we will show you which perennials are suitable for sun and drought.

Perennials for sun and drought: cockade flower

The cockadre flower (Gaillardia) loves full sun and well-drained soil. It is a robust plant that blooms with bright flowers all summer and into autumn. Not only is the plant a beautiful addition to the garden, but it attracts pollinators, making it a very useful outdoor flower. It is extremely easy to care for and because it is perennial, it comes back every year and you can enjoy the long-lasting flowers for a long time.

Sedum is drought tolerant

Stonecrop (Sedum) is a drought-tolerant perennial that is incredibly easy to care for. There are hundreds of varieties of sedum, and almost every one is a hardy, drought-resistant flowering plant. Most varieties are actually grown for their flowers, but there are also some, such as: B. 'Frosty Morn', which has beautiful, colorful foliage. This gorgeous ground cover comes in a variety of colors from yellow to red, with glossy leaves and flowers. Plant sedum in a full sun location. You can use the flower as a drought-tolerant border plant, in paths orGrow rock gardens. The flowers have the added benefit of attracting butterflies and bees to your garden! No matter what variety you plant, the fleshy, succulent leaves help the sedum retain water through dry periods.

Yarrow loves well-drained soil

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is one of the perennials for sun and drought. The plant tolerates heat and drought like a champ and is resistant to deer, rabbits and most other pests. Yarrow comes in several varieties with yellow, orange, red, pink or white flowers, and if you choose to plant the perennial in the garden, you'll enjoy colorful blooms. Ensure well-drained soil.

Perennials for dry, sunny locations: Lavender

Who doesn't love lavender (Lavandula)? Lavender looks beautiful, smells wonderful and is robust. Native to the Mediterranean, this beautiful perennial is drought tolerant and loves full sun. It produces beautiful purple flowers that not only add an exotic look to your garden but also attract pollinators such as butterflies and bees. You can use lavender inGarden or in potsplant. One can pick some flowers to dry them and bring the wonderful scent into the house. The plant is very effective against pests. Hang some dried lavender in your closet and you will no longer have to worry about moths eating your clothes.

Russian sage is hardy and useful

Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) is one of the hardiestdrought-tolerant perennials. The plant can grow in dry to medium soil. It has fragrant foliage and purple flowers and is not only heat and drought resistant, but also avoided by deer, rabbits and most other pests. It is a useful plant. You can make a medicinal tea from the leaves to help with stomach pain and indigestion. Russian sage tea can also help against fever.

Sun hat for full sun gardens

Do you want beautiful, flowering perennials for sunny locations? The coneflower (Echinacea) is a popular flower. It blooms in gorgeous colors for most of the summer and is a wonderful drought tolerant plantPerennial for your garden. Plant the flower in full sun outside or even in pots on the balcony. The flowers attract numerous butterflies. Echinacea flowers can be used in bouquets.

Daylilies are perennials for sunny locations

Daylilies (Hemerocallis) are very famous worldwide. They are among the perennials that tolerate sun and drought. Do you know that there are over 80,000 different varieties! The plants love full sun locations and are drought-resistant perennials. Not only do they produce beautiful flowers, but they are also very easy to care for.

Easy-care perennials for sunny gardens: tick seeds

Tick ​​seed (Coreopsis) is known for its bright flowers. An easy-care plant that is also drought tolerant and loves full sun. The flower attracts butterflies, bees and birds to your garden. Plant your coreopsis in locations where there is at least 6 hours of sunshine per day for the best flowering. The plant is perfect for your beds, borders and rock gardens.

Wollziest for hot and dry conditions

Wollziest (Stachys byzantina) has soft, velvety foliage in a light green and silver color. The plant comes from the Middle East and loves hot anddry conditions. Therefore she is the oneperfect perennialfor a drought tolerant garden! It can be planted as a ground cover for sunny areas. With its silvery color, the plant matches almost every plant in the garden. In nutrient-rich soil, the perennial can spread quickly, but it's easy to pull out any plants you don't want. Ensure well-drained soil for the flower.

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