Trees for the garden – tips & ideas for large and small outdoor areas

Trees are simply part of garden design. And since the best time for planting is autumn, you still have plenty of time to plan. But the choice can be quite difficult, as there are so many different varieties from fruit trees to ornamental trees to evergreen varieties. Of course, the choice also depends on the size of the garden, because not many large tree species can be combined on the small plot. To make your choice a little easier, we have put together some tips and ideas for trees for the garden that you can use to make your outdoor area more natural and diverse. These garden design ideas will surely help you.

If you don't have a lot of space outdoors, you should choose the right tree size. Anyone who thinks that they can control the height and width of growth through frequent cuts is wrong. Because in this way you not only create an unnecessary amount of work. This also disrupts the growth and in the end you probably won't get what you actually wanted visually. This can affect the amount of fruit, especially with fruit trees.

Plant fruit trees

Although fruit trees can grow quite large, you can still maintain a low growth height with regular (not too frequent!) pruning, which the tree needs anyway. Of course, this also makes harvesting much easier. Practically speaking, there are now dwarf trees or trees that climb or grow in the shape of a column, which are of course ideal when there is little space. You also have a free choice of fruits. Whether plums, apples, pears or peaches doesn't matter. There are even interesting crosses that contain two types of fruit, which of course saves even more space. Although the hazelnut is not a fruit tree, it still wants to be mentioned because of its small size.

ornamental trees

If you only want ornamental trees for the garden, there is also a sufficiently large selection of trees for small gardens. Species that grow in columns are particularly suitable. These include, among others, hornbeams, ornamental cherries, mountain ash and hawthorn. Trees such as the globe maple, the globe robinia or the globe trumpet tree, as well as the hawthorn or the blood plum are also suitable. These are very popular. However, a little more space needs to be taken into account in terms of width. The crowns can be up to six meters wide. Commonly chosen species include the catkinseed willow, the red hanging beech and the crabapple. You are also welcome to buy Japanese trees for the garden. There are a variety of short-growing varieties that are suitable, including the popular oneJapanese maple. This is particularly pleasing in autumn with its attractive leaf colors. Suitable flowering trees for the garden include the magnolia, the dwarf Judas tree, the Chinese wild pear, lilac or, if there is a little more space, the red-leaved carnation cherry.

Evergreen trees

On the one hand, you can buy attractive bonsai trees for the garden. These are kept small by regular cuts and can therefore be of any size. Many evergreen plants are very large in themselves, but also have smaller versions, which you should find out about at the nursery. The small varieties of the Portuguese laurel cherry, the cork oak, the Sycopsis sinensis, the European yew, the false cypress, the boxwood, the arborvitae, the narrow-growing Serbian spruce and small firs are suitable. If you want to plant an evergreen tree, find out not only its height but also its width. Because in a small garden, a tall tree doesn't have to be a problem as long as it's narrow. Over time, the tall pines acquire a bare trunk that takes up hardly any space, while the needles provide pleasant shade.

Plant a large garden with trees

If you have a large property, you can of course have fun with it without any problems. However, remember to provide the trees with enough space. If they are squeezed into small corners between the wall and the facade, this can affect their growth and therefore their beauty. A small selection of trees and garden ideas follows. You can use these just as well as the variants for small outdoor areas.

Plant fruit trees

Fruit trees can be freely chosen according to taste. With regular pruning, they don't take up much space, even in a large garden. The apple tree and the peach tree, which impress with their pink colors, have particularly beautiful flowers. So they are beautiful trees for the garden that you can consider. All you should pay attention to here is the number, because this also increases the need for care. The more fruit trees you have, the more you have to cut and of course harvest.

ornamental trees

You can easily plant native trees for the garden in the large outdoor area. Beech, oak, poplar, larch or the beautifully flowering chestnut are no problem at all. You can also ensure a nice texturehanging trees. Whether willow or birch doesn't matter. These specimens look particularly beautiful near ponds. Their lush, hanging branches are also ideal if you want to use garden trees as privacy screens. Alternatively, columnar trees are also well suited for this. The Japanese maple should also be mentioned again, because here you also have the opportunity to choose one of the larger species.

Evergreen tree species

From native conifers such as pine and fir to the aforementioned bonsai and exotic plants, you also have a free choice here. It's best to combine different sized varieties to create an interesting texture. Evergreen specimens can also be used as an accent and occupy a central area in the outdoor area. This is especially true for those who have an interesting cut. So if you're still looking for a natural eye-catcher, you can hit the jackpot with an evergreen tree. If you are looking for something large, it is best to choose the cedar, the holm oak, the Magnolia grandiflora or the evergreen oak.

Despite the list of trees that we have put together, there are of course countless other variants that are suitable for both small and larger gardens. However, since it is simply impossible to collect all of them in just one article, it is advisable to also inquire at the tree nursery. There you will be given professional tips tailored specifically to your property. Nevertheless, you can also mention the specimens selected here and get advice on them.