Asters are hard to beat in terms of aesthetics and are also quite easy to grow in pots, provided you stick to the plant's specific requirements. Since most flowering plants gradually fade away, there's nothing better than brightening up a patio or balcony with hardy, vibrant plants. Below you will discover cultivation and care tips for asters in balcony boxes.
Do you need some fall color for your balcony or patio, but don't want to spend money on annual plants that only last a few weeks? To liven up your planters, you can try planting some asters. Asters, which are cheerful and beautiful, bloom in late summer and early fall, from September to around November. These plants come in pink, purple, white, yellow and blue shades, and their size ranges from 15 to 200 cm.
The best time to sow asters
One option is to sow young asters directly into the box in spring so that they bloom in autumn. Another option is to wait until early October to plant them outdoors so they can get established before winter and bloom next year.
Find the right balcony box
Be sure to choose a window box that gives the roots enough room to spread. However, keep in mind that root rot can occur if the container is too large, as a lot of potting soil retains water. If a plant has outgrown its container, you should repot it. Make sure the bottom of the container has a drainage hole. Place a paper coffee filter or net over the opening to prevent potting soil from leaking out.
Pay attention to soil and location
Light commercial potting soil should be used to fill the container. Never use garden soil – it compacts and prevents nutrients and water from reaching the plants. Make sure you water your asters immediately after planting. Place the pot in a location where the balcony plants receive six to eight hours of direct sun each day.
Frequent watering
Gently water the area around the base of the plant, being careful not to get the leaves and petals wet. Irrigation is the main obstacle when cultivating balcony plants in containers. Some plants may wilt overnight because the pots dry out so quickly. It is recommended to check moisture daily. In any case, you should check every other day. Your plants probably need watering when the top two inches of soil is dry when you stick your finger in and pull it out.
Pro tip:If the soil around them dries out too quickly, consider mulching them. This protects the floor from the harmful rays of the sun.
Although asters do not need constant feeding, they benefit from a slow-release fertilizer given twice a year.
Removing flower heads
Remove spent flowers during the growing season. After flowering in October or November, you can prune the asters back heavily, but feel free to leave them until winter so birds can feast on the seed heads.
Also read:Growing spinach on the balcony: tips for timing, flower box, proper care, etc.
Divide asters
If you want your asters to stay healthy, you should divide them every 3 – 4 years. The ideal time to divide these balcony plants is spring, when new growth begins. After lifting the plant, cut it in half using a garden tool. Be careful with older stems as they can be sharp. A knife or spade may be necessary to cut through denser species.
Support taller asters
On the other hand, if you want your asters to grow larger and have showier flowers, you can make them grow vertically by cutting off some side branches and buds. The result is a leggier plant with more flowers, but you'll need to support it so it doesn't get damaged by wind and other weather conditions. Be sure to use a stick or stake that is the same length as your aster's mature height and push it firmly into the soil about two inches from the root before planting.
Overwinter asters on the balcony
Potted asters may not survive the winter if not covered. Place the pot or flower box in a cold place over the winter and back outside in the spring. In any case, you should grow the plant to a height of only a few centimeterscut back above the groundbefore overwintering them.
Also interesting:How to plant the flower box for autumn and until when the flowers can stay outside
Cover photo:@nusratnoorfarm/ Instagram