You can have the first fresh spinach leaves just 6 to 8 weeks after planting and the plant is really easy to cultivate. Because there are so many options, you can plant multiple varieties in a specific order and reap the benefits of their green, healthy leaves year-round. Find out below how you can grow spinach on the balcony!
Because of its adaptability and high yield, spinach is a popular plant for urban gardeners looking to make the most of limited space.
When should you plant spinach – the timing?
You should plant winter-hardy spinach varieties from the beginning of September to the beginning of October. For optimal germination of spinach seeds, the ideal soil temperature is between 7 and 24 degrees Celsius. The ideal daily temperature range for this green vegetable is 15 – 21 degrees Celsius. Although the plant can tolerate temperatures up to 29°C, if the temperature is too high it may sprout too early and have an unpleasantly bitter taste.
The right size of the pot
You can grow spinach plants in pots, window boxes, containers, etc. with a diameter of at least 35 cm. However, the soil does not have to be very deep for them to thrive. 3 or 4 spinach plants fit in a container this size. Grow bags are an alternative to the more traditional terracotta containers for growing spinach on the balcony. Waterlogging is a real problem. Therefore, make sure that the container you choose has plenty of holes for drainage.
Pay attention to the distance
Space the spinach plants 7 – 8 cm apart. Leave a little extra space for each plant if youharvest larger leaveswant. Leaves that are too small or too large can affect the taste. So make sure that the plants don't grow too close together or too far apart.
Plant in good quality potting soil
Using garden soil in pots is not a good idea. Garden soil usually doesn't drain well enough when put into pots. Instead, choose a potting mix that is rich in organic matter and has good drainage. Before planting your spinach seedlings, you should add a handful or two of compost or worm castings to the mix.
Spinach plants need sunlight
For optimal spinach growth, you should provide it with 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight every day. Even though spinach grows slowly in partially shaded areas with only 3 or 4 hours of sunshine per day, it will still thrive. By protecting the plants from the intense midday light, you can delay flowering and enjoy the tender leaves for a week or two longer.
Sow spinach or grow seedlings
You can begin planting once you have selected your containers and filled them with the growing mix. You can either sow the seeds or plant them directly. If spinach seeds are planted directly into the soil, they will take between 5 and 10 days to germinate and the young plants will quickly mature into adult spinach leaves. You should sow spinach seeds about 1/4" to 1/2" deep in pots.
Water your plants regularly
It is important to moisten the soil frequently after sowing spinach seeds to keep it moist but not waterlogged. To prevent scattering immature, delicate seeds when watering the pots, a spray bottle is a good investment. If you want to keep your spinach leaves dry and disease-free as they sprout and grow, water them when the top inch of soil feels dry, directing the stream of water toward the soil line.
When can you harvest spinach?
The spinach can be harvested for the first time around 6 – 8 weeks after sowing. Either harvest the entire spinach plant at once or selectively remove the outermost oldest leaves while allowing the smaller leaves to mature. Spinach tastes best when harvested while the leaves are still young and tender, but ifthe plants start to bloom, the taste diminishes. If you are growing spinach on the balcony and see signs of flowering, it is time to harvest the plants and start again.
Also interesting:Sow spinach in September: Use these tips to achieve a rich harvest!
Cover image: TG23/ Shutterstock