Plant balcony boxes: These plants tolerate full sun and heat without any problems

Winter is barely over and we are dreaming of relaxing days on the sunny balcony. Of course, we should be greeted by a wonderful display of flowers. However, the question arises: What thrives in full sun? We give useful tips on what you can plant in your balcony boxes.

Plant sunny balcony boxes: small-format vegetable garden

If you are one of the lucky owners of a sunny balcony, then you should take advantage of the favorable orientation and create a small-format kitchen garden. Fortunately, most edible plants are not only tasty and healthy, but also have high ornamental value. The different types of lettuce such as oak leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce or Venetian brown lettuce form the perfect background for cocktail tomatoes and chilies. Marigolds complete the color scheme and herbs such as parsley, basil and chamomile are the perfect gap fillers.

Which fruit thrives in the balcony box?

Certain types of fruit also feel at home in the balcony box. In addition to the absolute classic – the strawberry, this also includes small raspberry varieties. They feelsunny locationsvery well and bear plenty of sweet fruit.

Plant balcony boxes: climbing plants that tolerate heat and full sun

Climbing plants won't feel comfortable in the balcony box? No way - sweet potatoes, morning glories, morning glories and blue morning glories actually offer a welcome change from ground cover and low plants. The plants already mentioned have a compact growth and will not compete with each other in the flower box.

Which hanging plants should you use in the heat?

Hanging plants can also be easily displayed in the balcony box. Petunias are the ultimate classic. But hanging geraniums also cut a good figure. Pennywort can effectively fill gaps and set accents with its attractive leaves. Flowers with slightly overhanging shoots such as purslane or gold marie go perfectly with this. Both bloom beautifully all summer long. Hanging begonias such as the “Glamour Mix” variety can also be staged in the balcony box. They are the perfect soloists as the plant is offered in different colors. Hanging petunias

These ground cover plants are ideal for balconies in full sun

Ground cover plants are the perfect option for the balcony box. They save space, bloom profusely and many of them tolerate heat and full sun without any problems. These include, among others:

  • Field thyme
  • Waldsteinie
  • Spanish daisy
  • Catnip, which also blooms in summer if cared for well
  • Aubretien
  • Skabiosen “Blue Eyes”
  • Ground cover roses like the “Gärtnerfreude” variety
  • Nodding stonecrop

The ground cover plants are extremely easy to care for and are actually the best plants for beginners or for people who travel often. Because they come even in dry conditionswith little wateringright. The only problem is when it rains more in summer and the water cannot drain away. Good drainage in the balcony box is therefore an absolute must.

Beautiful summer flowers for the balcony box in full sun

Geraniumsare the perfect long-term bloomers for the balcony box. There is a wide range of varieties. “Xtreme Night” produces numerous dark red flower buds, “Moskito-Shocker” exudes a gentle scent that drives away annoying insects, and the “Weiße Snow” variety attracts attention with its delicate flowers.

Magic bells“Cabaret” scores not only with its wonderful flowers, but also with its low maintenance requirements. It thrives easily in heat and can tolerate direct sunlight well. The low water requirement makes them true survivors. So even if you forget to water the flower once or twice, it will forgive these small care mistakes. The magic bell petunia hybrid “Calitastic Cappucino” combines the advantages of both types of flowers.

Lantanasfascinate with their bright yellow flowers. They're great to take with youzinniascombine the “Sahara” variety. As the name suggests, the plant flowers in orange and, like lantanas, has a medium water requirement. This means that it needs regular watering when it is dry. Otherwise, they are both very easy to care for and are perfect as gap fillers in the balcony box.

Two teethare more demanding to care for than the rest of the summer bloomers. You must regularly remove the dead flowers to extend the flowering period.