Baby and children's room decoration with clouds

Designing and furnishing the baby or children's room is an important task for parents that takes some time, effort and of course creativity. If you have already planned and furnished the room, all that remains is to decorate. A creative oneBaby and children's room decoration with cloudscreates a pleasant and atmospheric atmosphere in the room and is sure to be popular with the little one.

Baby and children's room decoration with cloud wallpaper

If you want to make the room elegant and stylish, you can combine the furnishings with wonderful motifs.Clouds in wall designhave a calming effect on babies and children and are therefore perfect for this room. You can conjure up beautiful clouds on the wall with wallpaper, wall tattoos or even wall painting.

Select colors

Non-woven wallpapers are best suited for baby and children's rooms because they are easy to apply and can be removed quickly when they are no longer needed. In addition to the motifs, the colors are also important when choosing wallpaper. Light colors and pastel tones go best with the room. Aside from the classic blue or pink, colors like mint green, light purple and beige work quite well for the walls in this room.

Wall decoration for the room with wall painting

You can also paint clouds on the wall with any wall color. You decide for yourself whether it's a whole wall or just a few clouds above the bed. To do the wall painting yourself, you need paper, cloud templates, a cutter knife, wall paint and masking tape.

Make your own children's room cloud wall painting

For room decoration with clouds all over the wall, you should first cut out the templates and then make a grid on the wall with painter's tape. The resulting rectangles should be the size of the paper sheet. Now place the cloud templates in a checkerboard pattern in the boxes and paint the clouds on the wall with paint. Finally, remove the painter's tape and let the painting dry.

Fantastic wall design in the room

The children's room decoration stimulates the imagination of small and large children and causes sweet dreams. As an alternative to wall paint, you can cut the clouds out of luminous foil and stick them to the wall and ceiling so that they glow in the dark.

Deko vom Film “Toy Story”

You can also get inspiration for the room clouds from animated films. In Andy's room from "Toy Story", the blue walls are decorated with interesting white clouds, which you can imitate using a suitable wall painting template.

Creative wall design

The children's room wall decoration with paint is a rather permanent decision because you have to paint the walls again if you want to remove the clouds. With matching wall decals and stickers, however, you can quickly create a temporary wall design.


Another nice idea for decoration are lamps. Most children are afraid of the dark and want a night light for their room. With a little creativity you can make a beautiful night light.


This lamp is a great and inexpensive idea for children's room decoration that can be made from simple materials. To do this you will need photo cardboard in any color that matches the decor, a string of lights, adhesive tape and the hot glue gun.

Instructions – make a cloud lamp

First, draw a cloud of the desired size on the cardboard or use a template and cut out the cloud. Then make an oblong box out of a second sheet and glue it to the back of the cloud. Next, secure the string of lights around the box with tape. Don't forget to leave the part with the plug hanging. Finally, place the lamp on the wall in the children's room and turn on the fairy lights.

Decoration with cloud pillows

You can also use cloud pillows or plush toys for children's room decoration. Instead of buying these, you can simply sew them out of fabric and fill them with craft wool. To make the DIY clouds even more creative, you can create a face using scraps of fabric and thread.

DIY garlands as baby room decoration

You can make beautiful baby and children's room decorations with clouds as garlands using some craft felt, cotton wool and thread. The DIY garlands can then be hung on the wall and serve as an elegant decoration for an empty wall or the area above the bed.

Paper room clouds

You can also make clouds out of paper and use them to decorate your baby's room. You can create 3D clouds with several sheets of paper, which you can use to make a creative baby mobile, for example.

Make your own room wall decorations

Colorful decorations fit perfectly in bright children's rooms. With wooden beads in different colors you can create a colorful decoration for the wall and make your little one's room atmospheric. Let your creativity run wild.

Baby Mobile

The baby mobile is an important decoration for the baby's room because it calms your baby and helps him fall asleep. Clouds are a popular motif for the mobile and look really cute above the bed. You can also make a cloud mobile for the baby's room yourself.

Make cloud mobiles out of felt

The easiest way to sew the mobile is from felt. This requires craft felt in any color, as well as thread, cotton wool and a small piece of ribbon. First cut out the desired elements from the felt, sew two identical pieces together and fill them with cotton wool. Finally, sew the individual elements together with thread and sew the cords onto the large element. To hang the mobile, make a hanger out of some ribbon.

Creative cloud decoration

Instead of felt elements, you can use colorful tassels for the children's room decoration with clouds. With tassels in rainbow colors, the decoration looks as if it wereRainbow rained. The materials needed for this DIY project are craft felt, a cloud template, colorful yarn, cotton wool, embroidery thread and scissors.

Instructions – make your own sleeping cloud out of felt

First, you should cut the selected template out of the craft felt twice. Now the cloud is sewn, embroidered with sleeping eyes if desired and filled with cotton wool. You can embroider the edges with blue embroidery thread for a contrasting effect.

DIY tassels for room decoration

Next, the tassels are made from yarn of any color. The easiest way to do this is to wrap the yarn around your fingers without your thumb, tie the top part and cut the bottom part. Finally, sew the tassels with thread and sew them onto the felt cloud.