Autumn flowers with purple flowers: 10 beautiful species for the balcony garden

No other season is so fascinatingVariety of colors like autumn. Golden yellow, brick red and orange make even a bare balcony shine. But it is the warm colors such as purple and pink that give the container garden its unmistakable charm. That's why we have put together 10 beautiful autumn flowers with purple flowers.

Autumn flowers with purple flowers: The balloon flower

The balloon flower is particularly popular among hobby gardeners for its delicate flowers. When closed, they look like purple balloons - which is where the plant's name comes from. The flower itself is hardy and can easily withstand wind and frost. A covered balcony facing west or east and aLocation in partial shadeare important prerequisites for a long flowering period.

Autumn flowers with purple flowers: the pansy

The pansies prefer cold weather. Its small purple flowers delight the eye in spring and autumn. Pansies are annual plants, but with proper care they can survive frosty days without any problems. Particularly beautiful varieties are “Plentifall Frost” and “Johnny Jump up”

Purple autumn flowers: the aster

The aster is the true queen of the autumn garden. Depending on the variety, the flower color can vary from blue to lavender and purple. Varieties like “Bluebird” and “October Skies” have particularly beautiful flowers.

Autumn perennials with purple and pink fruits: The love pearl bush

The love pearl bush is a perennial that fascinates with its strong colors in every season. The shrub produces white to pink flowers in spring and summer. In autumn it produces beautiful pink berries, which then turn purple. Varieties such as “Purple Pearls” and “Pearl Glam” are suitable for the container garden.

Purple autumn flowers: the lobelia

The lobelia is a beautiful plant with overhanging shoots that...Planting hanging basketsand balcony boxes are ideal. If you planted the lobelia in spring, you can prune it in late summer. The plant will sprout quickly and produce flowers again. Beautiful varieties include “Laguna Dark Blue” and “Laguna Ultraviolet”

Autumn plants with purple and pink flowers: The Amur carnation

In contrast to other carnation varieties, the Amur carnation blooms quite late. Their flowering period begins in August and ends in October. The ground cover reaches a height of almost 30 cm and is perfect for planting in balcony boxes. The Amur carnation is a true sun worshiper, so a sunny, south-facing balcony offers the best conditions for a long flowering period.

Purple flowers for the autumn balcony garden: the autumn crocus

The autumn crocus is, as the name suggests, a beautiful autumn flower. It bears its flowers from August to October, the colors of which can vary greatly depending on the variety. During the flowering period, the flower does not produce leaves. The autumn crocus needs at least six hours of sunlight daily. The rule of thumb applies: the longer it is in full sun, the more flowers it produces. A balcony with a south or west orientation therefore offers the best conditions for a display of flowers.

All parts of the autumn crocus plant are highly poisonous and therefore very dangerous for children and pets. Under no circumstances should you come into contact with the flower or with its withered flowers, fallen leaves, etc.

Autumn flowers with purple flowers: the chrysanthemum

The chrysanthemum is a frost-hardy flower that looks good both in the garden and on the balcony. You can find a wide range of varieties in garden centers. The “Sheer purple” variety produces beautiful purple flowers. The flowers reach a maximum height of 70 cm. “Amarena Purple” enchants with an abundance of flowers and a long flowering period. Popular planting partners are various ornamental grasses, heather, ivy and various ornamental foliage plants.

Purple autumn flowers: rose varieties

The roses are localGarden and balconyno longer imaginable without it. There is a very wide variety of varieties, some are real long-flowering plants and can delight the eye well into autumn. In cold weather, the flowers last longer than in summer and wither much more slowly. In order for the rose to feel comfortable on the balcony, a sunny, wind-protected location is an absolute must. It also has a hard time withstanding frost. A south-facing balcony or a west-facing balcony with glazing therefore offers the best conditions for blooming flowers.

Purple flowers in autumn: the violet

Pansies and violets are closely related. The two types of flowers are confusingly similar for inexperienced hobby gardeners and also have similar requirements for soil and location. The violet is a very robust flower that can easily withstand frost, snow and wind. The flowers bloom profusely and are ideal for planting in flower boxes.

Purple flowers give the container garden a nostalgic touch and form attractive contrasts to yellow and orange-blooming autumn flowers. They can be easily staged as soloists, but can also form effective ensembles together with ornamental grasses, foliage perennials and other seasonal flowers.