Autumn flowers for the balcony, the shadows well tolerate: blooms despite the shadow position

A balcony with a southern location is the absolute dream of every hobby gardener. But the shady sides can also be transformed into real oases with good planning and the right plants. And even in the cold season. We list several autumn flowers for the balcony thatShadow well toleratedAnd provide blooms.

Autumn flowers for the balcony, the shadows tolerate well: you should consider that when buying!

Most autumn flowersare real sun worshipers and thrive best at sunny locations. However, it is not always possible to find a sunny place on the balcony. Especially when it is aligned to the north or east, it will probably get little sunlight. Fortunately, there are some autumn flowers that tolerate the half -shadow and few plants that also grow and bloom in the shade. However, most of them need direct sunlight at least a few hours a day. This can be distributed throughout the day: for example, when neighboring houses shade the balcony at certain times. For example, a balcony with a west alignment only gets sunlight in the afternoon, a loggia with an east direction in turn only in the morning. In these cases, some tricks help:

  • Place the autumn flowers as close as possible to the apartment wall. So you won't freeze to death even on cold autumn nights.
  • Many autumn flowers can cope better with a shady location when they are protected from the wind.
  • Although a lot of plants cannot tolerate waterlogging, many autumn flowers prefer a damp soil. Therefore, check the potting soil regularly and do not let it dry out completely.

What is blooming in partial shade? The garden chrysanthemums

The beautiful chrysanthemumsIt is best to thrive at sunny locations. But there are now also breeds that also feel comfortable in partial shade. Certain varieties of garden chrysanthemums can bring happy colors to the balcony at the end of the garden season. Good wind protection is an important prerequisite for a long flowering period. Frost can easily tolerate the sensitive autumn flowers, a layer of mulch can protect the roots from freezing from October. Chrysanthemums are actually several years of flowers. However, since you are not hardy, you cannot survive the winter in the home garden and go into after the end of the heyday. In buckets and flower boxes, however, they can be overwintered in a light and cool place and will delight the eye with their full flowers next year.

Autumn flowers for balcony box in the shade: Herbstanemone “Pamina”

The flowering period of the autumn emotions begins in summer and extends into autumn. The “Pamina” variety has a compact growth and forms semi -filled pink flowers thatAttach bees and butterflies. So that your wild perennial character in the flower box comes into its own, you should leave a distance of at least 45 cm between the plants. The autumn flower belongs to the winter hardness zone 6 and can tolerate temperatures up to -23 ° Celsius in winter. Therefore, it is considered hardy.

Autumn flowers for the balcony: the yellow sage

Another plant that cuts a good figure on a large balcony or a spacious loggia is the yellow sage. The plant pulls with its bright yellow flowers, which adorn the outside area from May to October and create a happy atmosphere, all looks. The sage feels most comfortable due to its large space requirement (he has huge leaves) as a soloist in a bucket. He can tolerate rain and drought, heat and frost equally well.

Autumn flowers for buckets in the shade: The toad lily

The toad lily is the queen under the autumn flowers par excellence. Depending on the variety, their large flowers present themselves in different colors and are the highlight in every bucket arrangement. You can choose between several varieties:

  • “Trricyrtis” forms flowers long all autumn and prefers a shady but wind -protected location.
  • “Sinonome” only begins to bloom in September and can form flowers until November in good weather.
  • “Miyazaki” is a hardy variety. The above -ground plant parts die after the end of the flowering period, but the flower grows again next year.

Flowers that do not need a direct sun: autumn alpine violets

Of course, the autumn alpine violets need sunlight, but of all flowers listed, they may be the ones that can cope with very little or no direct sunlight. You feel most comfortable in a bucket in front of the apartment wall, where you are protected from strong wind, rain and snow. The heyday begins in September and ends in November. During this period, the plant has no leaves, but uses its energy to form white or light pink flowers. After the end of the flowering period, the flower pot does not remain empty, because then the filigree, green-silver leaves decorate the balcony. The autumn violets are winter green, which means that they keep their leaves during the cold season and only throw it off in spring.

Which autumn flowers can you plant in the shade? The leadwort

The lead root may be one of the most versatile ground cover. The beautiful dark green leaves that turn into red in autumn and the numerous small blue flowers that adorn the plant from June to October make the lead root an absolute eye -catcher in late summer and autumn. The autumn bloom also cuts a good figure in the balcony box, especially as a gap filler.

Which autumn flowers for the shadow balcony? Autumn timeless “Waterlily”

As her name reveals, the multi -year autumn -time “Waterlily” sees theSeaerosis for confusing similar. Their beautiful Malven pink flowers are guaranteed to attract attention. This variety blooms twice a year - once in autumn and once in early summer. Flower formation begins in September and ends in November. The plant is hardy and remains compact - it reaches a maximum growth height of 15 cm. The autumn flower is strongly poisonous. Children or pets must therefore never come into contact with the plant parts.

Hardy balcony plants for shadows: the Sterandolde

The sorts are a beautiful perennial with a bushy and nesting growth, which also thrives well in the shade. Depending on the variety, the flowering period can start in summer or autumn and last with good care until the end of October. “Gill Richardson” is an autumn flower with wine -red flowers that tolerate frost well. It comes from with little care. However, check regularly whether the floor is damp. Because drought can harm the autumn beauty.

Balcony boxes with autumn flowers: The smooth aster “Bluebird” tolerates partial shade

The smooth aster variety “Bluebird” comes from the USA and is well suited for shadowy and partially shaded locations. The asters are true magnets for butterflies and bees, bloom very productively and can be really high (between 60 cm and 120 cm) if they are properly maintained. The smooth aster is very hardy, frost, snow and wind can easily defy it all winter. It also scores with easy care and is not particularly demanding. If the location fits her, she thanks a wonderful floral splendor. In spring it is cut back, which later promotes its growth and extends its heyday.

Autumn flowers for the balcony: the wild malve “zebrina”

A southern balcony is in the sun all day long and a north balcony in the shade. For partially shaded and separate balconies with a south-west or northeastern orientation, flowers and plants are eligible, which thrive well both in partial shade and in the full sun. The wild mallow is such a plant. It takes about 6 hours of direct sunlight daily and a wind -protected location to form your flowers, but can also thrive well at a separate location. The “Zebrina” variety fascinates with two -colored flowers in purple and light pink.

What is blooming in the shade? The water dost “Cory” is perfect for the east balcony

The water dust is a permanent bloomer and delights the eye all summer. The “Cory” variety, i.e. the blue water dost, is native to North America and scores with an even longer heyday that lasts from July to October. Since the plant can become up to 80 cm high and not only forms many flowers, but also a dense foliage, it is perfect as a privacy screen in autumn. As far as the location is concerned, the water dust needs a sodious to partially shaded and wind -protected place on the balcony. A orientation to the east proves to be optimal, because the morning sun promotes flower formation.

Autumn flowers for the balcony in the shade: the hardy of the gegonie

The Japanese crooked leaf may be one of the few species of Begonia that can tolerate temperatures below 0 °. This began is characterized by pink flowers and green leaves and, even if the name indicates differently, is only limited. In the winter months you have to bring them to the winter quarters (a warm and bright room). Nevertheless, autumn flowering varieties such as “Heron's Pirouette” are suitable for the balcony garden. It becomes around 60 cm high, has large grass -green leaves and forms plenty of pink flowers from June to autumn. In mild weather, she can decorate the balcony by the end of October.

Which balcony plants for the north side? The high flame flower

The high flame flower is a real survival artist. Very hardy, it can defy snow, frost and wind without any problems. The autumn flower scores with a wonderful fragrance, an extremely long flowering period and demandingness. It is also a magnet for butterflies and offers food for bees and bumblebees in autumn. From pink, to pink to lavender: you can find a rich selection of different colors in the garden centers. It tolerates partial shade, but also thrives in the full sun without any problems.

The autumn flowers not only cut a good figure in the garden, but also on the balcony. The shadow -loving flowers prefer a wind -protected location and thank you with wonderful flowers and an extremely long heyday. The color palette varies from yellow to burgundy red, pink and lavender. So everyone can find the right one for their own balcony.