Lemon juice in the household: Clean and purify the entire living space without toxins, purity with the power of lime

Numerous household cleaning products are repeatedly questioned as endangering health due to their chemical ingredients and their composition. There are strong natural alternatives that can definitely compete with industrially manufactured cleaners. Using lemon juice at home is one such alternative. It does not endanger your health and the results are amazing. Whether in the kitchen, to treat stains on items throughout the household or to treat laundry, it is widely used and protects your health and your wallet. Give it a try and be amazed at how easy and how well it works.

Make pots, pans and stainless steel surfaces shine

Cut a lemon in half and rub the fruity side into dull-looking pots, pans, orother stainless steel surfaces, inside and outside. Do not rinse, but rather polish the vessel or surface with a soft cloth. You can use the rind of the fruit to clean fittings and metal handles on kitchen cabinets. To do this, rub it in, rinse with clean water and then polish dry with a soft cloth.

Clean windows until shiny

Make your own shine cleaner! Simply add three tablespoons of lemon juice to 250 ml of water and then pour the mix into a spray bottle for easy handling. For stubborn stains on glass, use a sponge and dip it directly into the pure juice of the lemon.

Descale the coffee machine and kettle

Mineral deposits can build up inside the coffee maker and kettle, and can even affect the taste of the drinks made with them. Clean the devices monthly by running or boiling half a cup of lemon juice with a little boiling water. Then do another pass with water. Complete!

Properly clean wooden cutting boards and kitchen utensils

Lemons have antibacterial active ingredients and help to eliminate bacteria that like to settle on cutting boards, wooden spoons or even plastic utensils. After washing, rub household items with lemon and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse with plenty of hot water and dry well.

Remove stains throughout the house

Remove stains from Tupperware and plates

Some foods leave stains on the surface of plates and cause plastic containers to yellow. About thisStains and discolorationTo remove them, fill the sink with hot water, add the juice of two or three lemons and their peels and let the dishes soak for about three to four hours. Then wash it off as usual.

Remove stains from marble countertops with lemon and salt

Marble looks very elegant and beautiful, but its surface is porous and splashes of coffee, tea or tomato juice leave unsightly stains over time. Cut a lemon in half, dip the side of the fruit in salt and rub it quickly onto the stain. Then rinse the area generously with water. Never leave lemon juice on the marble material for too long, otherwise the acid could damage it.

Deposits in the toilet bowl

You can get rid of limescale deposits and other stains in the toilet bowl by making the following mixture: Mix oneBaking soda pasteand the juice of the lemon so that the consistency is thick at the end. Work the mixture into the toilet bowl stains with the toilet brush. Leave it on for 2 hours and then rinse with some scrubbing using the toilet brush.

Lemon juice in the household: laundry sparkling white

Remove the yellow sweat stains under the arms

Who doesn't know that? Some deodorants react with body salts and cause yellowish stains on white fabrics under the armpits. No need to ditch the t-shirt, try this hack: Mix one part lemon juice, one part baking soda, and one part hot water. Take a soft-bristled brush, work the paste into the fabric and leave it on for at least half an hour. You can then wash the garment as usual.

Lemon juice makes the socks white again

The juice of lemon is a natural bleach that has washed! It can easily take on its industrial rival, the toxic chlorine bleach. Here's how to do it: Take a pot and boil water. Put the socks in along with a few lemon slices and let it soak overnight. For white machine wash, add a cup of lemon juice to the wash cycle. Then wash in the washing machine as usual.