It can be quite windy and drafty on balconies. If you like to have breakfast outside, you are probably familiar with the problem that the wind can blow tablecloths, newspapers and napkins. If you are comfortable on thebalconyIf you want to relax, then you need some ideas on how you can make the balcony draft-free and wind-free. With a suitable oneWind protection for the balconyyou can ease the contractions. Check out our tips and decide what type of windbreak you would like to use – natural or artificial.
Small trees and hedges inflower potsplanted offer good privacy and wind protection, as the wind creates fewer turbulences behind the hedge. Climbing plants on trellises are not only very decorative, but can later form a windbreak. The only downside is that if the plants don't survive the winter, you have to buy new ones.
Wind protection for the balcony made of glass
Glass windbreaks are becoming more and more modern as they last a long time and do not completely block the view. You can choose between transparent, milky or cloudy glass. If you have small children, you can have a safety glass vestibule installed to reduce the risk of accidents.
Cover balcony railings with fabric
The fabric cloth is one of the most well-known types of wind protection that can be attached to the balcony railing. Such a windbreak is quite cheap to buy compared to the other options. Various colors and patterns are available to choose from, which can also bring a splash of color into play. Another advantage is that they are washed quite easily.
Green plants also provide wind protection for balconies and outdoor areas of any size. In general, green plants outside appear natural, for example as walls or fences. Depending on the location, different varieties can be grown that provide fresh shade but also protection from the wind. Ideally, the surrounding area will be further beautified. A hedge is the most effective and compared to fixed structures, such as panels and others, are flexible and can therefore withstand stronger winds. Recommended plants are: boxwood, cherry laurel, privet, yew, false cypress,
Hedges as privacy screens
Hedge plants, such as boxwood, grow slowly but become very dense. They can also be beautifully shaped and cut. However, other plants, such as the yew, are not a good solution for those with pets because all parts of the plant are poisonous. Cypresses are ideal as hedge plants for balconies and gardens. They are hardy, grow tall and can be grown as container plants.
Wooden walls and grilles
The minimum height for wind protection is 180 cm, ideally 200 cm. The most accessible option for the garden and terrace is to purchase ready-made wooden elements from the hardware store. These are available in various standard sizes and can usually be installed by anyone without much effort. It is important to note that the posts are anchored in the ground. This is the spot that is put under pressure during severe thunderstorms. It is recommended that the posts protrude at least 60 cm into the ground. Each post should then be at least 25 cm long and wide to ensure a stable hold.
colorful balcony cladding
When it comes to the design of the wind protection elements, there is hardly anything left to be desired. Due to their natural appearance in the outdoor area, wooden panels are particularly popular. In addition to the traditional spruce and fir wood, modern versions such as bamboo or reed are more common. These can be made from other materials, such as metal or plastic. When making your selection, you should note that the wind protection panels are not completely closed. If the draft is stopped completely, turbulences arise on the other side, which can be just as unpleasant as the wind itself.
Climbing and climbing plants
It is advisable to use a windbreak solution to slow down the wind, but still allow a small part of the draft to pass through. Perhaps the most efficient and attractive variant, which will fit wonderfully into any outdoor area, are wooden climbing elements with naturally growing climbing plants. Even in locations that are not too draughty, plants such as ivy, pipe bindweed, clematis or watering leaves do well.
Little trees in flower pots
Potted plants can effectively prevent wind and weather on terraces and balconies. Especially tall-growing varieties in large flower boxes and massive containers that have good support can be a solution if there is not enough space for climbing plants. Small trees and spring bloomers such as ornamental apples, forsythia and lilacs are available here. Another is to plant berry trees such as serviceberry, viburnum and viburnum. The last ones reach their aesthetic peak in autumn. Robust, low-growing and shade-tolerant ground cover plants such as fairy flower, lady's mantle, periwinkle and ivy can be grown underneath.
little trees
It is best to arrange the potted plants in groups of similar sizes so that they support each other. In order to protect smaller plants and all standing plants, especially during storm warnings and typical capricious weather, you should tie the potted plants with a string. There are certainly many places where this can be attached almost invisibly. Rain pipes, fence posts and posts provide good support for the plants.
Balconies are not exposed to the weather in the same way as terraces and gardens and are partially protected from thunderstorms. For this purpose, we recommend opting for individual privacy and wind protection made of textile. This also adds a little more color to the small outdoor area. There are countless colors, shapes and designs to choose from. The fabrics intended for outdoor use are characterized by high durability. They are also waterproof and easy to care for.
Universal, textile wind protection is a simple and cost-effective solution for terraces and balconies. The fixed tensioning made of special weatherproof fabric has eyelets incorporated into the surrounding hem and can be fastened with rope or cable ties. Another advantage is that it can be adapted to oblique shapes such as trapezoid, triangle or pentagon. Other shapes are available from different manufacturers upon request.
A balcony border is also a possible solution. This usually consists of awning fabric and is attached to the balcony border. Various attachment accessories are optional. Modern outdoor fabrics made of high-quality polyester also create eye-catchers and are a beautiful addition to outdoor design and decoration.