The flowers of the numerous perennials offer many bright colors. The fact that they are usually very easy to care for and that the right one can be found for every location makes them the most popular types of plants for the garden that even beginners can easily take care of. Do you still have a free corner in the partial shade of the garden for which you are looking for suitable specimens? Then today's list of flowering perennials for partial shade is just right for you to give you a brief overview and make your choice easier. Marvel at the variety of colors of the flowers and give every area in your garden numerous splashes of color with the right perennials. You are also welcome to use our planting plans for the perennial bed.
Purple and blue flowering perennials for partial shade
Beaker bell(Adenophora liliiflora)
This specimen is a wild perennial that has light blue flowers in the shape of bells. Due to its low growth height of around 40 cm, it is perfect for a rock garden in partial shade. The plant flowers between July and August, although the flowering period can be extended by cutting back spent flowers. It is best to prepare humus-rich soil for the plant and water moderately, as the soil does not dry out too quickly in partial shade.
Stuffed Columbine 'Blue Barlow'(Aquilegia vulgaris var. starry 'Blue Barlow')
The wonderfully beautiful double flowers of this columbine variety bloom between May and July and reach a height of 80 cm. Otherwise the plant is only 30 cm high. The soil should be fresh and nutrient-rich. Like all other representatives of this perennial species, the flowers are quite magnificent and real eye-catchers. So if you want to have something special to look at in your garden, a columbine might be just the thing!
Kriechender Günsel(Ajuga Reptans)
There are different varieties of this plant, which differ primarily in their flower color and shape. There are even white-flowering varieties. The flowering period is from April to August. The plant likes nutrient-rich soil with normal watering. It is interesting to know that the plant is often used to season salads, so you can get more than just decorative uses from it. Creeping Günsel only grow to a height of 15 to 30 cm and is therefore ideal for the front areas of the bed and can also be used to fill gaps.
Purple perennials for partially shaded locations
Black Columbine(Aquilegia atrata)
Although the columbine itself impresses with attractive flowers, this variety offers another eye-catcher and that is the rare black-violet color. The beautiful perennial requires a moderately moist to moist location in nutrient-rich soil. Waterlogging should be avoided. That's why a permeable soil is advantageous. Columbines are plants for partial shade and sun that bloom between May and July and grow to a height of around 60 cm, rarely up to 80 or 90 cm.
Goldlack ‘Bowles Mauve’(The very best of 'Bowles Mauve')
The 20 to 70 cm high perennial has romantic flowers that grow in panicles and bloom between April and November.In partial shadeThe plant feels just as comfortable as in full sun, where it can also cope with dry soil. Furthermore, the soil should be permeable and calcareous. Gold lacquer is not only suitable for the flower bed, but can also decorate the balcony or terrace in the flower box.
Wild Mallow(Malva sylvestris)
The wild mallow blooms from May to September. The flowers have interesting stripes and can be pink, purple or blue. It is a biennial and winter-hardy perennial that tolerates a location in partial shade, but should receive at least 6 hours of sun, otherwise the number of flowers will be smaller. The plant likes it warm and sheltered from the wind in fresh to moist and moderately dry, well-drained soil. Depending on the variety, wild mallows grow between 50 and 150 cm high.
Roter Engelwurz(Angelica gigas)
The deep red angelica has spherical flowers that bloom from June to September. Removing the withered flowers prevents independent and rapid sowing. Otherwise, angelicas are flowering perennials for partial shade to sun that are biennial. Find humus- and nutrient-rich soil that is fresh to moist. Then the 150 cm high perennial can thrive wonderfully.
Lungwort can be described as an early bloomer because it often begins to bloom in March and lasts until May. The perennial is ideal as a ground cover because it only grows to a height of 30 cm. With their help, you can create a beautiful flower carpet, which you can get in a wide variety of colors thanks to the large number of flowers. By the way, the foliage is also pretty to look at. The plant is relatively undemanding in terms of soil and care. If you still want to do something good for it, look for nutrient-rich and loamy-humus soil. Avoid waterlogging and dryness.
Purple bells(Heuchera)
Actually, the foliage of this beautiful perennial is much more impressive than the flowers themselves. Nevertheless, they also delight the eye with their bell-like shapes. The flowering period is only from May to July, but this will hardly make you sad because of the colorful foliage. The foliage is sensitive to frost and requires frost protection made from brushwood to overwinter. Find a location for the purple bells with fresh to moist soil that is loose and nutrient-rich. Avoid dry soil in summer. Depending on the variety, purple bells grow to a height of between 15 and 50 cm. But there are also varieties that reach a more impressive size of 90 cm. These plants can also grow without any problemsinto the bucketbe planted.
Yellow plants
Lady's mantle(Alchemilla vulgaris)
The native wild lady's mantle impresses not only with the yellow flowers that adorn the garden from May to August. The leaves are also very pretty to look at, especially when the dew drops collect on them. In addition to partial shade, the plant also thrives in a sunny location. Lady's mantles require a lot of water and nutrients and are known as medicinal plants.
Yellow elf flower(Epimedium)
In the photo you can see a yellow elf flower. However, the specimen is available in many other colors and color combinations, so you are welcome to choose a different type or even combine several. The flowering period takes place in April. The soil is ideally humus-rich and moist, but can also be moderately dry and less nutrient-rich. Fairy flowers only grow to around 30 cm high, which makes them perfect as a ground cover. However, the plants need around 3 to 4 years to multiply across the board.
Ragwort, which is also called Ligularia or groundsel, has a wide variety of varieties that differ not only in the flower but also in the color of the foliage. These perennials require nutrient-rich soil, which is why they should be fertilized regularly. If the plant is in partial shade, it is not necessary to water frequently. Instead, it should be regularly moisturized in the sun. Not only the foliage is very impressive, but also the bright yellow flowers, which particularly stand out against the dark foliage. The flowering period is from July to August. The type of flowering perennials for partial shade are particularly suitable and popular for pond edges.
Pink perennials for partial shade
Kuckucks-Lichtnelke(Lychnis flower-cuckoo)
If you are looking for pink flowering perennials for partial shade, carnations might be something for you. During its flowering period from May to July, the perennial impresses with delicate flower shapes and colors. Although this perennial prefers a sunny location, it can also thrive in partially shaded areas. A fresh to moist, humus-rich and nutrient-rich soil is also beneficial if you want to enjoy abundant flowers. The plant grows up to 80 cm high.
Ramblerrose(Rosa ‘The Lady of the Lake’)
A perennial that you can use for climbing is the rambler rose with its beautiful flowers in delicate pink. It can grow up to 3.5 meters high. It does great in partial shade, but the more sun it gets, the better. The flowering period is from June to September, so throughout the summer, which is a big advantage. There are countless types of rambler roses, some more fragrant than others, some tolerant of more shade, others need more sun, and so on. So it's best to find out about suitable flowering perennials for partial shade at the nursery in order to find the perfect variant for your needs. The soil should be nutrient-rich and permeable and the location should be airy.
Meadow Rue(Thalictrum delavayi)
The appearance of the flower varies depending on the variety and may or may not be double. Either way, they are very pretty to look at with their pink color. There are also representatives in white. The flowering period is from June to October, while the height is between 80 and 120 cm. But up to 180 cm is not uncommon. In addition to partial shade, a sunny location is also suitable. The soil should be rich in humus and nutrients, calcareous and not too dry. If you are looking for a particularly drought-tolerant variety, it is better to choose the Chinese meadow rue (Thalictrum delavayi).
White flowering perennials for partial shade
Betramsgarbe(Achillea ptarmica ‘The Pearl’)
Despite the simple flower color, this Betramsgarbe variety has beautiful flowers. While the domestic version has a less double flower, it looks very lush and a little rose-like. Although the sunny location is ideal for them, partial shade is also suitable. The white flowers appear in May and bloom until August when the withered flowers are cut back. This stimulates a second flowering. This variant for flowering perennials for partial shade prefers moist soil that is also rich in nutrients to give the plant the strength it needs for long flowering. The Betramsgarbe grows between 40 and 80 cm high.
Ageratum cheese(Very tall Ageratina)
The Ageratumdost also has pretty white flowers. However, these are significantly smaller and come in...colored foliageof the plant particularly well. A moist soil is ideal. Particularly if the location tends to be sunny, make sure there is sufficient soil moisture. The flowering period is very long, from July to October. Ageratumdost can be expected to grow to a height of up to 120 cm. This makes them perfect for the back to middle areas of the bed.
Fat man(Pachysandra)
You get the perfect ground cover with a height of 15 to 30 cm with the fat man. The evergreen foliage of this perennial is so impressive that the flowers tend to fade into the background, although they are also very interesting. The white flowers appear between April and May and are white in color. Fat males prefer fresh to moist soil that is rich in nutrients.