There is hardly a garden that is not decorated with pretty flowers. Even in minimalist gardens, you can usually find at least container or potted plants that provide a few friendly touches of color. Flowers are simply part of the outdoor area, be it in a bed or in a pot. But they are also extremely popular as houseplants, because who doesn't like to enjoy the beautiful, colorful flowers even on cold winter days and forget about the bad weather? And since the selection of garden and indoor flowers is so endless, we have put together a helpful list of flower types with pictures in this article, which is also arranged alphabetically. There you can find some of the most beautiful and popular representatives for indoors and outdoors, as well as a few tips on location and care. This small flower species encyclopedia with a list of flower types from A-Z is intended to help you choose and ensure that you can equip yourself with something beautiful in time for the coming garden season or for your apartment. We have also illustrated all types of flowers with pictures to make the list of flower types even clearer. All of the flower species on the list are beautiful, but some are true classics, while others are still relatively unknown to hobby gardeners.
Flower Types List from A to Z – What types of flowers are there with A?
- Cyclamen(peach cyclamen)– poisonous!
Origin: Eastern Mediterranean, mountainous forest regions
Plant type: houseplant (put outside in summer), garden plant
Location: shade or partial shade; bright, but without direct sun; Protected from the wind by trees
Soil: permeable, clay, sandy and calcareous
Watering: pour lime-free water into the saucer and throw away the excess after half an hour
Fertilize: fertilize every two weeks during flowering
Flowers: white, red and various shades of pink
Flowering time: from September to April
- Azaleas(Symmetrical rhododendron)
Origin: Central China and mountainous regions of Japan
Plant type: houseplant
Location: cool location (8 to 16 degrees) in the shade or partial shade
Soil: permeable, loose and rich in humus; low in lime
Watering: always keep soil moist during flowering
Fertilize: fertilize every two weeks during the flowering period for lush flowers
Flowers: pink, red, white, salmon and yellow
Flowering time: April and May
Species with B
Two popular types of flowers with a picture:
- Begonia(Begonia)
Origin: tropical rainforests along the equator
Plant type: Potted plant for indoors and outdoors (with overwintering indoors), some varieties are also suitable for the flower bed
Location: no direct sun, but bright location with a temperature not below 18 degrees
Soil: nutrient-rich, loose and, above all, warm soil with good drainage
Watering: water moderately, best with rainwater; some varieties like to be sprayed
Fertilize: Best fertilized with irrigation water every 14 days for lots of flowers
Flowers: small and large depending on the variety and in almost all colors
Flowering period: January to December
- Blauregen(Wisteria)
Origin: East Asia
Plant type: climbing plant for the garden
Location: sunny, warm and protected from windwith climbing aid
Soil: sandy to loamy, rich in nutrients and humus
Watering: water frequently on hot days
Fertilize: regularly with low-nitrogen fertilizer
Flowers: blue-purple (violet) flowers, but also white ones with a slight scent
Flowering time: from May to June and sometimes again in late summer
Flower types overview with C
Two different types of flowers with pictures can be found below:
- Chrysantheme(Chrysanthemum)
Origin: China and Japan
Plant type: potted and garden plants
Location: bright and sunny, preferably dry
Soil: nutrient-rich, calcareous and permeable
Watering: water moderately
Fertilizing: usually not necessary; Fertilize the bed with compost only in spring
Flowers: various shades of yellow, wine red, red, orange, light purple, reddish brown, pink
Flowering period: all year round or at least from July to December
- Clematis(Clematis)
Origin: North America and China
Plant type: climbing garden and potted plant depending on the variety
Location: sunny to partially shaded, but bright and direct sunlight at midday
Soil: rich in humus and covered with other plants or stones; Clay soils well mixed with sand, gravel and potting soil
Watering: regular, because it loves water
Fertilize: in spring with compost
Flowers: various shades of pink
Flowering time: May and June
Flower names with D
This picture shows two popular flowers with D:
- Dahlie(Dahlia pinnata)
Origin: Mexico
Plant type: garden plant
Location: sunny, bright and warm
Soil: nutrient-rich
Watering: Keep soil moist
Fertilize: whenever the number of flowers decreases
Flowers: White, yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, lilac and multicolored varieties
Flowering time: from June or May to October or November
- Drachenmaul(Pyrenean Horminum)
Origin: Alps and Pyrenees
Plant type: garden plant
Location: sunny and partially shaded
Soil: calcareous, rich in humus, fresh and permeable
Watering: water moderately, avoid dry periods
Fertilizing: not necessary
Flowers: Purple/Violet
Flowering time: June to August
Beautiful flowers with E
Below you will find both a classic and a flower that is rarely found in gardens and should therefore be mentioned in our list:
- Edelweiss(Leontopodium nivale)
Origin: mountainous areas in Europe and Asia
Plant type: garden and potted plant
Location: sunny location
Soil: cactus soil in a bucket; loose in the garden, poor in nutrients; Enrich clay soils with sand
Watering: in strong heat in the morning and evening, avoid waterlogging and long dry periods
Fertilizing: not necessary
Flowers: White with a silvery sheen and fluffy and reminiscent of felt
Flowering time: June to September
- Enzian(Gentian)
Origin: temperate zones in both hemispheres and on coasts, forests and high mountains
Plant type: garden plant
Location: Sun without midday sun, partial shade
Soil: loose and loamy, poor in nutrients; Avoid waterlogging
Watering: water moderately for even soil moisture
Fertilizing: fertilize only once with compost when planting
Flowers: blue and yellow, pink, purple, white, red
Flowering time: depending on the variety, in spring, summer or autumn; funnel-shaped flowers
Different species with F
- Hardworking Lieschen(Impatiens walleriana)
Origin: Sri Lanka, New Guinea, India and the tropics of East Africa
Plant type: garden and potted plant
Location: partial shade and cool shade
Soil: sandy to loamy
Watering: moderately moist, waterlogging and dry periods are harmful
Fertilize: every one to two weeks with low-dose fertilizer
Flowers: a variety of colors including white, salmon, pink, orange, purple and multicolored varieties
Flowering time: summer and autumn; May to October
- Freesie(Freesia)
Origin: South Africa
Plant type: garden and potted plant
Location: sunny
Soil: nutrient-rich and loose
Watering: water a lot, avoid dry soil and waterlogging
Fertilize: fertilize sparingly
Flowers: white, pink, yellow, light green, purple
Flowering time: until September
Popular varieties with G
- Gladiole(Gladiolus)
Origin: Africa and southern Europe
Plant type: garden plant
Location: sunny and protected from wind
Soil: loose, moist, nutrient-rich soil, permeable soil
Watering: Allow to dry before watering, avoid waterlogging twice a day on hot days
Fertilize: when planting with compost, then fertilize after a month and fertilize again after two more
Flowers: spike-shaped in salmon, red and white
Flowering time: June or July to September
- Bluebell(Campanula)
Origin: Mediterranean region
Plant Type: Garden Flower; two types toosuitable as a pot plant
Location: light partial shade or sunny, but without hot midday sun
Soil: nutrient-rich and permeable
Watering: water regularly, but avoid waterlogging
Fertilize: once a week between April and August
Flowers: Blue-violet or white in the shape of bells
Flowering time: March to October
Flower ideas with H
Properly care for the classic hyacinth and the beautiful hare bell:
- Harebells(Hyacinthoids) – poisonous!
Origin: Western Spain, Portugal; light-shaded forests and rocky shadows; Northwest Africa
Plant type: garden plant
Location: semi-shady to shady
Floor: normal floor
Watering: keep soil moist in spring and water regularly
Fertilizing: fertilizing not necessary
Flowers: Spanish harebell blue; Atlantic harebell blue, white and pink
Flowering time: April to May or May to June depending on the species
- Hyacinth(Hyacinth) – slightly toxic to animals!
Origin: Mediterranean and Orient; rocky areas
Plant type: garden and potted plant
Location: sunny and warm; in the pot protected from the wind
Soil: gravelly to sandy, airy and permeable; humus and nutrient-rich substrate
Watering: plenty of moisture during the growing phase
Fertilize: lots of nutrients during the growth phase
Flowers: delicateFlowers with a strong scentin blue, purple, violet, white, pink, salmon, red, orange
Flowering time: April to May or June
Species for the garden with I
- Iris(Iris)
Origin: native
Plant type: garden plant; rarely also as a pot plant
Location: sunny to partially shaded
Soil: stony to gravelly
Watering: dry to moderately dry soil preferred; water moderately; Avoid waterlogging
Fertilize: fertilize moderately during the growth phase
Flowers: purple, blue, yellow, orange, white
Flowering time: February to March
- Ixia(Ixia)
Origin: Africa; Winter rain areas
Plant type: potted and garden plant
Location: sunny and protected from wind (flower sensitive to cold)
Soil: permeable and dry, humus and fertile
Watering: water abundantly before flowering, then reduce
Fertilize: fertilize once before flowering
Flowers: pink, yellow, white, sea green
Flowering time: May to July
Beautiful types of flowers with J
- Jacob's lily(Sprekelia Formosissima)
Origin: Mexico
Plant type: potted plant; Garden plant, with the tubers dug up for overwintering
Location: brighter, moderately warm when sprouting and warm during flowering
Soil: normal soil/potting soil
Watering: water moderately during budding, then frequently
Fertilize: weekly during the growth phase
Flowers: Red
Flowering time: May to June
- Jasmin(Jasminum)
Origin: Asia, Africa, Australia; tropical and subtropical areas; few species from the Mediterranean region
Plant type: frost-sensitive potted plant; Winter jasmine as a garden plant
Location: sunny to partially shaded, but bright; protected from wind
Soil: stony and sandy, rich in humus
Watering: water often, but avoid waterlogging; Keep soil moist
Fertilize: fertilize regularly
Flowers: white, yellow, pink
Flowering time: June to September
Flower species list with K
With K we have put together two particularly beautiful species that decorate rooms and gardens in a special way:
- Kamelie(Camellia japonica)
Origin: East Asia
Plant type: potted plant
Location: partially shaded, protected from the wind and sufficient humidity; Some sun is allowed in summer
Soil: airy and acidic with drainage
Watering: Moisture-loving plant, but sensitive to waterlogging; If placed in the sun, water abundantly; Use rainwater
Fertilizing: Fertilize rhododendrons when budding and every two to three weeks with liquid fertilizer
Flowers: Red, white, pink, purple, salmon and bicolor varieties
Flowering time: late winter and spring
- Kornblume(Centaurea)
Origin: Southern Europe, Mediterranean region
Plant type: garden plant
Location: warm and full sun, partially shaded
Soil: poor in lime and dry; sandy to loamy; rich in humus; permeable and poor in nutrients
Watering: water moderately; get along well with short dry periods
Fertilizing: do not fertilize during the growth phase
Flowers: blue, red, pink, purple, white
Flowering time: May to September or October
Flowers with L
With L have a few care tips for the popular lavender and snapdragons:
- Lavender(Lavandula angustifolia)
Origin: Mediterranean region
Plant type: potted and garden plant
Location: dry and sunny
Soil: nutrient-poor, sandy or gravelly; Herbal soil is well suited
Watering: water only when soil is dry; water more regularly in the pot; Avoid waterlogging
Fertilize: once a year with compost
Flowers: fragrant flowers in the form of spikes
Flowering time: depends on the variety, but usually in summer to late summer at the latest
- Löwenmaul(Anthirrhinum)
Origin: dry Mediterranean zones
Plant type: garden plant
Location: sunny and partially shaded
Soil: sandy and loamy, but loose and permeable
Irrigation: low-lime water (preferably rainwater)
Fertilizing: not absolutely necessary
Flowers: yellow, orange, pink, red, white, but also multicolored
Flowering time: June to September
Popular species with M
Annual and perennial species:
- lily of the valley(Convallaria) – poisonous!
Origin: Forests of Europe and Asia
Plant type: garden plant
Location: semi-shady and shady, possibly also sunny, but without strong midday sun
Soil: normal soil without waterlogging
Watering: regularly after planting and allow the soil to dry out after a few weeks
Fertilize: Compost every two to three years
Flowers: white, bell-shaped and fragrant flowers
Blütezeit: May
- Almond florets(Clarkia)
Plant type: garden plant
Location: sunny to partially shaded
Soil: normal soil with a not too high humus content
Watering: water moderately
Fertilizing: not necessary
Flowers: white, pink, red, purple and others
Flowering time: June to September