Ferns first appeared about 360 million years ago and diversified during the Cretaceous period, although many of them are now extinct. Most fern plants that grow wild or are cultivated today only evolved in the last 70 million years. Most areas have their own native species. Find out how to plant and care for ferns below!
Growing conditions for ferns in the garden
Ferns generally prefer full or partial shade. Some varieties also tolerate morning and early afternoon sun, some even full sun, although not in a dry, hot region. If you don't have much humidity in your area, it canhelp the plantsplant near a pond or under the canopy of trees. Avoid windy areas as wind promotes transpiration and water loss.
With a few exceptions, these plants need soil that is constantly moist but not wet. If you can stick your finger into the soil up to your third knuckle and it feels moist but not wet, there is no need to worry. However, if the soil is dry halfway up the first knuckle, you should add water. Overwatering can lead to root rot or fungal problems.
A forest floor, for example, is ideal for ferns. The rotting leaves and light in the undergrowth are exactly what they need. Growing these ancient treasures in a landscape that mimics these conditions gives most varieties the best chance of success. If you have heavy clay, you can also incorporate some poultry grit or oyster shells to add textureto improve the soil. Top dressing with organic matter in spring and fall ensures your plants are well nourished.
When planting ferns, keep in mind that they generally prefer soil that is more acidic than alkaline. A value between 6.5 and 7.0 is ideal, although they can also tolerate soils outside this range.
Many species also grow well in containers, as long as you remember that plants in pots dry out more quickly than those in the ground. Keeping them alive and happy in the house is notoriously difficult, but that doesn't stop them from being one of the most popular houseplants! You will succeed if you pay close attention to the conditions you create. Ferns need bright, indirect light, lots of moisture and constant water.
Thirty to 50 percent humidity is the ideal level for these prehistoric plants. Make sure that only the surface of the soil dries out. When you water, lift the foliage and water the soil.
About the healthy appearanceyour houseplantsTo preserve it, you should occasionally cut off brown fronds. Popular varieties for growing indoors include sword fern (Nephrolepis exaltata), button fern (Pellaea rotundifolia), kangaroo fern (Microsorum diversifolium), and silver fern (Pteris cretica 'Mayi'). If you're new to growing ferns indoors, start with the good old Boston variety.
Cut off the dead leaves of the deciduous species in late fall after frost has killed them. This prevents pests and diseases from finding a place to hide or breed and simply looks cleaner.
Propagation of the exotic plant
Ferns do not produce seeds. But you can propagate new plants by spores, stolons, division, or purchased transplants.
Ferns reproduce from spores
Creating new plants from spores is more difficult than any other method on this list, but many people use this method to propagate wild ferns they find while hiking. If you decide to collect wild plants, always make sure you know the laws and rules for collecting wild plants in your area.
Collect spores when they look plump and furry. The timing at which this occurs varies greatly from species to species. Some ripen as early as May, while others, like the climbing fern, do not ripen until November. When the spore capsule begins to darken and split, that's it.
Remove a healthy frond and place it in an envelope or between two pieces of paper - white wax paper works best. Leave it overnight at room temperature and withoutdirect sunlightlie down and then lift the frond. You should see a spore print on the paper. If this is not the case, the spores were not ripe at the time of collection and you will need to try again.
You will need to sprinkle the spores over moist, organic, sterile potting soil in a shallow dish with a lid. Before you sprinkle the spores, you can heat the soil in the microwave to kill any pathogens.
Place the tray of soil in a room with indirect light and keep the soil moist at all times. It may be helpful to place a glass or plastic over the container to keep moisture and moisture in. Keep the temperature between 18 and 24°C. Keep the soil moist and a few months later you will see small fronds sprouting. Now a fern has finally formed.
Division of the plant
You can also propagate these versatile plants through division. Begin watering the mature plant the evening before division. Gently dig up the plant or remove it from the container, then cut or pull it into two or three clumps. Each divided clump should have at least one growing tip - this is the structure from which the fronds grow. Repot the clumps as desired, keeping the starts moist until you see new growth.
Grow new plants from runners
Some varieties form stolons or runners. To get out of itto grow a new plant, simply attach a runner to the top of the ground using landscape staples, wire or a small rock. Keep the soil moist and wait for new growth, which can take anywhere from a few weeks to a year. At this point you can cut the runner from the mother plant and transplant as desired.