Propagate perennials by division: Which ones you can rejuvenate in November and how to do it correctly

There are plants that divide wonderfully and can be propagated in this way. But the duplicate is not the only advantage of this process. Dividing also rejuvenates the plant itself, encouraging both growth and flowering. A number of perennial species have this property and benefit from it. However, if you propagate perennials by dividing them, you should not only know the right time, but also which varieties are suitable. We summarize the most important things for November!

When do you divide perennials?

In principle, you can choose when the perennials bloom. So you can divide those that bloom in spring and mid-summer in the fall, because this gives the plant enough time to develop well in its new location before it has to put its energy into producing flowers. The perennial does not have to divide the energy between both, so the flowering will not be neglected.


  • Elfenblume
  • Fetthenne
  • Lady's mantle
  • Houseleek
  • Lungwort
  • Cat paws
  • Pasqueflower
  • Cowslip
  • Stern moss
  • Steinbrech
  • Thymian
  • Bleeding heart

The situation is different with species that are yoursFlowering time in autumnhave. Leave them to overwinter as they are. These perennials can be divided in spring, specifically shortly before or when they first sprout. When it comes to daylilies, the rules are not so strict. Here you can decide for yourself which of the two seasons you want to propagate the perennials by dividing them.

Propagate perennials by dividing them - here's how to do it

In order to divide a perennial, you must first lift the entire plant out of the ground. To do this, first poke the digging fork diagonally downwards and towards the roots and loosen the root system with slight upward and downward movements. Then you can take a spade and lift the plant out. Be careful when doing this, as no roots should be injured if possible.

You will find it easier to divide if you can see the entire root ball better. To do this, you must uncover it by first shaking it roughly so that any soil can fall off, and then rinsing off any soil with water.

Now you can inspect the bale. Each cut section should be about the size of a fist. So that they can develop well later, they should also contain shoot buds and some leaves. Only cut with a sharp knife to create smooth cuts that heal better.

Before you plant everything again, clean the sections. This means that you remove unnecessary roots of weeds, for example, and cut off injured roots. Also shorten roots that are too long (about the width of a hand). Loosen the soil where you want itplant new perennialswould like, good. You should also mix the excavated soil with compost so that the plants are initially well supplied with nutrients. Then bury it at the same depth as you found it before, tamping down the fresh soil. Water the planting holes thoroughly and keep the soil moderately moist in the near future if it does not rain.

Winter protection for divided young plants

The perennial plants are winter hardy and frost cannot harm them. However, if you have the divisionin Novemberor late autumn, you can also protect the perennials that have not yet taken root from frost as a precaution by covering them with brushwood. Other clippings from the garden or garden fleece are also suitable for this purpose.

Perennials multiply by dividing rhizomes

We have already told you how exactly you can propagate perennials by dividing rhizomesin this articleexplained. You can then plant the separated parts in pots until they develop new shoots. It is best to treat the interfaces with charcoal powder beforehand to prevent infections. You can dispose of the mother plant while removing dead parts from the young plants before planting.

Root cuttings are obtained from taproots

You can also propagate perennials with taproots using root cuttings. Here, the root of the mother plant is cut in a similar way to the rhizome to obtain sections. It is important that you leave at least a third of the taproot to the mother plant so that it can continue to thrive. It is also best to plant the new sections in pots first, where they can develop enough roots, stems and leaves over the winter to be released outdoors in the spring. For example, autumn anemones, poppies, phlox, evening primroses and mullein can be divided in this way.