Fire bowls are a perfect addition to any garden and exterior. If you want to make your outdoor area look original and cozy, then you should definitely take a look at our ideas for fire bowls for the garden!
The fire bowls fit very well with modern exteriors and are offered in different sizes, making them easy to place even if you don't have much space in the garden. However, they are considered a worthwhile investment as both a useful and useful accessory as well as a beautiful outdoor accessory. The fire pits can be heated either with wood or with gas. Use lava rock and colored fire glass to fill it. Size, shape and color can be selected depending on taste. There is of course the option to have a piece custom made to suit your requirements.
Convey campfire romance outdoors
We automatically associate fire bowls for the garden with warmth and romance. They form the perfect place where family or friends can sit together comfortably around the fire. Lately they have been in high demand and are becoming increasingly popular, especially as summer approaches. Lukewarm evenings, an atmosphere saturated with emotions, an enchanting play of flames - who would want to miss out on such a feeling of well-being? Of course, it is a household accessory that also requires certain care. It is important to ensure that plants are not damaged. It's best to buy a fire bowl with a base so that there are no embers or glowing pieces of wood.
Patina for a perforated fire bowl
Large concrete fire bowl
A fire bowl fits perfectly into any outdoor area
Use to cook food or for heating
The perfect place where family or friends can sit together comfortably around the fire
The fire bowl is a worthwhile investment
Meaningful and useful accessory and great outdoor accessory