The aloe vera plant – your personal healer for your home

DieAloe Vera Pflanzeis beneficial in many ways. It is used in medicine and also in cosmetics. If you get it as a houseplant, you will have a personal healer at home.

The positive effect of theAloe Vera Pflanzehas been known for thousands of years. She comes from South Africa and was revered by healers in Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, Chinese and Indian cultures, and by Egyptian queens. The plant is even mentioned in the Bible. The Egyptologist Georg Ebers first learned how special this plant was in 1862 when he translated an ancient papyrus. Nowadays, aloe is an integral part of human life and a valuable ingredient in medicine and cosmetics.

The aloe vera plant – perennial plant

Latin name:Aloe Ferox, Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera)

Family: Lilies

Genus: Aloe

Homeland: South Africa

DieAloe Vera Pflanzeis a perennial, stemless plant with thick, fleshy, green to gray-green leaves, with small white teeth arranged at the edges. These leaves contain what is special about the plant. They are 95% water, which in turn is actually made up of two different liquids: gel and aloin. Each has its own scope. The fleshy cover of the leaf protects the valuable substances in the liquid, so its integrity should be maintained.

The aloe vera plant is often confused with cactus

Due to its perennial shape and teeth, theAloe Vera Pflanzeoften confused with the cactus. It actually belongs to the lily family. It grows to about one meter high and blooms in bright colors in spring. The flowers themselves are trumpet-shaped. The pretty plant is very suitable as a garden plant, but it is most common as a houseplant.

Aloe Vera Plant – Care

DieAloe Vera Pflanzeneeds a lot of light and warmth. Since it also comes from areas with hot and dry desert climates, it prefers large temperature fluctuations between day and night. In winter it feels most comfortable at temperatures between 10 and 12 degrees, but it can also withstand up to 6 degrees. Then there should be a heat source nearby and thatAloe Vera PflanzeIt is best to place it near a window without direct sunlight. Between May and September theAloe Vera Pflanzealso stand outside, but in partial shade.

The irrigation

DieAloe Vera Pflanzelikes moderately moist soil. So try to keep it moist in spring. It's best to wait until the soil dries thoroughly before watering it again. Because the leaves store a lot of moisture, the plant needs very little water in the winter while it is dormant. Then only water them once or twice a month. Observe the color and moisture of the leaves. If you notice that they are becoming dry and turning brown, you have overdone the drying time.

The floor

DieAloe Vera Pflanzeneeds to be fertilized moderately often. The pot should definitely have holes in the bottom so that the water can drain out. For a greater effect, you can also add 3-4 cm of gravel to the bottom of the pot. The best combination is soil and sand, preferably river sand (50/50). During spring and fall, the plant should be fertilized once a month and given soil for flowering plants. This is allowed once a monthAloe Vera Pflanzefertilized with ammonium nitrate.

The reproduction

DieAloe Vera Pflanzecan be through seeds orOffshoots and by cutting off the leaves. This should best be done at the end of spring or beginning of summer. After cutting off a leaf, the cut site should be allowed to air dry for a few days and only then be planted in a sandy-loamy soil until they form roots. The cutting is not watered for the first two weeks, but it should be left in a bright, warm place. Start watering as soon as roots have formed and repot the new plant in a pot with a mixture of soil and sand.


DieAloe Vera Pflanzeis rarely attacked by pests. These are mainly aphids and fungus gnats, which affect the growth of the plant. However, it should not be treated with pesticides.

Useful substances

In theAloe Vera Pflanzeare over 75 nutritional substances and minerals, amino acids, metals, enzymes and others. It is primarily used to heal burns or wounds, diabetes, increased blood cell counts and colitis.