A new growing season is just around the corner and you're wondering whether you can throw away or reuse old potting soil? Fortunately, there are some economical and environmentally friendly ways to recycle the nutrient-rich soil from wilted plants. But what to do with old potting soil? Storing it may look very cost effective, but can it work when planting new flowers? Here are the key steps you can follow to complete this gardening chore during the spring season with little effort.
What you should know before recycling old potting soil
Reusing old potting soil for new planting can make sense from a financial and environmental perspective. First and foremost, however, there are a few things to consider before rejuvenating your old potting soil, so to speak. First, determine whether the plants you previously grew in this soil were light or heavy feeders. This shows you which plants need the most or least nutrients. Next, note any soil problems that have occurred over the past year. For example, some plants are notorious for bacterial infections or insect attacks. If your old potting mix is a victim ofpests or diseasesIt is best not to reuse them.
Also check the soil level in each flower pot. Depending on what each plant has been through, it will need to be topped up. You can do this with perlite, lime or gypsum - they last longer and don't need new potting soil. Also look for organic potting soil. Organic soil is more suitable for your garden or houseplants, so it's best to see if there is a way to replace inorganic potting soil with organic one. Finally, determine the onepH of your soil. You can use a home pH test kit to do this. The ideal pH value for potted plants is between 6.2 and 6.6.
Required materials and garden tools
- Tarpaulin that is large enough to fit the entire floor you will be working with.
- New potting soil.
- Rake or a garden fork.
- Sieve for compostor potting soil (you can also make one yourself using some wood and a wire mesh panel with 1cm holes).
- Perlite, lime or gypsum to improve soil pH.
- Slow release fertilizer (you don't need much as you use about a spoonful per 4 liters).
- One or more large buckets with small holes in the bottom.
- Container large enough to hold the prepared soil.
Step 1: Lay out old potting soil
The most important thing first is to make sure the soil you want to revitalize doesn't contain any debris or weeds. Spread the old potting soil over the tarp and break up the pieces with a garden fork or rake. Once you've done that, you can remove any debris. After initially breaking up the soil, you can use the sieve to get rid of larger pieces of debris and weeds. You don't need to remove all of the old roots from the potting mix as they will eventually break down. In addition, this will be able to give the new plants additional nutrients.
Step 2: Wash off excess salts
This next step is very simple. Use a bucket with holes in the bottom and fill it with soil. Once you have done it, you should add water. Hang the bucket somewhere high until the water stops draining. Then place the soil back on the tarpaulin and let it dry. Once this is done, chop the pieces up very well with a garden fork or rake. Finally, repeat the process of soaking the soil, letting it dry, and then loosening it again.
If you don't have a bucket with holes, you can take any larger bucket and make holes with nails. But you can still moisten the soil on the tarpaulin and let it dry in the sun. However, this method increases the drying time. After a day or two in the sun, you should cover the old potting soil with a plastic bag to prevent weeds from growing in it. To know if the soil is dry enough to work with, you can shape it into a ball. When you snap it with your fingers and break the pieces apart, it's ready.
Step 3: Mix new and old potting soil
This is where the package of new potting soil comes into play. Mix your old potting soil with the new to make a 50/50 mix. You should use the strainer to remove any lumps or debris that may be in it. If you don't have a strainer and are a DIYer, you can make one yourself using a few pieces of wood and a wire mesh.
Step 4: Test and adjust the soil pH
Before you proceed, you need to make sure your soil pH is just right by testing your soil. The ideal point for garden soil is between 6.2 and 6.6. You should use a home soil pH test. If you find that the pH is below 6.2, you should add perlite, plaster of paris or lime to correct this.
Step 5: Fertilize the new soil
Next, you can add fertilizer. However, while doing this, make sure that you do not use too much of it as this could cause more problems. The optimal amount is one teaspoon per 4 liters of soil. You must add the fertilizer after each pH adjuster.
Step 6: Allow the new floor to harden
Finally, fill your containers with refreshed potting soil. The best containers for this are made of plastic. You need to keep the soil in a dark and dry place for a few weeks before using it so that it can harden well. This easy-to-follow guide is designed to help your potted plants without having to buy new potting soil every season. Even if it seems like something you don't have to do, it could save you a lot of money in the long run. And if that's not enough incentive, remember that it's also good for the environment.