If white deposits have spread across your plant's leaves, it's likely powdery mildew. But before you panic, we would like to reassure you. Because if you act quickly, you can still save your plant. Especially when it comes to edible specimens (but not only), you naturally value environmental friendliness and want a product that doesn't harm your health, and there's apple cider vinegar floating around in your backroom... Above all, you can and should use apple cider vinegar Use mildew? We explain.
Real or fake: which one can be treated?
Roses, tooCucumbers are especially commonaffected by the disease and this applies equally to the real and the fake. Is that the case with you too? Home remedies for mildew are in demand! What about apple cider vinegar and how do you use it? Is it effective on both species or just one?
It is primarily powdery mildew that can be treated with the product. Since this disease is usually not dangerous and the plant can thrive with it without any problems, combating it is not absolutely necessary. Still, apple cider vinegar is quite effective against mildew. You can also use the home remedy against downy mildew. However, you should keep in mind that this disease is more persistent.
The difference between real and downy mildew and other remediesfind out here.
Use apple cider vinegar against mildew as a spray
What do you do about mildew? Prepare a solution with the remedy! This is effective for mild to moderate mildew infestations; if the infestation is severe, you should take stronger measures.
- Prepare a liter of water in a spray bottle.
- Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
- Mix everything well.
- Spray the leaves with the spray in the evening.
- Repeat the process for several days in a row.
If you have downy mildew, you can spray the solution twice a day. In any case, it is important that the plant is not exposed to strong sunlight afterwards, as this can cause burns. In the case of the downy mildew variant or a more severe infestation, you should also first cut off the affected leaves and dispose of them (Not in the compost, but in the household waste!). In this case, the apple cider vinegar against mildew is more likely to prevent it from spreading again.
The use ofVinegar on garden areasBy law, vinegar cannot be used on surfaces that are paved (paved, concrete, etc.) because it can get into the groundwater. But the product should also be used with caution because it can lead to soil that is too acidic, which not only harms plants but also microorganisms. For this reason, it is advisable to cover the soil areas around the plant with a film that collects the agent when treating with apple cider vinegar against powdery mildew.
By the way, regular vinegar is also suitable for mildew. However, its effect is stronger and the protective measures and rules mentioned above are even more important.
Also interesting:Fight mildew with home remedies: What you can do against powdery mildew and downy mildew!