Powdery mildew is a fungal disease caused by numerous species of fungi. The fungus thrives in warm, moist environments and overwinters in the ground. Powdery mildew forms spores that are spread by wind, insects and runoff water, spreading the disease to other plants. In contrast to most fungi, the spores germinate on the surface of plant parts without the presence of free water. A distinction is made between true and downy mildew species. Powdery mildew is a global threat. There are hundreds of species of fungi that can cause it and the ability to infect more than 10,000 plant species. We will give you information about which home remedies can be used against mildew to successfully combat the fungal disease.
What are the different types of mildew?
- Downy mildew
This mildew usually starts as yellow spots but turns brown over time. It is found primarily on potatoes, grapes and other agricultural products.
- Powdery mildew – “fair weather mushrooms”
This mildew begins as gray or white spots but turns yellowish-brown or black over time. It mainly occurs on flowering plants. You can find some pictures in our article.
You can powdery mildewsuccessfully with natural means, such as baking soda and milk. However, these home remedies hardly work against downy mildew.
Which home remedies for mildew are effective?
Fight mildew with milk
Spraying milk on areas of plants that are showing symptoms helps control powdery mildew, especially when applied in the early stages of infection. This technique is popular with many organic farmers around the world and has been proven effective in studies conducted on tomatoes, vines, apples, pumpkins, cucumbers, zucchini and other plant species over the course of over 60 years. Scientists aren't sure why the milk is so effective, but they believe that the milk interacts with the sun to produce free radicals that are toxic to the fungus.
2 ways of application:
* Mix 60 parts water with 40 parts milk and spray affected plants every two weeks. For a strong effect you can also use whole milk without dilution.
* Mix 30 g of milk powder with 2 l of water and spray the affected plants every two weeks.
What helps with mildew? Vinegar
The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is very effective in controlling mildew. Be careful not to make the mixture too strong as the acidity of the vinegar can burn the plant leaves. Mix 4 tablespoons of vinegar with 4 liters of water. Reapply the mixture every three days.
Natural remedy for mildew
Baking soda has a pH of 9, which is very high. Treatment with baking soda raises the pH of the plants and creates a very alkaline environment that kills fungi. There are mixed reports of baking soda's success in treating severe cases, making it more suitable as a preventative treatment than a fungicide.
Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of liquid hand soap with 4 liters of water. Spray the solution onto the affected leaves and discard the remaining solution. Do not use the mixture in daylight and it is best to test it first to see if the solutionat the plantcauses sunburn.
Home remedies for mildew: garlic with neem oil
Garlic has a high sulfur content and is an effective antifungal. Garlic oil can be purchased commercially if you don't want to make the solution at home. It works best when added to organic oil blends.
Correct application:
Crush six cloves of garlic and add them to 1 ounce of an organic oil, such as neem oil, and 1 ounce of rubbing alcohol. Let the solution steep for 2 days. You should then strain the mixture, reserving the liquid and crushed garlic.
Soak the garlic again (this time in 8 ounces of water for a day). Strain the mixture and discard the crushed garlic. Add the oil-alcohol mixture and garlic water to 4 liters of water.Mist your plants, covering only the leaves.
What to do about mildew? Trimming or pruning
Remove the affected leaves, stems, buds, fruits or vegetables from the plant and discard them. Some perennials can be cut to the ground to encourage new growth. Do not compost damaged or diseased foliage as the spores can spread and persist in the composted material. Disinfect pruners and all tools after working on infected plants.
Home remedies for mildew on plants: mouthwash
Some people swear by mouthwash as an effective fungicide, but it is not organic. Add 250ml of mouthwash to 750ml of water.
Fight powdery mildew naturally with neem oil
Neem oil is derived from the seeds and fruit of the evergreen neem tree and is powerful enough to kill mildew in less than 24 hours. The oil works by interrupting the plant's metabolism and stopping spore production.
Mix 3 tablespoons of neem oil with 4 liters of water and spray the affected plants every 7 – 14 days. Be careful not to sunburn the leaves and not to spray the buds and flowers of the plant.