Mix potting soil yourself: What do you need for this cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative?

The biggest expense when gardening is often purchasing soil. However, the good news is that homemade potting soil is not only less expensive than commercially available ones, but it is also extremely easy to prepare! No matter what type of plant you want to grow, indoors or outdoors, this article will introduce you to all the ingredients you need if you want to mix your own potting soil.

Mix potting soil yourself – what are the advantages?

Although bags of potting soil are widely available in supermarkets, there is no reason to buy this bulk product. Mixing your potting soil yourself has several advantages.

  • Cheaper than buying ready-made mixes – Commercially made mixes are expensive to purchase, so you can save money by making your own mixes. The ingredients you need are inexpensive and can be used in many different homemade potting mix recipes.
  • Purchased soil often contains peat.It is more environmentally friendlyto mix the potting soil yourself.
  • You have control over the ingredients – Making your own potting soil allows you to use high-quality, organic ingredients. Because you get to decide what goes into the ingredients, you can avoid the chemicals and additives found in many commercial brands.
  • Mix only as much as you need – Homemade potting soil has the advantage of allowing you to prepare just as much as you need. When purchasing commercial potting soil, you should purchase a standard amount.
  • Fully Customizable – When you create your own blends, you can completely customize the recipe. With just a few basic ingredients you can create soil for a wide variety of plant needs.

Ingredients for homemade potting soil

You should have no problem finding these organic ingredients at any garden center.

Peat moss is a popular component

Every potting soil recipe starts with a basic ingredient, and peat moss is a popular ingredient. It provides ventilation and water retention. It is important to know that peat moss is acidic. So if you don't grow acid-loving plants, you need to add 1 tablespoon of garden lime for every 4 liters of peat mossthe pH valueto bring it to the neutral value of 7. Additionally, peat is usually packaged dry (because it is so much lighter), so you should moisten it before using it as potting soil.

Coconut fiber is a more sustainable alternative to peat moss

Another popular main ingredient is coconut fiber. It is a more sustainable alternative to peat moss as it is an organic product from the processing of coconuts. It is also neutral, so you don't have to worry about its acidity and there is no need to add lime to it. Coconut fiber typically comes in pressed blocks, so you'll need to chop it up and moisten it before using it. Once they are moistened, they will also expand a little. So be sure to add water before measuring them for your recipe.

Mix your own potting soil – compost adds important nutrients

A natural way to add essential nutrients to DIY potting soil is by adding compost. You canhomemade compost, mushroom compost, decomposed manure or worm castings. However, if you want to use your own compost, you should make sure it has been properly heated. Otherwise, it could contain bugs and weed seeds that you don't want to put in your mix.

Perlite improves drainage

If you've ever wondered what the white stuff in potting soil is, the answer is: perlite. It is often added to potting mixes to improve drainage and prevent soil compaction. Perlite also reduces the density of the mix, making it lighter and easier to handle. If you can't buy it anywhere, you can also use pumice stone.

Mix potting soil yourself - carbon-hard sand for better drainage

Many plant species require a quick-drying soil mix, and this is where sand comes into play. Not only does it provide better drainage, but it also ensures that the mixture remains workable. Just make sure you buy coarse sand, not very fine sand. If it is too fine, it can compact the soil and absorb too much water. Excellent alternatives to sand are peat or bird sand.

Vermiculite retains soil moisture

The biggest benefit of adding vermiculite to DIY potting mixes is that it retains moisture in the soil but also reduces soil compaction. It should be included in most potting mixes, especially if you tend to forget to water your plants. Exceptions are mixtures for succulents or cacti.

Mix potting soil yourself - garden gypsum provides calcium

This natural soil additive keeps the mixture porous and workable and is particularly suitable for loosening hard or heavy soils. Garden gypsum also provides calcium, an important nutrient found in many fruit-bearing and flowering plants, such as: B. vegetables.

Blood meal promotes the growth of green foliage

Another natural additive found in many commercial mixes is blood meal. It is an organic source of nitrogen that promotes the growth of healthy and lush green foliage. It is an excellent soil additive for annual and perennial plants and is also ideal for growing fruitful leafy vegetables.

Garden lime neutralizes acidic soils

Garden lime is also known as crushed limestone and is a natural additive that raises pH and neutralizes acidic soils. You should add it to any homemade potting mix recipe that uses peat moss. Unless they are plants that like acidic soil!

Also read:Home remedies for flies in the potting soil! These are really effective!