How to make a soil activator yourself and why it is beneficial for soil quality

Some people are not sure what the difference is between the activator and normal fertilizer. But it is actually the case that there is one. However, you don't need to apply a soil activator as often as you would fertilizer. As the name suggests, it is primarily used to activate the floor, i.e. to get it moving. Numerous products are available to buy ready-made in stores. However, you can also make a soil activator yourself.

The difference between fertilizer and activator

Photo: FotoDuets/Shutterstock

In principle, the soil activator is an extension of the fertilizer. It also supplies the soil with nutrients, but it should not simply “just” supply the plantsImprove soil quality in generaland thus promote soil life in the long term. A well-maintained garden usually does not need such an additive, but it can be used as a starting aid. It can in no way replace fertilizer applications, because the nutrients are the ones that play the biggest role afterwards.

For comparison

Design: Deavita/ Canva

So does a soil activator make sense for lawns etc.? Absolutely, but not at such frequent intervalslike fertilizer. How often then?

Foto: Simol1407/ Shutterstock

Before you get started, there are a few things you should get as you most likely won't have everything at home.

You need:

  • 1 – 2 L compost: contains the important microorganisms
  • 100 - 200 g rock dust: good source of minerals and balances theSoil pHout of
  • 100 g horn meal: provides nitrogen
  • 2 – 3 tbsp molasses or sugar: serves as food for the microorganisms
  • 1 liter of warm (not hot!) water

Other ingredients you can add if you want:

  • Nettle manure:Here's how to prepare them.
  • Eggshells: Process into powder or let it steep in water for a week (4 eggshells/liter) and use the water.
  • Wood ash: What you should consider when using ash in the gardenfind out here.
  • microorganisms
  • Biochar (biochar)
  • Clay minerals (e.g. zeolite, dolomite powder)
Foto: FotoHelin/ Shutterstock

And this is how everything is mixed:

  • Mix the compost with the rock dust.
  • Work in the horn meal.
  • Mix warm water with the sugar.
  • Stir until dissolved and then allow to cool.
  • Mix the cooled sugar water into the previously prepared compost mixture.

Allow the soil activator to sit for two to three days so that the microorganisms in it can multiply. For this it is important that it is warm and that you stir daily so that oxygen gets everywhere.

How long does a DIY soil activator last?

You should apply the soil activator as fresh as possible. So if it's not the season for tillage, it's a good idea to wait before you make the soil activator yourself.

How to use the soil booster

Photo: OlgaGi/Shutterstock

You have two options:

  1. Work the mixture directly into the soil during or after loosening it. This is useful if you want to work on large areas that have not yet been planted. You should then water the garden soil thoroughly. This allows the mixture to penetrate the soil better and also activates the microorganisms better.
  2. Make irrigation water and water the plants with it. In this case, mix it with water in a ratio of 1:10. Be generous when watering. This variant is practical if you want to improve beds that have already been planted.

How often and when to apply a soil activator?

Foto: Vitalii Stock/ Shutterstock

That depends on the condition of the soil. If it is already very drained, the improvement should be carried out several times a year until improvement occurs.

Is it located?Floor in normal condition:

  • Twice a year, in autumn and spring, if you alsoApply fertilizer.
  • Once between September and November. It is important that there is no ground frost yet, otherwise the soil activator cannot work.
  • A second time between March and May, before planting out the plants.

Is theFloor in poor condition:

  • Up to four times a year until the condition improves.
  • Twice at the periods mentioned above.
  • In addition, during the plant's growth phase, which is usually the case in summer. Make sure that the soil is not too dry, as the activator needs moisture to work.
  • Possibly a fourth time at any time between the other phases.