Fertilize clematis, but with what? 5 fertilizers and home remedies for blooming flowers

Clematis is one of the most beautiful flowering climbing plants. However, heavy eaters need a lot of nutrients for this. Then the question arises: What can you fertilize the clematis with and which home remedies should you stay away from?

How to fertilize clematis? This is what the fertilizer from the garden center should contain

Which fertilizer from the garden center is suitable for clematis? If you decide to use commercial fertilizers, then you can use an NPK fertilizer. These are fertilizers that contain nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in a certain ratio. The high concentration of these three macronutrients immediately boosts plant growth and flower formation. The fertilizer has a very quick effect and is perfect for heavy feeders like clematis. An NPK fertilizer with a low nitrogen content (5-10-10) is particularly good for you during the growing season. Administer this once in spring, at the start of the gardening season.

When the flower buds are around 5 cm long, you can alternately feed the plants with 5-10-10 and 10-10-10 fertilizers. You should administer the first variant once a month. The second variant is more balanced and must now be administered every 6 weeks.

Is rose fertilizer suitable?

Another variant of fertilizer from the garden center is rose fertilizer. This is a long-term fertilizer with an immediate effect. Most rose fertilizers contain the macronutrient elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 6 to 3 to 5 and then contain numerous micronutrients that are good for heavy eaters. The fertilizer pellets also score points with their high water storage capacity and can thereforeImprove garden soils and substrates. Since roses and clematis have similar soil requirements, you can also use similar fertilizers.

Fertilizing clematis: Which home remedies are suitable?

By the way, there are also numerous home remedies that you can use to care for your climbing plants. You have most of them at home anyway and there are some that anyone can get quickly. What is important about organic fertilizers from the household is that they take longer to develop their full effect and also that they work for a shorter time than commercially available fertilizers. Therefore, fertilizers should be administered more often than usual.

Why heavy eaters like coffee grounds

The coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen and also contain important nutrients such as calcium, potassium and other micronutrients. You can either add coffee grounds to the compost pile and then use the compost to fertilize the clematis plant, or incorporate coffee grounds directly into the potting soil. But be careful: too much of a good thing can also cause harm. More than 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds per square meter can form a water-impermeable barrier and prevent water absorption through the roots.

Horn shavings are a cheap long-term fertilizer

If you are looking for a suitable organic long-term fertilizer, then horn shavings are an option. They offer everything you need for a long flowering period and are particularly suitable for climbing plants. It is best to mix horn shavings with compost and work this nutrient-rich mixture into the substrate (for potted plants) or garden soil (for outdoor climbing plants).

Fertilize clematis: Make compost tea with brown layers

DieMaking compost teais incredibly easy and quick. The nutrient-rich substance is rich in microorganisms and nutrients. It promotes rich soil life and the growth of the number of beneficial bacteria. You need:

  • 4 liters of rainwater or chlorine-free tap water (simply pour the water into a bucket and let it sit for 24 hours)
  • 2 cups compost
  • 1 TL Molasses
  • 1 tsp brown layers

Mix all the ingredients in an empty bucket and let the “tea” steep for 24 hours. Dilute the compost tea before use: 4 cups of compost tea in 4 liters of water. Use it to water the clematis from above and then spray the leaves with the mixture. For the best possible results, fertilize the clematis with compost tea at least twice a week. This liquid fertilizer needs time to develop its full effect.

The clematis is one of the most beautiful permanent bloomers for the trellis, the house wall or the pergola. However, in order for it to bloom lushly in the flower box, pot or flower bed, the right nutrients are very important. You can choose a fertilizer from the garden center or aUse home remedies. The main thing is that they administer the fertilizer regularly.