A clematis is a real eye-catcher in the home garden. But to ensure that it blooms profusely and delights the eye with its splendor for a long time, proper care is crucial. This also includes thePruning in spring. We explain how to cut the clematis and what you should pay attention to.
Available in garden centersnumerous varieties of clematisto select. When to cut each plant depends on when it produces its flowers. The clematis are therefore divided into three cutting groups. As a rule, early-flowering varieties are not cut. Hybrids that bloom twice a year are thinned out in autumn. Summer-flowering clematis need heavy pruning in spring.
Cutting group 1 blooms in spring
The clematis, which belong to cutting group 1, bloom in spring. Some varieties bloom a second time in late summer. They do not require severe pruning. If necessary, the plant can be thinned out a little in early summer after the end of the flowering period. However, make sure that you only remove diseased, crossing and old shoots. Cutting group 1 includes, among other things, the various anemone and alpine clematis.
Cutting Clematis Montana:The alpine clematis is only cut when necessary. A sure sign that the clematis needs pruning is its willingness to bloom. If this wears off after a few years, then a caring cut is recommended at the end of the flowering period. It is best to do this in May/June and not in midsummer.
When to cut the clematis cutting group 2?
Cutting group 2 includes clematis hybrids. In spring they form flowers on old shoots from the previous year, which then wither at the end of June. After the end of the flowering period, they sprout again and bloom a second time at the end of summer. These clematis varieties are lightly pruned in late August - early September.
Cutting clematis flowers:To encourage renewed flowering in late summer, the withered flowers are removed immediately after the end of the flowering period in spring. The pair of leaves located under the flower should also be cut off.
Clematis peep schneiden:This variety requires regular pruning. It is best done in the fall. Over time, the stems of the plants become bare, thin and brittle. Then pruning is necessary in the spring before sprouting again. The beginning of March is the right time for this. The clematis hybrid should only be cut back to half.
Clematis Multi Blue schneiden:This variety also blooms twice a year and is only thinned out slightly in autumn after the end of the flowering period. The shoots are shortened by a quarter.
Clematis cutting group 3
The third group includes those varieties that bloom late. Their flowering period extends from July to September. These plants are cut back heavily in February - March. This pruning promotes growth and can extend the flowering period in summer.
Cutting Clematis viticella:These plants freeze back in winter. The dead above-ground plant parts protect the roots from frost, snow and rain. After the end of winter, preferably in February and March, the old shoots are cut close to the ground.
Pruning clematis rouge cardinal:The variety “Rouge Cardinal” also belongs to cutting group 3. The flowering plant requires pruning in spring when its shoots are shortened to 40 cm above the ground.
Cutting clematis: Is it possible to prune when there is frost in spring?
The different clematis varieties have very different mechanisms for overwintering. Cold frosts and late frosts put strain on the clematis. The interfaces are particularly sensitive to frost, so the clematis should only be cut on sunny and warm days.
Cut dry clematis: Pruning is necessary if there is a fungal infection
Most clematis varieties are very hardy plants. However, the clematis are susceptible to fungi. If the plant is not treated in time, in the worst case scenario it can die. The first step is to remove all diseased shoots, flowers and leaves. Only the affected parts of the plant are cut off.
I forgot to prune my clematis!
The clematis can thrive for one or two years even without pruning. So if you forgot to prune the clematis of pruning group 2, you can do it next year. The plants that belong to cutting group 3 can also tolerate pruning in spring and can then recover quickly.
The lushly blooming clematis is a real eye-catcher in the home garden. Whether as a soloist on flower tendrils orin combination with roses: the clematiscan be staged in many ways. However, in order for the climbing plant to thrive for a long time, pruning is necessary. The time for a cut depends on which cutting group the respective variety belongs to.