Cutting the yew: When is the right time for a radical cut and when – for a topiary?

The yew is an evergreen, very robust topiary. In the garden it is often used as a hedge plant. It is a true survivor and has no special requirements when it comes to location and soil. The only thing that is important when it comes to care is the cut. Because the tree is the only one among themnative hedge plants, which can tolerate both radical pruning and caring topiary. We explain when to cut the yew.

Pruning yew: The right time is crucial for the final result

A caring cut once or twice a year ensures even growth. The yew hedge will become opaque in just a few years because the plant sprouts vigorously. Depending on whether it is an old or young plant and the purpose of the cut, the right time can also be determined.


  • The right oneTime for a topiaryis between March and April. It is best to prune the yew tree on a frost-free day. It is not advisable to cut in late spring and summer: the strong sunlight can burn the cuts. The result: the branches turn yellow and die. If you cut the tree in spring or late winter, it will produce red berries.
  • Severe pruning is an option if the yew tree is affected by diseases or pests or if it has not been cut for years. Such a radical cut should be done at the end of February - beginning of March, before the plant comes out of winter dormancy and sprouts again.

When is a cut allowed?

A radical cut is legally permitted until the end of February. The birds' breeding season begins in March. A caring topiary is permitted, but you should first check whether there are birds nesting in the hedge.

Cutting the poisonous yew: You should take this into account

The yew is a very poisonous tree. Almost all parts of the plant contain taxin, which is fatal to humans and animals even in minimal doses. Families with children and pets should therefore avoid a yew hedge.

If you already have a yew hedge in your garden, you should not take any special protective measures when cutting it. It is sufficient if you wear cut-resistant garden shoes and dispose of the clippings immediately.

Can you cut the yew tree in frost?

The yew is a hardy plant. However, you should not cut them when there is frost. The interfaces are particularly sensitive and can dry out quickly. If the frost damage is too severe, the entire plant can even die.

Cut yew hedges

When cutting a yew hedge, the first thing you should pay attention to is the shape of the hedge. A trapezoidal shape means that the lower branches also receive sufficient sunlight. If the hedge height is between 1.5 and 2 meters, you should keep the hedge at least 80 cm wide in the lower area.

Shorten the old shoots by a quarter and the new ones by 20 cm. You can also thin out the hedge. Even a young hedge should be trimmed annually.

Cutting the yew: radical cutting

With a radical cut, the yew needs time to sprout again. The end of February is therefore the perfect time. Shorten all shoots back by two thirds. Then provide the plant with water and slow-release fertilizer to promote growth. It may take the yew tree 1-2 years to recover.

Cutting yew: topiary

The yew is not only a hedge plant, but also a topiary. It tolerates a topiary cut without any problems. Beginners should start with simple geometric shapes: a cube or a pyramid are ideal as first attempts. Experienced hobby gardeners first use pruning shears to shape the tree and then use secateurs to shape the details. The rule of thumb applies: the more complicated the shape, the more often you should use the scissors. With spirals, you need to prune the plant three times a year: in spring, late spring and fall.

Young plants tolerate topiary best. Start doing this in the first year.

Care after pruning

To promote the growth of the plant after cutting, you should fertilize and water the yew tree regularly. Liquid fertilizer is not the optimal choice for hedge plants; it is better to use complete fertilizer. This is worked into the soil two to three times a year. Frost protection is not necessary, the yew will recover quickly.

The yew is an easy-care,Cut-friendly and robust topiary. However, when cutting, you should adhere to several simple basic rules. Above all, the right time is crucial for the end result.