Fighting fleas in the garden: This is how you get rid of the pest in summer

How can you successfully combat a flea infestation in your garden? Which natural methods and home remedies can be used effectively? How can you make the most of using diatomaceous earth, dish soap, nematodes, flea traps, cedarwood, and polei mint to get rid of those pesky fleas? What are effective prevention measures to avoid a new flea infestation?

There are so many things to enjoy in the summer, but fleas aren't one of them. They are small, shy and reproduce quickly. They affect pets and can be a real threat to human health as they can also transmit diseases and parasites. Read on to find out how you can fight fleas in the garden and ensure many relaxing summer days outdoors.

Fight fleas in the garden: Use these methods to keep them away

A flea infestation in the garden can cause a whole range of problems for both people and pets. You can control fleas with chemicals and insecticides, but these can be very dangerous for children and animals. Therefore, it is much better to treat the infestation using natural methods and home remedies.

Dispel with diatomaceous earth

One of the best natural remedies for outdoor flea control is diatomaceous earth. It is non-toxic to humans and animals, but can effectively kill fleas.

Simply spread a thin layer of the powder around the garden and it will dry out the unwanted insects. Please note that you should use them in dry weather and reapply them after rainfall. You can easily spread the diatomaceous earth onto the affected areas using a spreader. Don't forget to apply the diatomaceous earth to grass and mulch as well, and also think about your pet's favorite sleeping place.

You can also make a solution of diatomaceous earth and water and spray the garden. Therefore, you should mix 100g of diatomaceous earth with 3L of water and treat the outdoor area when the weather is dry for at least a week. Follow-up treatment is required after one week.

Make an effective spray with dishwashing liquid

You can fight fleas in the garden with a homemade spray with dishwashing liquid.

Fill a sprayer with water and add 30 ml of dishwashing liquid. Spray the entire garden with this solution in the evening. If fleas are still present the next day, repeat the process in the evening.

Follow-up treatment is required every 10 days to kill the flea eggs. At the same time, bathe your dog with dish soap to kill the insects in the fur.

Use nematodes against fleas

The easiest way to combat fleas in the garden is through predators. Nematodes are tiny worms that are harmless to humans, animals and plants. They are available at most garden centers and are useful against various pests.

Nematodes should be mixed with water and sprayed in the garden in a short time as they are living organisms that are also meant to breathe. Also make sure that nematode treatment should be done in the morning, evening or on a cloudy day because they are sensitive to light and heat.

You can increase the effectiveness of nematodes by combining this method with the dish soap solution. After spreading the nematodes around the garden, spray the garden areas weekly with the solution of dish soap and water. Be careful with the succulents and rinse them with water after spraying.

Make your own flea trap

You can make a flea trap and place it in the garden. Fill a wide bowl with water and dish soap and place it next to a lamp or candle. A tea candle is also suitable for placing in the middle of the bowl. The light and heat will attract the fleas and if they enter the water they will drown and be killed by the dish soap. They should do this regularly at night when they are active.

If you use candles for this, make sure they are placed on a stable surface and away from children and pets.

Prevent fleas in the garden with cedar wood

If you have successfully combated fleas in the garden, you should take some preventive measures.

Remove any garden debris such as fallen branches or leaves that retain moisture to give fleas less room to thrive.

Fleas dislike the smell of cedar and avoid it, making it an effective preventative for the garden. The strong smell of the wood also repels antsand ticks off. To keep the annoying insects away permanently, spread cedar mulch around the edges of your garden and in areas where you have discovered fleas.

Repel the annoying insects with polei mint

Polei mint is a very effective plant against fleas,wasps and other insects. Plant them in the garden or spread tea bags containing the dried herb in various places to repel the annoying insects. Pay careful attention to children and pets as Polei mint is poisonous.