Winter frost can damage potted plants. If the water in the soil freezes, either the saucer or planter will crack. You need to ensure that the water flows through and away from the buckets. You can find out how to provide frost protection for potted plants in this article.
There are some simple measures you need to take to save your potted plants from the cold. You only need a few materials and we'll show you how to do it. You can use some of these ideas to ensure the survival of plants that otherwise wouldn't survive the winter. Selecting suitable winter-hardy potted plants and pots made of suitable material is also important for the correct winter protection for potted plants.
Frost protection for potted plants by covering them
Covering plants in winter is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect themto protect against frost. There are many ways to cover your container plants and their containers including cloches, row covers, blankets. Cloches are often used for smaller plants. A cloche protects against the cold by trapping the warmth of sunlight inside. A cloche can be a plastic or glass container used to cover a plant.
The easiest way to make a cloche yourself is to cut off the bottom of any plastic bottle and place the lid over a plant. At night, when it gets too cold, the heat trapped in a cloche keeps the plants warm. For large plants, you should use row covers or blankets.
Secure insulation for the buckets in winter
Proper insulation for your pots in winter plays a big role in maintaining heat in the root area and therefore preventing the plants from freezing. Wrap the pots in burlap, bubble wrap, old blankets to protect the plants from the cold. It is not necessary to wrap the entire plant as it is the roots that need to be shielded. These protective covers help to retain heat and keep it in the root area. This also prevents the water in the ground from freezing.
Place potted plants indoors
You can bring your potted plants into the house,when there is a risk of frost. Simply bring your pots into the house at night and bring them out again when the temperatures are higher. You can also keep your plants in the garage or greenhouse during the frosty season to protect them from cold and wind.
You just need to make sure that the potted plants receive enough sunlight. Place them near windows or under a skylight so they get enough sun. Avoid areas where potted plants might be exposed to cold drafts (near windows) or hot air (near heating vents).
Choose cold-resistant plants
Choosing hardy plants is one of the most effective ways to keep your potted plants alive over the winter. When purchasing plants, pay attention to the hardiness zones in which the plants can survive.
The best container plants that are hardy include:
- Pansies, violas and violets (Viola spp.)
- Cornflower (Centuarea cyanus)
- Zierkohl (Brassica oleracea)
- Cowslip (Primula acaulis)
- Persian buttercup (Ranunculus asiaticus)
Which pots are suitable for overwintering plants
Choose containers that are well suited to winter conditions. Both fiberstone planters and plastic planters are ideal for outdoor use. However, some plastic containers require more care because, if neglected, they can crack as the freezing soil expands as it freezes inside them in cold weather. Fiberglass, lead, iron, heavy plastic, and stone are the best weatherproof vessels.
How to Save Frozen Plants
If we have failed to protect the plants from freezing and they have been damaged, we can try to limit the losses by taking proper care of the frozen plants.
First of all, remember that frozen plant parts are quickly destroyed when exposed to sunlight. It is therefore very important to shade frozen plants so that their tissue can slowly thaw over several hours. If there is not enough shade, you can also run the lawn sprinkler - thawing under cold water also reduces the damage. The stream of water should be gentle so as not to break the tough stems and leaves.
Cut off the affected areas. Be careful not to damage the healthy parts of the plants. Move the frozen plants to a warmer location such as a garage or greenhouse. This way you give them the opportunity to recover.